Really loved this short and sweet little expansion to what is retroactively my GOTY 2023.

I'll talk about each episode briefly!

Episode 1: Rose was one of my favorite parts of Alan Wake 2, so getting to see more of her was a treat. Easily the funniest I think the game has been period, there's a certain line near the end that made me burst out laughing, and I'm always glad to see her Alan fanart. Game play is pretty simply a run and gun here.

Episode 2: My least favorite of the 3. I liked Jesse enough in control, but her character isn't really coming through in this one. Coffee World was one of my fav stops in the base game and it's cool seeing it in a different lighting and mood, but it didn't really feel effectively utilized here. Also it's 2024 can we please stop with the "you get caught you're dead" stealth sections.

Episode 3: Here's the meat baby. Really neat how much this re-contextualizes so much of the base game and some of the expansion before this. I won't go into spoilers but this is really carrying on the pure love of art that's at the core of Alan Wake II and seemingly remedy games as a whole. Really excited to see if this gets expanded upon in Lake House.

Really cool first expansion. Gameplay was mostly ehhh as weapons were abundant. But the story telling and theatrics were great throughout, and the exploration in the third chapter brought it back. Super excited to see where the second expansion ends.

Endlessly Creative!

I remember when I first saw Crow Country during a Steam NextFest and thought, oh! This looks neat! Well, now that it's out and I've played it, I can confirm it's something really special!

I've seen people comparing this to both Resident Evil and Silent Hill, since I guess survival horror games tend to lean towards one of those paths. I can see the influence from both, it's got the atmosphere and inventory of a Silent Hill, but the tone of the writing feels much more in line with Resi for me. But I think those comparisons both fail to take into account all the original ideas this game comes up with, and that's where I think this games greatest strengths lie!

I'd love to write more about this at some point but I think the most important aspect of a survival horror game is it's world/map/location, and Crow Country (the amusement park, not the game) is an extremely good location. There's a certain dreariness the dilapidated amusement park brings, rides malfunction, some are poorly held together, etc. But underneath the rot and ruin, you can tell there once was somewhere really special. I think the locations that most amplified this for me where the Witch Wood and the entire underwater themed area, both of which really pushed the limits of what would be possible in a theme park. There's a certain rule of cool about how realistic the theme park should be, and the game isn't afraid to break that. The memorable locations make it easy to remember generally where puzzles are which is always good for survival horror games and making a mental map. However, the individual rooms within larger areas can be a bit harder to remember, and as more shortcuts and layers to the park unlocked I found myself having to check the map more, which is something I think you generally want to avoid with survival horror (I should be memorizing the map near the end). One more note on atmosphere! I really loved how near the end of the game certain things happen that effect the entire mood of the park. I don't want to spoil it but the music and effects changing with it was really cool.

I also enjoyed the story! It's not the deepest story, I guessed one of the big twists as soon as it was possible to guess, but it serves as a cool backdrop for this adventure. It also is surprisingly darker than I thought, with some really heavy "real life" horror at certain parts. I don't think the game ever capital S Scared me, but it had more of an existential dread. The characters within the game are fun too, I like how nonchalant some characters are about everything while everyone else freaks out about the monsters. Julie and Tolman were the standouts for me. I liked how off putting the entire mood of the game is, there's a little pit in your stomach each time you read about what these monsters are and how this whole crashing down came to be. I didn't guess the big twist, which is an, interesting twist, so that was a fun final moment. Also the final ending screen was really good, I love when a game applies something it's used the whole time in a new way. The monster designs were also really cool, ranging from zombie looking characters, to pinnochio looking freaks, to things I couldn't really describe. There's a really great collection of critters on display for a first time survival horror game!

Talking about monsters, my last point is the difficulty, which was my biggest issue with the game. I think the game is very very very easy. On a first play through I didn't die once. Now, this could be chalked up to me being pretty decent at survival horror and knowing when it's time for fight or flight, but I very rarely felt I needed to fight. I always felt well stocked up on ammo and healing as most things could be taken out with a single handgun clip, especially if you have the upgrade, and by about 3/4 through the game I had enough ammo for my shotgun I wasn't able to pick any up the rest of the time. Most of the damage I took came from the traps that spawn when you enter and reload areas, some of which I found really annoying (mostly the poison ones which were hard to see.) I think these traps would work better with a fixed camera as there were times where a building would be in my way and I would coat myself in poison or step on a little goo puddle enemy purely because it was fully obscured by something in the foreground. I also felt the puzzles were a tad too easy, mostly because many of them would have a note explaining exactly what to do a couple inches away, or have Mara think to herself "Hmmm, I bet the solution is x." Some of this can be avoided I suppose by not reading the magazine clippings, but also some puzzles are entirely reliant on the magazine clippings. I think finding a balance between explained and unexplained would be nice. I'm saying all this with a bit of a "hesitant" tone since the roadmap for updates says they'll be adding a hard mode soon, so this may fix a lot of my little issues. Oh and one final note, the tank controls are a cute addition but I don't think they really work in terms of non fixed cameras, rotating the camera WITH thank controls was clunky and I resorted to modern controls quick. Not an issue just thought I'd toss it out there.

Overall, this was a fantastic game! Creative in every way! A few hiccups for me personally, but I think that's expected for a first foray into a genre. I would easily recommend to any survival horror fans!

(Slight "Spoilers" but while writing this I realized the double meaning of the enemies being called guests.... that's really clever.)

It's pretty cute i guess.

As much as I'd love to not mention it, it's impossible not to compare this game to Lethal Company. I feel like any game going forward that wants to try and recapture that Lethal Company appeal is going to have a hard time beating what Lethal Company already offers.

I think this game is way more chill than lethal company. Not that I'm ever a "try hard" when I play lethal with my friends, but this game incentivizes the silliness that tends to come with your average game of lethal. Both the games are dumb fun, but this game encourages you to be dumb. You are playing as a group of "Spooktubers" after all.

The camera mechanic is pretty cool, and is where most of the "chill factor" comes from in the game. Rather than hunting for junk like in lethal company, you're on the hunt for views on a clip show you make with an in game camera. This is where the magic of this game comes in, as one player can record up to ~2 minutes of footage with the in game camera. This leads to everyone being dumb on purpose, after all your best friend dying means more views right? It's a ton of fun finishing a dive into the "old world" and coming back up and watching the stupidity unfold in a sporadic retelling of your adventure.

The other chill factor in this game is the monsters. Compared to lethal company, the monsters in content warning are much less, well, "lethal". This is done purposefully since as I mentioned earlier the game wants you to be stupid. Where a lot of the comedy of lethal company comes from the instant-ness of death the monsters in that game cause, the comedy in content warning is seeing the monsters brutalize your friends, only for them to stand back up and walk it off.

There's a lot less pressure in this game than in Lethal Company, and in a lot of ways it works well. There's one treasure (the camera) and you're a lot more likely to all survive due to the inherently less hostile game design.

However, the game just doesn't have the depth Lethal company does. All the rewards in this game are mostly cosmetic, Expensive emotes, Party poppers, Silly microphones, etc. It plays into the gameplay loop well enough, your videos get "higher production" the longer you go. But they don't really effect how you interact with the world, unlike Lethal Company. In lethal you can get new tools that let you explore outside of facilities, or teleporters that can create clutch saves, or instant chaos. In Content Warning each loop is the same, even the location you dive to is picked for you and stays the same for the 3 day loop for each view quota. As it is now, I feel like I've seen most of what Content Warning has to offer. And it was a good time! But I don't think I could play this more than maybe one or two more times.

I got the game on launch when it was free for the day, and as a free game it's a 100% recommend. At $8 It's still pretty cheap, but I would only get it if your friends already have it or want to play it. However, if the game gets some updates, then I might change my tune! I do think it has room to grow and be a more "chill" alternative to the game play loop Lethal Company currently dominates.

Pretty cute all the way through!

I'd backed this game near the start of it's development in like 2021, I followed updates for a bit, but eventually figured for a visual novel it was better to wait for the full package, and was pleasantly surprised when I got a steam key for it when it came out there! I didn't have the time to actually play through the game fully until now, and it was lots of fun to see the added/finished content!

There's not a crazy amount to critique in terms of game play, it's a visual novel with branching paths, you read and make a couple choices lol. I guess my only "game play" complaint is that the Felicia route is clearly the "intended route" as it has the most content and branches to check out, which can in turn make some of the other routes feel a liiiiitle underbaked. But it's not a deal breaker as each route offers something fun and unique!

The art is good all throughout! It's a little funny when you can tell what was made early in development vs late. But it's also kind of cool to see the different artists skill and style develop between certain gallery scenes.

The writing is really sweet too! I think sometimes it was a little too on the nose or cheesy for me, but I think it all has it's charms. The game never gets too heavy or anything, but all the characters feel thought out, and the little moments of drama are fun! The big twist in the Gavin route is really clever and fun to play out, it's probably the most dramatic the game gets (I guess the Julie route has some of that but it's all played off in a fun way that it doesn't feel quite as dark, just exciting and fun!).

Overall I'm glad I played this game finally! If you're into this kind of stuff, it's got a lot of charm and is worth checking out! I'm also excited to check out what's been done on the sequel!

Oh and to all my friends seeing this! Hi! I try to keep a habi of not just talking about porn or fetishes unless I'm super chill with those people so sorry if this is how you had to find out I'm into this kind of stuff LOL.

Not as good as the first game but not as bad as everyone made it out to be. Learned Suda was less involved in this one and you can for sure feel it at times. Still though I had a really good time, the presentation was kicked up by 11 which really added to it.

Lots of great character design, environment design, and the soundtrack rules! There was less grinding for money, but also the jobs were not as fun/less memorable as they played a smaller role. The gym minigames were a little too hands on to still cost money as well, the strength mini game was really hard for me lol. Losing the overworld is also a shame, made everything feel way more disjointed than the first game. I also thought things were too easy this time around, most bosses I could stun lock, some of them were just annoying (Shinobu's two fights mainly), and the ones by the end finally STARTED to feel good but never got to the heights of the original.

I know there was a lot of complaining there, but the good in this game is still really good! If you're looking to have dumb fun with Travis, this game serves it's purpose. Excited to see where the next two games go once they go on sale again, but I do not have $80 to drop at the moment. So I'll prob be checking out some of the other Suda games first, up next is Killer7!

I would probably recommend this game if you liked the first No More Heroes, but if you haven't played any, you gotta start with that one.

Oh yeah. Did I mention you can get dual beam katanas in this one? Now that's moe.

I don't have a long list of thoughts on this one, it's just an awesome game.

Great designs, music, gameplay, etc. just lots of great pieces that come together to make something really good. I do wish the game was more evenly difficult, most bosses I could beat first try, with only a handful REALLY challenging me. Overall though it was just pure fun.

I dropped the game on my first playthrough a couple years back cause I got stuck, so my advice from a second playthrough is to buy all upgrades for the sword and gym.

Easy recommend from me!

I think this is a pretty fun little expansion, and a fun little foray into roguelikes for Nintendo. Notice how I said little twice?

I don't want to sound like an entitled gamer with this review, but my biggest complaint with Side Order is that it felt like it was JUST short of being something really special. The first chunk of this DLC is really cool, the tutorial climb up the tower is full of dialogue and character interactions, there's cutscenes and intrigue. You get to the top and win the fight! But uh oh, the real big bad appears! Back to the bottom of the spire with you! Now for the roguelite to begin!

Now the first couple runs of Side Order proper are really fun! Seeing all the new bosses, the new enemies and floor layouts, the new chips to modify your weapon! It's all super cool to see, what's next! With little to no upgrades its super challenging and has a good amount of butt clench! I really was proud of myself for beating it on my third attempt (#humblebrag) because it felt like the odds were against me! I cleared the final boss with my final life and got hyped up for the final sequence of the game! It was a really good time, and now they're challenging me to beat it with every weapon? Sick!

However that's where the cracks start to show.

The first thing that kind of grated on me was that excluding the final boss, there are only 3 possible bosses, and you see 2 of them on each run. This leads to the randomness of bosses during runs being, pretty limited. I wish they had either had all 3 bosses during the run and eliminated the random chance, or perhaps added just one more boss so that there weren't so few boss combos possible. Second, the chips simply aren't as run changing as they should be. The ultimate change in each run is what weapon you're using, it doesn't feel fun to build around certain chips when all that REALLY matters is the gun. Finally, the "hacks" from Marina make subsequent runs trivial once you have enough. After clearing the tower 2-3 times, I don't think I lost a run until the final challenge.

As for the story, well. It's really bare bones. You get scraps each time you beat the final boss with a new weapon, and the dev logs explain how the expansion came to be, but it's not really anything crazy, unlike the octo expansion in the (much better) game before this. There's some cute dialogue in the elevator going up the tower, but in a game that encourages you to beat it at least 12 times, it repeats too soon, and I started skipping it.

Ultimately I think it's the best part of Splatoon 3, which is not a high bar as I think splat 3 is a step down from it's predecessor. So if you already own the game and have 20 bucks to spare, check it out, its fun enough to dive back into Splatoon for a bit.

Finally I want to talk about the final challange Spoilers ahead for that I guess (it's just gameplay mechanics.)

The idea of climbing the tower with no upgrades again was cool, something deserving of a giant reward. It was cool to some extent! I liked only having one life, it made every mistake feel grave and I went into a panic! Beating the final boss as "wimpy" as possible felt cool too...

and then nothing. no cutscene. barebones rewards. nothing. Hell, the story implication is that you just saved your own soul and they don't. really mention that. I was really pissed at this. I get a reskin of a weapon I don't use in the multiplayer, and a sticker for my battle tag? and story wise all i get is a pat on the back from Pearl? come on dude.

Wow! without a doubt this is my favorite of the original 3 MGS games!

From a pure gameplay standpoint it's an upgrade in so many ways! The camo system is incredibly fun and encourages stealth game play in all sorts of new ways! Choosing subsistence is also the correct way to go for this experience, as the new camera system makes the game feel incredibly modern! Hunting for food and hearing Naked Snake's opinions of each one was a cute little thing (it was also cute to hear a companion at the end's opinions as well lol).

My favorite addition game play wise however had to be the breakable silencers. I think this added a new level of narrative to the game play experience through this one simple change. Before in the MGS games, you had the choice of using a bullet/choking to kill an enemy, "permanently" removing them from an area, or a sleep dart/tactical take down which would incapacitate them for the time being but allow them to get woken back up by other guards or once you reloaded the area. Ultimately this made it an easier choice for the player, I can use my silenced pistol to kill, or my other silenced pistol to put to sleep. From the start, you typically knew what you would go for more often. Sure there was an element of "I'll be a good guy or a bad guy" but ultimately it was a slight bump in difficulty. However with the introduction of breakable silencers, the game hits you hard with the fact that you have to be LOYAL to the choice of killing or not killing. At first I was going for as little kills as possible, using precise head shots with my knockout pistol from a distance, or hitting a soldier's knees though a hole in the wall to put him so sleep and sneak past. It was a lot of fun and added that extra difficulty bump I mentioned earlier. And then my silencer broke. I was now hit with a realization, if i wanted to use my knock out pistol I would be making sound, LOUD sound. That's simple, I thought, I'll just be extra stealthy until I can find a new silencer! That's much easier said than done. After attempting a particularly difficult stealth section without the ability to pick off targets from far away, my faith in a kill-less run wavered, I wanted to see the story unfold! I wanted Naked Snake to win! I wanted to win! This slow breakdown of the comfort I had found in knowing I could always stealthily take down guards and keep the number of casualties I caused to be low was really important. When I sat hidden in the bushes aiming a silenced lethal pistol at the head of an unsuspecting guard I thought to myself "I don't really want to do this. But It's easier this way." That shot into the grunts head altered the course of the rest of my play through, it would be easier if I just killed the guards. I had set out to stay non lethal, and I had failed my mission.

(Story Spoilers Ahead! Please Play this game if the game play above seems cool to you! The story is just as good!)

Speaking of failures, I loved this games narrative. I think it's my favorite overall narrative of the first 3 MGS games. MGS2 had a really really compelling ending that left my jaw dropped for the entire final codec call, but in terms of an overall story I think this game hit it out the park. I think one of it's biggest strengths is that The Boss at the start basically says the games theme outright "What do you fight for?" or rather, what do each of these characters fight for? What is the point in fighting? Who wins the war? And that's where this game being a prequel, the earliest game in the series, is genius. The answer that I came to as a player? Nobody wins. You know this as a player from the start, Solid Snake has defeated Big Boss, with the exception of Ocelot none of these characters are familiar, they have all already failed and we know it. I don't know if I can fully articulate how smart each major character plays into this question, Big Boss of course ultimately becomes what he fights to stop in this game. The Boss is a character who seeks to make herself "whole" through violence, and ultimately loses what little she had left with the very violence she tried to complete herself with. Volgin seeks absolute power, and believes war will allow his power over others to shine through, which of course, ultimately kills him. Eva sees war as profitable, bending it to her whims, but ultimately losing in the end. Ocelot is without a doubt my favorite character in this game, There's of course the twist at the end that may undermine the "truth" of his character, but still the performance he puts on is so intriguing to see. While Naked Snake doesn't know what he fights for at first, he hopes that by blindly following his mission, he'll understand what it is he fights for. Ocelot on the other hand thinks he knows what he fights for, but ultimately, learns that he doesn't. Seeing the slow growth of a character (pretending to be I suppose) obsessed with being good at war, what ultimately is the downfall of the rest of the main cast, learning that the only way to win is to not fight at all (right down to the blank trick on the plane) is so fun to see. Of course, I think the themes of some of these characters can be read even more openly, this was just what I got out of the game as someone who's not typically the best at diving TOO deep into a story without outside help lol.

Ultimately, I would recommend anyone who has the means to to play this game! I think playing 1 and 2 first is a good idea, but ultimately this IS the first game in the series chronologically, so while some bigger picture things and references might go over your head, the main story is contained enough I think anyone could enjoy it.

Oh yeah the half star off is for the escorting Eva section at the end. I don't tend to use save states, but that section was so infuriating, especially as the final segment in the game after an annoying rail shooter segment, that I broke my rule. It's my review I can be petty about taking it down a notch lol.

Replayed this game so that I could give it a star rating here on Backloggd with a fresher perspective, I played through Leon A and Claire A on hardcore for my replay since I had never played through hardcore (this was my first Resident Evil I beat when it came out back in 2019!)

This game is still fantastic. I already talked about some of my opinions on the remake vs the original and my perspective as someone who played the remake first. I still stand by that I'm glad they went for something different here rather than trying to recreate the old a la RE1 remake. For example, I like the changes to the Ada/Sherry sections, as those were kind of dumb in the original. However, I do wish some things stayed closer to the original, Leon and Claire barely talk interact in this remake, which is a shame as all the performances are excellent, and I do wish the A/B scenarios made more sense chronologically (in remake it's impossible for the two scenarios to happen simultaneously). However I think some complaints are less warranted. The zapping system is overhyped, and no the over the shoulder camera does not make this game more action oriented (I really don't get that one). Do I wish they had kept more content from the original and expanded upon some of the original ideas? For sure! Zapping could have been brutal on hardcore if they made it work with say, all items, or at least more than the two I found in the original. But I think that's a testament to both this game and two classic, that despite having things stripped away or changed into something completely different, this game is still beyond amazing!

Perhaps I'm biased as this was the game that got me to sink my teeth into what would become one of my favorite series of all time, but it was wonderful to revisit this game! This goes on sale super often for pretty dang cheap, so definitely check it out if you get the chance! That being said, if you aren't opposed to tank controls, definitely check out the original first! At the time of writing, RE2 Classic remains my favorite survival horror game of all time!

This was a super cute game! I think it's strongest aspect is the animation and style, everything was brimming with a lot of life and made it feel like I was playing a cartoon at times! It really helped bring back the wonder (haha) of playing Mario as a kid.

I liked how the level design was almost a mix of 2D and 3D Mario with how it encourages exploration! Although sometimes missing a seed in certain levels was more annoying to scour through than fun. The wonder flower gimmicks were all pretty fun too!

I think the power ups were a bit lacking. I know the transformations were supposed to be kind of a replacement in most levels but I don't know how well that worked for me. I actively avoided the Elephant power after a while, and drill is too situational to be super excited about. Bubble was cool though! I was kind of hoping the tanuki, frog, or penguin suit would come back, but this time be a full transformation into the animal, like the elephants! I think that could've been fun and given the game another power up to play around with.

Badges were cool, but I mostly avoided them since I wanted a more traditional move set, but it was nice to be able to get extra coins or start with a mushroom without impacting gameplay too hard.

I think I started to get bored by the final world, and the fact that I was away from my switch for a while didn't help, as i took a couple month break before finally beating it as I didn't really want to come back that much lol.

Overall I think it was a fun game! I'd recommend it if you're looking for a cute platformer without too much challenge!

Buckenberry gang for life btw.

This review contains spoilers

Wow! This game was really fantastic!

I was super excited to play MGS2 after beating Metal Gear Solid, and the sequel definitely doesn't disappoint. A lot of game play issues I had with MGS1 were solved here. I think stealth feels a lot more rewarding now that enemies can follow you between rooms, boss fights felt MUCH more fair and interesting (1 had a few good bosses but others were way too hard, i completed both games on normal difficulty.), and shooting was much more than just mashing square as fast as possible. I think the game can still be a little obtuse at times, usually surrounding the coolant item, but it was never enough to get in the way of me enjoying the game (plus I know I'm not great at games, so I don't get too mad if I have to redo a part due to my own stupidity).

Also in the gameplay department I had heard one of the biggest complaints being about escorting Emma through Shell 2, which I don't really get the anger about. The swimming sections were not any harder, it just meant having to stop for breath maybe 1-2 more times total, and actually escorting her was a breeze too. Maybe people don't think to leave her behind for a second and put the guards to sleep with a couple head shots before going back for her? It was really just about being thorough with clearing a path.

Now onto the story! Spoilers beware, read if you dare!

Damn!! This story is insanely compelling!

Starting from the top, it was great to see Snake and Otacon again, their path as vigilantes makes so much sense and that opening mission feels great, both as a way to say "look at how we upgraded the gameplay" as well as getting the player hyped up to see where this wild as shit story line will go. I could say more but the Tanker is really a small part of this game and serves to set up the rest of the plot, which involves the new main character...

No! That is NOT Solid Snake! That's Raiden! I obviously knew about this bait and switch since this game turns 23 years old soon (Crazy) but Snake is not the protag this time around! Hearing that all the marketing went into hiding this fact is really cool and I think we should have more things that trick the audience this way.

I know this switch to Raiden had many people upset, even turning off their game and walking away. Which honestly... I can almost understand at first? I don't think I'm the type to walk away from a story when it does a bait in switch (I just mentioned how cool I think it is) but Raiden walks a fine line between annoying and boring for the first couple hours of this game. By the end of the game I loved Raiden and his story and what his character's themes were, but at the start I just couldn't get into him. Now, there is a story reason for all this, but playing as a character who stops every couple seconds to make a codec call cluelessy asking what to do, all while bragging about his "awesome VR training skills" is not exactly "cool". Again, there are reasons for this later with it being revealed Raiden IS way in over his head and is manifesting the Colonel he knew from his VR training mission (to the player that's MGS1 which is neat) in order to help him. I just couldn't get into him at first.

I did end up liking Raiden quite a bit near the end of the game. And for everyone who wants Snake, err sorry, Pliskin, he is in the game a good deal helping Raiden out. Raiden's themes of loss of self and what it means to define "You" really stood out to me as someone who's feeling kind of nervous about my own future. It was a really impactful message at the end to hear Snake talk about the only real "You" being the "You" that you create, there isn't a wrong way to be alive and that's a beautiful message. I think I still like Snake more than Raiden as a character, but the two balance each other out nicely near the middle/end of this game when they start interacting more. I'm excited to see where both their stories go eventually.

Now onto the story beat everyone remembers this game for. I'd heard this game was way ahead of it's time with the story. At first while playing I thought that was all hyperbole, then I got the final codec call before the Solidus fight and my mouth fell wide open. The predictions about the online age and the flood of information, creating social bubbles, the idea that those in power would want to capitalize on online identities, censor culture and history, further divide rather than unite. It was like something written today! 2 years before MySpace, 5 years before Twitter, 23 YEARS BEFORE TODAY, and this game got everything on the nose. Of course all the build up with the AI failing was cool: jibberish, rehashed old dialogue, 4th wall breaking, messing with the UI (replacing your map with voyeuristic imagery, or having a fake "Fission Mailed" screen where you play in the game over window), but man that final codec call sent chills through me.

There's a lot more I'd love to say about this game but I didn't mean to spend half an hour writing all this, so I'm gonna wrap it up.

Do I think this is a perfect game? Probably not, maybe on a repeat play through with a clearer picture of the story and better understanding of game mechanics. Do I think this is a wonderful story worth experiencing? Oh absolutely. Check this game out if you get the chance!

This was sadly a pretty big disappointment for me. The formula of Survival Horror is still really comforting for me to play, I love getting into the flow state, so I think I overall enjoyed my time. But man oh man is this game overhyped. Much like RE2 I wanted to get an opinion on this after playing 3 remake, and the conclusion I came to is that I wish RE3 remake was better. Not because the original was perfect, but because I think this game could have really flourished had it had some modern tweaks.

I think this game is ambitious, probably a little too ambitious. A lot of people cite RE4 as the turning point of this series from horror to action, but the devs of this game 100% wanted this to be that turning point. I mean, the first time we see anything in game is Jill doing a flip out of an exploding building. The issue here is the classic RE trilogy formula simply does not translate that well to action gameplay. The quick turn is easily the best feature added, every tank control game I play without quick turn now feels like its missing something. However other mechanics do not work quite as seamlessly. I think the biggest hurdle is the fixed camera angles. Fixed camera angles are wonderful in these games to build atmosphere, RE2 has some stellar ones that give the RPD a haunting atmosphere. RE3 has some great atmospheric bits too! I love the clock tower, revisiting the RPD is cool! But then when the game kicks into action mode, the angles start to fall apart. The biggest issue here is collision and the new dodge mechanic. Environments in this game are prerendered, which look wonderful, but also makes it difficult to tell what exactly is a thing you will bump into, or how far back an obstacle is. Combine that with the new dodge button which works like a parry in modern games, allowing Jill to do action movie dodge rolls out of the way of Nemesis’ tentacles or a leaping hunter. The issue with this move is you have (to my knowledge) no way to direct where you are dodging. Meaning I CONTANTLY would have Jill “dodge” an attack by rolling into a piece of the environment, meaning she did not actually get out of range of the attack. This made many boss fights much harder than they needed to be, especially the optional Nemesis encounters when going for the extra weapons. This was one of the last single player games I’ve played in years that I can remember being genuinely “mad” at. I constantly would be punished for correctly dodging purely because I was not standing in the perfect spot (which many arenas did not have).

Another major issue I had when coming back to this game was one that comes from the perspective of someone who heard complaints about the remake before playing the original, this being the “live selection system”. For years one of the biggest complaints, I’ve heard about the remake was the lack of live selections. For those unfamiliar, these are branching path options in the story. For example, when Nemesis enters a restaurant, you’re in, you can choose to explode a propane tank or hide in a cellar to avoid him. These choices seem cool on paper, but in action, they are rather pointless. I played through this game twice in full, both times picking the opposite options at every live selection. What I came to realize by doing this is that there are simply CORRECT OPTIONS. Remember the kitchen section I mentioned? There is no reason on any playthrough to hide in the cellar. Hiding in the cellar just means that Nemesis has spawned in the area you’re in and will be in his stalker mode for that chunk of the story. Shooting the propane tank “kills” Nemesis as if you had beaten one of the optional Nemesis fights, netting you an extra gun part for free. Here’s the kicker, Nemesis still spawns as a stalker in this area if you choose this option, it just delays it by a bit. I found about 80% of live selections to have this design philosophy, meaning on a third playthrough, I don’t know why I wouldn’t pick the options to skip danger, the safe routes even offering a reward for taking them. I’m also mad the remake decided to drop these choice segments because they could have made the choices MEAN something.

Those were the two biggest things that irked me about this game so, I’ll leave little complaints and compliments here at the end. While it’s harder to memorize, and not as memorable as the RPD or Spencer mansion, getting to explore the streets of Raccoon City was awesome. Nemesis was more of a threat in this game than 3 remake. Playing it with a modern POV, he’s not AS always there as people remember him being, you quickly learn what screens he can’t chase you onto since you can abuse those, but a lot more fun of a villain than in remake. Clocktower was easily the best segment of this game, I’m now also extremely pissed it wasn’t in remake, such a cool location.

Overall, I think this game has a LOT of flaws. But Resident Evil and survival horror in general are such joys to me that I had a mostly good time. I figure it’s better to be angry about a game rather than to feel bored the entire time.

If you’re looking to check out the classic Resident Evils, check 2 or the 1 remake on GameCube out first. I think this game is worth playing, but definitely less than those two.

I adore RE2 2019, but know some people were left disappointed by that remake with how much it changed things up compared to the RE1 remake. RE2 uses new camera angles, some slight story changes, and messes with A/B scenarios a little bit. So I figured it was time to try the original and get a full opinion.

I love this game.

Of the original three Resident Evils it's easily the best, the RPD is a great survival horror location, Claire and Leon have noticable differances in terms of how they play without it getting annoying (No limited inventory on one of them! Looking at you Chris!), and it's a charming and short game, I think My runs were around 3ish hours by the time I finished my 4th run through?

So that begs the question, am I retroactively disjointed that we didn't get an RE1 style remake of 2? Well, no. I'm actually glad 2 remake changes things up so much from the classic because I don't think RE2 classic needs many changes at all, it's that good. Apparently Capcom was considering a fixed camera remake and there's footage of it in development, but I think they made the right choice in trying something new. I wish zapping was still in (even though I barely interacted with that) and I don't think the A/B to scenario 1/2 change was as drastic as people said, but I do wish Leon and Claire bumped into each other more like they did in the original, and that the 2 scenarios weren't impossible chronologically.

Anyways, Capcom, please port this to modern consoles and PC, would love a Resident Evil Legacy collection! This game is fantastic and made me appreciate the series that much more!

Phenomenal remake!

It knows that the original is fantastic an doesn't try to replace it at all, I think this is a great companion piece or sister game to the original! If you're new to the series I 100% think you should play through OG RE4 first, it's available on everything and goes on sale often, plus the PC version has a great fanmade HD mod! Once you play that, I think this game is a lot easier to appreciate just how much it respects the original while changing things up.

There's a few areas where I prefer the original, mostly the originals endlessly quotable cheesy lines, but where the remake lacks some of that spunk, it makes up for in how much more fleshed out characters like Ashley and Luis feel (Luis is the star of the show BTW, he's a throwaway forgettable character in the original but adds endless heart to this remake.)

Fantastic remake all around! Would definitely recommend!

I don't typically love 2D platformers, but this game had so much charm from the animation and artstyle to the soundtrack and humor, just a joy to playthrough.

Also going for P rank is fun! But I am too bad at it to dedicate the time