got called the n word and then banned from a server called daddys kittens once

this game will always have a genuinely special place in my heart. has it been upstaged by many others like it in the years since? yes. is the game still incredible? yes.

once lost 250 mmr from one match with 3 leavers so yeah, games pretty good i think

this game is older than i am!!

a bit rough on the edges but holy fuck is this game fun once you get into it. I was gonna play the first 20 or so minutes before bed one night and ended up finishing the whole thing in one playthrough. if you're into this, katana zero is an improvement on the idea imo.

really makes you FEEL like a jedi

gets twice as many stars as mk8 standard because of 2 items

pretty cool but i can't make a computer and google how to make a bomb, so

i wanna make a serious review about how unbalanced and dogshit this game is but it's already wasted too much of my time

holy fuck lois i'm literally the last bastion of humanity against a ruthless demon invasion caused by alien beings beyond the scope of humanity's reach among the stars


no naked character mods fucking sucks