The start of the crossbell arc starts you off with a sudden whiplash in the change of location with liberl to crossbell as it shows an urban city to start you off in a new part of the series. On paper it feels like the game would be less interesting due to basically already seen 90% of crossbell by the time you finish ch1 but it actually works on its favor by worldbuilding on Crossbell's unique situation and with it's smaller cast you get to a stronger more focused narrative with the main cast of zero. I almost finished the game in a week because of how absorbed I was with this game. This game also builds on a previous plot point from the liberl arc as you will see some familiar faces as one of the arcs from liberl get a happy ending. Gameplay as is about the same as 3rd but improved upon some new mechanics and more focus on one team. The main story of zero is great despite it setting up the city state of crossbell the majority of the time you still get to see great developments with the SSS as they face Crossbells dire situation. Falcom does not miss with making a great story with a great cast of characters as Zero is a solid entry to the trails series

This game nearly gave me carpal tunnel. A childhood game I suddenly remembered playing that I loved playing that was weirdly my first square enix game way before I even knew what final fantasy was at all. It's a fun sports game better than some of the modern Mario sport games since it has more personality with the gameplay and court design. It uses the 2nd touch screen very well as you dribble with the stylus. That being said the cpus have the classic Mario party game that you will have any bs come at you in the form of items and doing perfect shots from the other side of the court(I swear the cpus have invisibility frames) but the game is still a fun time for short bursts of time (carpal tunnel rip) It also brought one of the best designs of white mage ever (which definitely didn't turn out to be a beta Rosalina)

I really wanted to like this game I really did but the combination of the dead silence for 2 years and announcing a banana as a playable character really made the comeback of this game very uncertain. I played the last private and open beta of this game and I enjoyed it but I had various problems that made me not enjoy the game which the developers seemed to have taken into account and made it worse tenfold. I feel the way the battle pass is structured feels counter intuitive to being rewarded for playing as the quests with you want to complete them all you need to play a specific way that might not end up being fun and end up being a tedious chore to play through the pve "content" feels like a worse world of light as it's just tanky bosses and requirements that might be paywalled/grind locked by characters and that's not saying how the combat pace has changed with the "full release" of the game. The gameplay combined with the servers held up by duck tape makes the gameplay feels sluggish in comparison and makes it a very unfun experience.

This game truly makes you feel like Mario rn!

A great epilogue to the liberl arc of trails. When I first started the game I was thinking about how this was one of the mixed games due to its difference in the gameplay loop as there was no exploration which I think was a good choice since it would have been boring to have to explore liberl for a 3rd time. Also the change of protagonists was an unexpected but welcome change due to Estelle having been an already well developed character and 3rd does a good job of having her be part of the story without having to create another character arc for her. Instead of Estelle being the protagonist it expands more of the backstory of Kevin which in SC had a minor role but definitely had a lot of mystery from him which 3rd expands on. The best part and the main part of this game is the memory doors which works as side stories of where the characters are now and for some backstory which gives characters more time to shine. It also shows what they are doing post SC which gives some closure to the liberl arc but also opens up the next arc with expanding the constantly growing world of trails which im excited to continue playing through

I was originally going to write a joke review this game that it was basically just lesbian papas pizzeria (I still go by that though) but the more I played it a got a really cool and interesting game to go with it. You play in the pov of a girl named Jill, who lives in the futuristic cyberpunk world as you see her be a bartender as meets different people she talks about and helps with their problems while Jill has an underlying issue herself. The game has no stakes or anything in that matter and that's a good thing since this was very comfortable to play through as it was a slice of life vn as we go through Jill's "normal" life in what seems to be a dystopian world. The characters backstories give you a better idea of how this dystopia is like and gives you more lore about glitch city. A very relaxing and fun vn about a very interesting premise with a cool protagonist and an interesting message to go with it

I did not expect to enjoy this game a lot as it's very simple as it is the first of the series and with replayability with the different classes. The turn base combat is as simple as it gets and it comes to be the beginning of what the series would turn to today of innovating on new ideas. That being said despite the game being (mostly) easy the game has its annoyances with random encounters which I now remember how annoying they can be sometimes. Dungeons are short but they have a lot of dead ends if you don't know where you are going which results in it feeling longer than it should combined with the random encounters. The plot is very silly with the villains end goal which really comes to show how the series' various convoluted plots were ingrained in the series beginnings

Coming from the Danganronpa series I wasn't sure what to expect playing this game but it sure wasn't this. They both might be death games but zero escape has a different approach to the genre. A very interesting puzzle game that captivates you the instant you finish an ending and wants you to keep going for more of the endings for you to slowly find out the reason why junpei and the others are here as you find out how to escape. Learning the backstories of all the characters as you play the different routes you learn the reason why they were chosen for the game as you grow to like them. This game really surprised me as the true ending was definitely something that was different from my expectations. It's a very solid VN that makes me curious to try out the rest of the series one day

A (mostly) inoffensive spiderman sequel that continues to have a really good iteration of spiderman. Just as fun as 1 and miles morales but I felt something lacking with both story and gameplay I can't quite say what it was. Gliding is introduced to the game and its a fun way to mix up travel in the game. Weirdly enough they removed some of the gadgets and skills that were in 1 and miles morales in exchange for the new plot relevant skills which still makes combat fun and engaging. The game still absolutely looks stunning with the visuals you might as well be playing a spiderman movie with how detailed everything is. Yuri Lowenthal still kills it as Peter Parker as he gets various moments to shine. The interactions with all the characters and people around the city is just as good as 1 and miles morales as you get the other half of New York to explore (even if it isn't much). It might not have surpassed spiderman 1 but it was still a very solid sequel

A great followup to Path of Radiance and you get to see more worldbuilding of the world of tellius and it's lore which I found really interesting. I like how the game is split into 4 parts all focusing on specific arc of the story which makes you play with different teams which makes for a fun way to build up different units you might have not chosen before as from the beginning the game makes your character selection limited with the dawn brigade. The main protagonists of the game (Ike, micaiah, elincia, etc) are great and are probably some of my favorite in the series from writing this review. The use of different characters throughout the game makes for hard but fun game that makes you can make work in your favor if you use bonus exp and skills correctly. The game is hard but fun to play through with all the challenges you have to deal with a very solid fire emblem game

This game reignited my hate for Danganronpa


This was the strangest game I ever played. It makes the player think about the what-if scenario we never think about when playing an rpg, which is about all the monsters and places the hero makes a mess along the way to "save the world". The way you do this is instead of leveling up the traditional way to defeating monsters for exp is by collecting Love along the way. The game does a great job making all the npcs you meet along the way to gain love from unique and charming as you try to learn more from them and try to clean up the mess the hero is making to this world. my main issue with the game is that unless you have a guide to play the game with, the game is vague on how you get love from saving some monsters and some npcs. The game has a time cycle which could make some love locations have tight windows to obtain. the use of pixel art and claymation makes for such a unique and charming world for you to explore as you discover what happened and how you are to save supposed to save this world. The ending really is something special and makes the player think about their journey with the world of moon

I almost wish I played this game first instead of binding blade because it gives a much better introduction to the (mostly) modern series mechanics and gameplay. The game makes it much easier for you to not have your main units not fall behind with the bonus xp system helping everyone stay in the same level. Supports are also simplified as its much easier to level them up compared to the gba games. The story is probably on the higher up for me (as of the writing of this review) because of the simple plot and worldbuilding of the world of the Tellius. I thought that Ike is a pretty cool protagonist and has a good cast of character with an interesting world to go with the different laguz tribes. as the first game in the series to move to 3d and have voice acting it does well to transfer the same good gameplay loop and simple plot the series is known for

This game felt like a mixed bag for me as i have the opposite problems I had with yakuza 3 in this game which was the story. I felt the story felt very samey compared to the previous plots from past games. what I find interesting and im not sure if this was a remastered feature is that this ties very well with yakuza 0 as one of the characters is connected to majima. The 4 playable characters was a interesting idea in concept. but it feels spread too thin because by the time you get invested in one of the characters stories you get sent to the next character. Gameplay wise, by the time you get the full moveset of the character, you are already done with the character's part (except if you are kiryu). Also the final boss is probably the worst fight in the entire series from how annoying it is. Kiryus role in the story felt like an after thought since he comes very late into the story as he just comes to finish the job of the ongoing problem in the plot. Overall an improvement with the combat, but has a worse story with good protagonists

FF7 has always had a special place for me despite the original not being in my top 5 games of all time, but it has been a game that even with the original i tried my absolute best to try and play the game no matter what. With the original, I had struggled to find a device that could play it in a stable state and ended up playing the scuffed mobile port as for the remake I tried playing it with the pc port only for it giving up halfway through the game which ultimately ended up in me finally being able to buy a ps5 for rebirth and i could not be any more happier
This game feels like a surreal dream come true as when i thought about a dream remake for this game this is what i imagined it would be like. The graphics and cutscenes are as amazing as ever as the game feels more open to the player to explore every region in the game and even a main side quest to discover a superboss with a fun storyline. The characters both the current and new ones are amazing and improved on the already memorable characters of ff7. The iconic locations of the game are filled with so much personality as the side quests and new characters introduced to rebirth (and remake) give them so much life. This game is filled with the brim with minigame some really fun and some not so fun with one of them being triple triads competitor, Queens Blood, which actually has its own side quest storyline which I thought was fun to go through. If you played the original game, this game does its most memorable scenes and moments in the game so well and the voice actors do so well to capture that emotion that could not be captured the same as in text boxes as it feels even more real. The story is amazing as I expected from beginning to end with its presentation as it captures these memorable moments in the game. One thing that surprised me a lot is that this game does not shy away from its lighthearted moments as there were moments where I genuinely at how they decided to do its quirks from the original. The combat is as great as ever from remake with synergy making the already fun combat even better. the new playable characters are very fun and have their own unique playstyle to go with. It's very hard to explain in words how I felt with this game but to sum it all up my expectations for this game surpassed all my dream expectations and Although the journey is not over yet, I am so glad I was able to finally play it after all these years and I will wait patiently for its incredible finale when its ready.