89 Reviews liked by PixieMoonMagic

Very jank, but still great

The questlines are still infinitely more interesting than most of Skyrim's. Wish the levelling system didn't encourage you to cheese it to be able to keep up with enemies.

I love this game and it's prob one of my most played games of all time but I can recognize its flaws. I want to preface this by saying I exclusively played this game solo, and only did story content. No raids or guilds or non do that, I don't even really know what those are tbh. But, I played Sith inquisitor all the way to the second latest DLC. I love this game, but the combat can be extremely boring, and this game sometimes feels like it's 50% traveling which is also boring. Some classes have an extremely boring story. I love the role playing elements, and I think this is an unpopular opinion but kotet and kotfe were my favorite parts of the game. The scale felt massive and being able to be your own faction felt amazing. People didn't like it because they felt it was to linear from what I've heard but I love it.

Awesome for its time, but a little unplayable nowadays. The Sims 4 should've just been this but with better graphics.

best sims game there ever will be i miss you baby

everything is on fire except its more entertaining

Stunning world and good story. Super fun.

While I do hate RTWP, the greatness of this game is undeniable. The definition of ahead of its time.

This game is really great, but it hadn't quite hit the heights of Baldur's Gate 2 yet. The combat was always the weakest part of these games, but lower level AD&D feels less annoying than higher level play, making it slightly less annoying here than in 2 atleast.

I enjoyed Baldur’s Gate a lot—I feel like I need to replay the game to really collate my thoughts on it, though, especially given how dense it is. Definitely recommend, however.

the original eq owes all of its obfuscated, byzantine, immersive designs to the mannerbund of early d&d and the devil-may-care halcyon days of trailblazing a genre proper. influences are everything; these guys got it perfect

Back in like year 2000, I had to play the demo because my dad did not want me to play online (I was 11).

Dad drowned in the Halas water. It was literally pitch black screen underwater so he got desperate and had me locate his body at the bottom. Can't remember how long it took to find, but after that I was allowed to play.

Just the right balance of exploration and progression without holding your hand. Not a theme park MMO trying to boost you to max level as soon as possible.

Admittedly, without nostalgia for it the combat speed may be too big of a barrier to overcome.

Still playing on and off on different progression servers to this day!

The Best that FaceBook ever had to offer. 🤣

mechs in low-ceiling hallways, yippie

Probably the easiest game of the original trilogy, which would explain why it was my favorite while growing up. I actually enjoyed the race levels, but even at the time I thought the game relied on them a little too much. Still lots of fun and a great experience overall.