This game is great it takes all the strengths from the previous entries and you get the most fun combat system of the entire series. The story and characters both old and new continue to be likable and fun. This game does Nero more justice as he is much better in this game as the main protagonist. The combos in this game flow so well and gives 3 unique play styles with Dante, Nero and V. Probably my least favorite parts in the game are probably the V sections as he isnt as much in the enemies face and for some reason he gets the boss gauntlet level. This game was so good i ended up playing it twice with playing vergil on hard difficulty which gave me one of the most fun experiences i ever had with an action game with the final boss fights in the game being a fun challenge

Damn my 500 dollar cooling fan came with a game cool bonus

This game was a massive improvement to the already decent first game and you get one of the strongest entries in the series. Every single case is connected in someway and the twists of whats going on is just great just like any other Ace Attorney game. Edgeworth continues to grow even further as a character (whos secretly a weeb for Steel Samurai) as hes strays away from what made him an antagonist from the previous entries. The new characters were just great and were as just well developed as Edgeworth was with the antagonist being very interesting to find out who it was. i thought every single case (case 2 was probably the weakest) was extremely solid and just kept getting more interesting as you kept playing. the localizers did a great job to make it just like an official translation

This game is everything I wanted in a remake since i have never actually finished the original FES verison, this was my opportunity to finally play it with modern graphics and changes. Personally I didnt mind the gameplay loop of going to Tartarus reach the road block and continue the story because I really enjoyed the pacing because I felt there were fewer parts that felt like a slog compared to persona 5 not to mention there isn't a cat nagging at you to go to sleep every day so it feels like you have more control in your free time in that regard. As of the date I'm writing this review, this is my favorite cast and story of the series due to how strong the overall plot and the synergy of the team with this overarching theme the story tells and its execution is done really well. The cast is probably my favorite in the series because of their synergy and their interactions through the story (Junpei is da man 😎). The recasting of the voice actors was a great move since all the major cutscenes of the game are great and give the same emotion and maybe even stronger than FES/portable. This is definitely the definitive version to play the game if you are playing it for the first time or if you played FES/Portable before. There is a very high chance you will cry at this game

Being the introduction to the megaten series to the west and what better way than to show your mascot game in Nintendo's new "innovative" console.
The game is a top down shooter puzzle game where you go through 5 stages to go back to the monster world as either of the 3 jack bros the plot of the game goes. the 3 selectable characters Frost, Lantern, and Skeleton have different abilities to could go for a different playstyle. The plot of the game is very cute and charming for SMT standards and seemed to be aimed at kids as most of the demon names were simplified for a Western audience. That being said, the game plays like an arcade title in the way that the difficulty spikes up extremely high due to the game's obstacles and the game's health system. Instead of having hit points your timer is your health so depending on what you get hit by you lose HP making the final boss extremely hard due to not the boss itself, but the spikes that are borderline hard to dodge with the bullets the boss is shooting. Was overall a nice cute game until the end level being extremely hard

This was a pretty decent game for it being made in the span of a week because it was able to have the same mechanics of the original game translated into 3d which is impressive of itself. You can clearly tell its inspired by the 3d marios like 64 and sunshine since madeline poses that she got a berry like mario got a star and the cassette levels mimic sunshine's fluudless levels. Very fun and short game overall if you enjoyed the original celeste

This was unironically a very decent Sonic game for it being an april fools joke when it came out. The game is a Visual Novel and it plays like a Danganronpa/Ace Attorney lite as its very simple with gathering evidence and interrogating the characters. There is even a Danganronpa similar mechanic of logic dive how your character figures out the mystery. The art and soundtrack of this game is high quality and you can obviously tell there was a lot of effort put into the game.

This has its own great style and personality when it comes to the art style and soundtrack that made it a cult classic to this day and I got curious about playing this game and took the opportunity to play it before it got delisted from the xbox store. That being said, the controls are very janky and clunky as its very easy to lose momentum. Despite that, its very fun to play through and short as there's 3 main maps to go through and a good selection of characters with their own personality. The soundtrack definitely makes the game much more fun and entertaining. I hope to see more of this series with its return coming soon having been announced as it deserves to get brought back into the spotlight.

A game from my childhood I remember i really liked and decided to play to see how it held up but this time i decided to play the ps1 version instead of the n64 like i did to see if there was anything different to this version in which ps1 has an fmv intro, one extra song in the ost and the ps1 has more tracks compared to the n64 version. The biggest downside to ps1 weirdly enough is that ps1 has worse graphics in exchange for more content. The controls feel stiff as turning can be hard in some tracks can feel tight but it can get used to doing so. The collision is scuffed because if you get stuck and crash doing a trick or colliding with another car and end up easily at last place. the actual content for the game is very little as it is top heavy with 1 of the 3 cups of the game is 6 tracks for one which is 80 percent of the tracks of the game i would have liked them to be more spread out because it made the game go a lot faster making the last 2 cups feel extremely short including the exclusive tracks from ps1 not even being available as some kind of extra cup. Overall looking it at a different perspective I think this game was very fun to play through despite all its quirks as you can have a fun time with this game.

FF7 has always had a special place for me despite the original not being in my top 5 games of all time, but it has been a game that even with the original i tried my absolute best to try and play the game no matter what. With the original, I had struggled to find a device that could play it in a stable state and ended up playing the scuffed mobile port as for the remake I tried playing it with the pc port only for it giving up halfway through the game which ultimately ended up in me finally being able to buy a ps5 for rebirth and i could not be any more happier
This game feels like a surreal dream come true as when i thought about a dream remake for this game this is what i imagined it would be like. The graphics and cutscenes are as amazing as ever as the game feels more open to the player to explore every region in the game and even a main side quest to discover a superboss with a fun storyline. The characters both the current and new ones are amazing and improved on the already memorable characters of ff7. The iconic locations of the game are filled with so much personality as the side quests and new characters introduced to rebirth (and remake) give them so much life. This game is filled with the brim with minigame some really fun and some not so fun with one of them being triple triads competitor, Queens Blood, which actually has its own side quest storyline which I thought was fun to go through. If you played the original game, this game does its most memorable scenes and moments in the game so well and the voice actors do so well to capture that emotion that could not be captured the same as in text boxes as it feels even more real. The story is amazing as I expected from beginning to end with its presentation as it captures these memorable moments in the game. One thing that surprised me a lot is that this game does not shy away from its lighthearted moments as there were moments where I genuinely at how they decided to do its quirks from the original. The combat is as great as ever from remake with synergy making the already fun combat even better. the new playable characters are very fun and have their own unique playstyle to go with. It's very hard to explain in words how I felt with this game but to sum it all up my expectations for this game surpassed all my dream expectations and Although the journey is not over yet, I am so glad I was able to finally play it after all these years and I will wait patiently for its incredible finale when its ready.

This game felt like a mixed bag for me as i have the opposite problems I had with yakuza 3 in this game which was the story. I felt the story felt very samey compared to the previous plots from past games. what I find interesting and im not sure if this was a remastered feature is that this ties very well with yakuza 0 as one of the characters is connected to majima. The 4 playable characters was a interesting idea in concept. but it feels spread too thin because by the time you get invested in one of the characters stories you get sent to the next character. Gameplay wise, by the time you get the full moveset of the character, you are already done with the character's part (except if you are kiryu). Also the final boss is probably the worst fight in the entire series from how annoying it is. Kiryus role in the story felt like an after thought since he comes very late into the story as he just comes to finish the job of the ongoing problem in the plot. Overall an improvement with the combat, but has a worse story with good protagonists

I almost wish I played this game first instead of binding blade because it gives a much better introduction to the (mostly) modern series mechanics and gameplay. The game makes it much easier for you to not have your main units not fall behind with the bonus xp system helping everyone stay in the same level. Supports are also simplified as its much easier to level them up compared to the gba games. The story is probably on the higher up for me (as of the writing of this review) because of the simple plot and worldbuilding of the world of the Tellius. I thought that Ike is a pretty cool protagonist and has a good cast of character with an interesting world to go with the different laguz tribes. as the first game in the series to move to 3d and have voice acting it does well to transfer the same good gameplay loop and simple plot the series is known for


This was the strangest game I ever played. It makes the player think about the what-if scenario we never think about when playing an rpg, which is about all the monsters and places the hero makes a mess along the way to "save the world". The way you do this is instead of leveling up the traditional way to defeating monsters for exp is by collecting Love along the way. The game does a great job making all the npcs you meet along the way to gain love from unique and charming as you try to learn more from them and try to clean up the mess the hero is making to this world. my main issue with the game is that unless you have a guide to play the game with, the game is vague on how you get love from saving some monsters and some npcs. The game has a time cycle which could make some love locations have tight windows to obtain. the use of pixel art and claymation makes for such a unique and charming world for you to explore as you discover what happened and how you are to save supposed to save this world. The ending really is something special and makes the player think about their journey with the world of moon

This game reignited my hate for Danganronpa