Definitely feels like it starts to fall apart at the end, way too much talking and non-stunnable "big" enemies, but overall a solid Tales game.

I could probably list 5-6 different issues with game (ex. focusing on band drama for way too much for 75% of the run time), but the vibes, likable main characters, and imo it being the rare narrative game that manages to stick the landing elevates this to something I truly enjoyed.

I have so many lingering questions about how the animal people and their world work.

Hopefully with a few updates with more content this will eventually be an easy 4/5.

Has it's strengths that elevate it past the wave of forgettable 360/PS3 era action adventure games: Cool art design, some parts of the graphics still hold up despite being mid-budget for its time (one of the first games, if not the first, that used PBR helps it immensely), memory remixes are a neat idea, setting is cool, etc. However, it is bogged down by the moment to moment story being weak as well as 95% of the gameplay being a pretty mid 2013 era action adventure style. If it was a pure adventure game that quadrupled down on the Memory Remixes probably would of been much more fondly remembered.

Can’t wait to see every Mario spin-off for the next decade to have the Wonder flower as an item/power-up.

Perfect appetizer before the main event in Infinite Wealth. Agent style with some upgrades is peak Dragon Engine physics goofiness.

Suffers from the pitfalls of its era: Hit or miss gimmick stages, weird camera, etc. but overall a fun, charming, and not bloated 3D platformer whose core 3D platforming still holds up.

I think I actually fell in love with a traditional fighting game, never thought I would see the day.

Fumbles the ending for sure, but still enjoyed my time with it.

Guess it’s the year of good, but flawed VNs for me so far between this and Paranormasight.


What happens when you mix in former member of the Eastern Bloc Jazzpunk with a Boomer Shooter.

Fun little game, choosing who lives and dies as a reaper is a great concept, but nothing really standout.

The new King stages are honestly pretty bad, but the core game remains great.

Enjoyed it, but held back by its inherent game style and the songs being hit or miss.

Also, this has to have some of the worst dialogue sound level mixing I’ve heard in a game.

Truly a gaming rarity... an actually good 90s FMV game.

Also makes Jane Jensen's later career transition to M/M romance novels make way more sense.