It's nice but I'd sure love to have those 1800+ hours of my life back.

Fun game despite how unrealistic Downtown Minneapolis is. Minnesotans are too nice to run you over.

The first RPG I ever finished growing up, so I have a soft spot for it despite its warts. Shoutouts to some rando's GameFAQs guide for helping my dumb kid brain get through the ending and post-game content!

Too much of a letdown to continue playing. It's like they took everything magical about Runner 2 and stripped it all away.

This game felt massive to me as a kid, and with each playthrough I kept discovering new rooms and items years later. On rare occasions, I'll still have dreams about playing it and finding something I've never seen before. A truly special and formative experience for me.

I really don't understand the hate behind this game. This is hands down the best entry in the classic series. Why complain about the removal of the slide and charge shot when the entire game's built around just jumping and shooting?

The levels, weapons, bosses, music, and presentation are all in top form. And I can't really say that about any of the other games. They took all the lessons learned from the first three NES games and made something truly spectacular.

It's not the best game in the classic series, but it'll always be my favorite. Love the bright, cheesy, Saturday morning cartoon vibes, and all the weapons are super fun to play around with.

The perfect game for when you wanna drink a soda and fart so hard that you kill a man.

The cinematics, art direction, and gameplay have all aged like wine - even if the difficulty has not. Checkpoints are sparse and setbacks are brutal, especially if you're a completionist. While it may hurt to play a lot more than its refined sequel, the tone and stakes of Abe's first story always keep me coming back.

Desu bōru.
Desu bōru.
Desu bōru.
Desu bōru.

Some small bits and flourish add just enough to keep the series fresh, though I'd still recommend X or X4 for newcomers to the series. What the game lacks in innovation, it makes up for in its storytelling and atmosphere. It may not be the best, but it's still an entry I enjoy and would willingly go back to.

Tied with the first game for my favorite entry in the Mega Man X series, and a wonderful gateway into the games for new players. Having two playable characters was a much needed breath of fresh air after playing the SNES games. Zero's my favorite to play as and I love what they did with his weapon upgrades. While it's a little too easy for my liking, every playthrough is a still a blast.

The absolute best game released on the PS1. Period.

I've played a lot of shmups and can safely say this is one of the best I've ever played. The arm switching and ship types add a surprising level of depth to what would otherwise be a pretty straightforward game. Great music and atmosphere too, but I'd expect no less from Square in their prime. It's a little on the shorter side, but it's helped by Hard difficulty being no slouch.