Being in the middle of completing my 3rd save file I think I can safely state that I like this game.

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>game called "hollow knight"
>plot of the game is about the hollow knight not being hollow at all

it's peak
haha get it

i don't even know how to make pizza and i love this game

You enter one portal and you come out from the other one. Incredible.

The best part of the game is when the little british ball throws you into the abyss where you and your potato girlfriend have to listen to Omni Man screaming "I HATE LEMONS!!!"

Im fucking awesome at this game
I wish it was better

there are games that ruin friendships
but this isn't one of them
this one makes the bond between you and your bro even stronger

edmund mcmillen try to make a game where fully 100% completing it isn't cock and ball torture challenge


"Fish" is a great game made by Phil Fez

its fun for a while but man i wish it got updates

"Robetry Top" is a great game made by Geomert Dashala

i liked the part when the suspicious bird guys were whispering about me having a small pp

polish people are forced to play this when they are kids