42 reviews liked by Pankit

Side order is another proof that the Splatoon gameplay loop works better in more diversity than just PvP, it's a shame it's so short, most people beat it with their first 3 runs, and it's hard not to with the stupid amount of op perma upgrades they give you right away, but eventually its just to keep you engaged, you can set your own difficulty in very big drastic ways, and the gameplay loop is Splatoon pve, which is super engaging anyways
Its a really good dlc, though wish it got updates to add more content to it

I fucking hate this game but when they got a hot bitch on a banner my brain rewires itself and I go back into loving this game until the hate comes back and another hot bitch sets me back on course.

I Love Fire Emblem.

all the fucked up parts of this game are actually good if you assume the setting is a wasteland post apocalyptic america

wonderful, charming and very cute. this game does have huge tedium but nothing that can't be made more serviceable with modern emulation tools, guides and rom-hacks.

don't let the platform of origin deceive you, this game is incredibly ambitious for the hardware that carries it and the time. it wonderfully pushes the NES and created a beautiful narrative sparkled with classic mother series humour, at a time where plenty of games a lot less ambitious than this one were coming out.

heartfelt, charming and incredibly human in a way that seems hard to do on an NES, the way text scrolls on the NES in fact adding to this charm and making punchlines land stronger.

I would caution against assuming this to be a "worse attempt at earthbound" or "just dragon quest", this game does provide a lot of its own merit to stand on if you do desire to tread past it's tedium.

a game that in my mind is defined by it's ambitions, it's technological limitations, it's game design errors and by its legacy.

Genuinely my favourite Fire Emblem game. Its a game known for being janky as hell and that's pretty true, with wack units, low hit rates, gimmicky and annoying gaiden chapters, and there's probably more that can be said.

In spite of that, it has really solid maps and those shaky hit rates and gaiden chapter requirements force you to think a lot. I find a lot of fun in using the game's wack ass nobody characters like Dorothy or even Sophia because you can find ways to level them up or give them a purpose in a chapter. Even with very strong units like Rutger, Perceval and Melady available there is still room for other characters to contribute. Roy is infamously bad, but he becomes more like a king on a chess board where you need to think carefully to keep him alive and that ties really well into his character. Not for everyone but he isn't without merit.

Story is simple and could use more characters for Roy to interact with but it does its job. Elibe is a well realised setting, with each country having a distinct and memorable role. Supports were introduced in this game, and while they can be too short and simple at times the game has a lot of good ones. Roy, Shanna, Sue, Lugh, Igrene, Echidna, and Dorothy just to name a few. Just read them on an FE wiki tho, the GBA support system sucks.

I still can't play persona 3 reload which means I'm actually gonna kms some time from now because wow am I gonna go crazy if I can't play that game soon lawd

so what happened is that my mind went mmmmm okay you can't really play p3r you should just finish that “the answer playthrough ™” you had going on , biggest mistake of my life possibly worst 30 hours of my entire being and trust me I had and have rough times

mind you the answer is the canonic epilogue of the persona 3 experience you get the final stretch of the game where people are actually coping with the loss of *+;£&×]”> and for that reason you actually get some insight on the aftermath of that event playing in the shoes of cunty apathetic robot aegis who all of the sudden gets the power of the former main character while he watches all this when the dormitory becomes a close space in which the only date possible on the calendar is March 31th which is pretty funny cause this year its gonna be Easter I love gregorian calendar and also the only possible way to understand what's happening is another android with a siscon that comes out from a hole in the ground and just starts talking about killing everybody to save aegis I just love sisterhood <3

so yeah at this point they just get some answers out of her and the TLDR is theres a huge abyss under the dormitory she's doesn't know anything apart from destruction and for some reason she's related to aegis and has a persona and at this point anxiety kicks in . is the abyss gonna be … tartarus v02 ? and the answer is not only is the abyss of dick sucked gonna be worse than OG tartarus its gonna be even more boring way harsher incredibly unbalanced for the sake of making the game harder and padding for play time and with bosses that seemingly have elution 3000 so that you're really gonna love grinding for those 5 minutes cutscenes in total

see the thing is this the answer is advertised as being a harder mode of the original persona 3 and that means that you're gonna have NO persona compendium whatsoever the enemies are gonna FUCK . YOU . UP . and the only thing you can do for them to not ride you condom less is grinding levels over levels and personas over personas until you can have a chance to do an all out attacks to bosses way out of your league

I don't really mind an harder challenge but I don't think that all these handicaps actually make for a fun ride altogether you can be the best tactician of the world and still do 10 dmg all out attacks so what's actually the point of this if the only real solution is grinding

for the most part the cutscenes are really interesting and make for some great insight to each character even though the real meat of the narrative is gonna be encountered at the end of the game but to be honest at this point it's not really worth it to grind 5 hours for 5 minutes cutscenes

apart from the duck taped gameplay the themes of coping with grief and moving on really resonated with me it's something that accompanies each and every one of us and somehow the characters in this game all had to cope with some type of loss in their lives and try to overcome it together . for as much as I liked this stuff I guess its pretty underdeveloped throughout the little you're gonna see of each character is so fucking good and then the escalation of this incredible thematic approach is a BATTLE ROYALE ??? you're fucking with me rn

metis is a nice addition to a cast of mentally troubled teens but she's also less developed than I wanted her to be theres a lot of great great scenes with her mainly the fucking crying fit that unfortunately hit way less than they should be due to how messy this storyline was developed and while many of you are not gonna be with me on this one . I really enjoy yukaris characterisation here not only did they not ruin the character for me but they even enhanced her image in my mind making her skyrocket in the pantheon of persona characters

stories and characters resonate with people for different reasons and in different times of their lives and I really understand yukaris pov in this one she's just trying so hard to convince herself that she absolutely overcame her grief even though as soon as the possibility presents itself for the loss to come back she's gonna do everything in her power to accomplish that . humans have a lot of ugly feelings and while you can try to suppress them in situations of great stress or when the things you value are at stake they're gonna vomit the worst onto others to get what they want

yeah she's a bitch in this epilogue and so what if you had the ability to make someone you care about come back and had other people just move on without looking back would you actually have the tenacity to do so ? think about that and then conclude your opinion on the answers yukari

or maybe im reading too much into this and she's actually just a fucking bitch but who am I to judge she's still hot as shit !!!!!

that being said the final stretch of the game is insanely good a huge part of me is trying to stop myself to say this but I want to be fucked by the final boss im sorryyyyyyyyyyy bestiality kink shamers look away I also wanted to fuck a lot of colossi in shadow of the colossus so I'm too far from God already

goated storyline goated ending I would rather watch cutscenes online than actually playing this again and I advice for all of you to just watch that 2hr and a half cutscene compilation instead of playing this because everybody who said this is bad is right but I'm too in love with p3 to shit on in so seethe and cope

door kun memes are funny sometimes

This is a game of choice. All outcomes are dealt by your hand. There is no room for error, no mistakes to be made, no extraneous activity set up to prey on your downfall. All that is asked of you is to select a case.

Are you confident in your decisions? Do you trust yourself enough to follow through to the end? How long do you believe you can stay confident in your selection? That is not what matters now. At the moment, you have six cases to eliminate from the pool.

One falls. Another. Then another. Four. Five. Six. Some lucky drops. Some higher than you would have liked. Out of obligation, you are now given the choice to finish the game immediately, taking a definitive offer totaled from your remaining potentialities. Usually no higher than ~70,000 dollars. The choice is yours. Deal, or No Deal?

Well, that's ridiculous. Look at the board! You still have several hundred thousands awaiting you! You would be a fool to accept that puny an amount with such high odds of success! No deal, banker.

Continue forward. Please remove five more cases from the stage. One... two... oh, dear. A major hit to your possible winnings. This will not go over well in your next offer. Nevertheless, all you can do is continue forward. Three, four, five.

The banker has returned with a new offer. You have gained an additional ten, maybe fifteen thousand to your deal. All you have to do is accept. But that is not what you are here for. You are behind the podium because of the big one million that still eludes you. It could be sitting right next to you, for all you know. This is another deal you cannot make.

As the game progresses, you start to feel it. Your confidence is waning. Your options are diminishing, and so, too, are your prizes. Your decisions have led you to exhilarating highs, and heart wrenching lows. You have lost your chance at the fabled one million dollar prize, but that does not mean you are out just yet. You can keep going. $750,000 is still a fair amount. If not that, then 500,000. Do not let this one instance tear you away from victory.

The banker has returned. You have done well, and are rewarded with the promise of a definitive 200,000 dollars, at the least. Deal, or No Deal?

Not good enough.

You have made it this far. You can go higher. There is still that non-zero chance of half a million. Do not accept the deal. Do not settle for mediocrity. Is that how you want to live? To spend your restless nights tossing and turning over what could have been? No deal.

Ahead of you lies four more cases. Choose one.

Your best bet crumbles.

The banker is not pleased.

The deal is dropped, and it is now clear to you that perhaps you should have left when you were given a satisfactory result. But that is not what you are here for.

One more case.

Down goes your saving grace. There is nothing left for you.

The banker has given you one final chance. Will you count your losses, accepting the perfect in-between of your last two cases? Or do you still think you can beat the odds?

At what point would you still consider it worth it? The only thing keeping you going anymore is your ego, which has tumbled time and time again as you decline each and every out. If you leave now, you will not only leave unhappy, but unfulfilled. Despite it all, there is still that looming sense of achievement that comes from taking your shot, and making it out stronger than you could have.

Do not accept the deal.

Your odds are now 50/50. There is no middle ground anymore. There is no settlement to be made. You refused what was given to you, because you held out hope. Hope that got you nowhere. You have one final decision. Will you swap your case for what is left on stage, or will you stay true to your first choice, the case that has stayed by your side since the beginning?

Your confidence is what pulled you through to begin with. You promised to see it through to the end. You will not let anything tell you otherwise. Win or lose, you have always stayed true to yourself. You have what you want. You know what is best for you. With no one to blame but yourself, you have lost everything, but you know there is still more waiting for you.


I chose to keep my case. Given the possibility of one hundred dollars or five, I decided not to swap.

I walked out with five dollars. I won five dollars. Nothing brought about this result against my wishes. Everything that happened in this game was under my hand. I have trouble even calling myself a winner, given that there was no opponent to beat, no loser to be seen. I can't blame the game, or another person, or any other outside force. I chose this outcome, and I did everything in my power to keep it that way. Myself. Such is the thrill, and the horrors, of Deal or No Deal.

metaphorical character study of its creator that proves games are viable as an art form

Majin Tensei is the perfect idea on paper - mixing the demon collecting and ideological battles of SMT with the tactical gameplay of Fire Emblem. Unfortunately, the execution is severely flawed.

While this game has everything you'd expect, including a large variety of demons to recruit, elemental weaknesses, strategizing with terrain, and even multiple endings, it's all bogged down by map design that is okay at best, and unforgivable at worst.

Many maps are absolutely gigantic for no discernible reason and littered with weak opponents that serve no purpose other than to waste time. If that wasn't enough, this game also features a staggering 59 stages, not counting repeats if you want certain endings. Enemy turns play out at an abysmally slow pace as the camera pans between 30-40 demons who sit motionless. If you're playing this on real hardware without some kind of fast forward function, it's easily a 60-80 hour game. About a quarter of the stages could be cut and it would still feel bloated with nothing very exciting to show for.

On a brighter note, Majin Tensei has one of the best soundtracks on the Super Famicom, and the sprite art is pretty incredible. It's worth giving this game a look, but unless you're among the most dedicated Megaten fans or you're just really thirsty for an SRPG, it is very hard to recommend a full playthrough.

This game aged badly in the best way. An epic comedy of overly ambitious AI entities erratically looping their way through an expansive realm that was supposed to be jungle in the established lore but that probably would have been too hard to pull off graphically and also Todd had just seen Lord of the Rings.