An amazing sandbox game for people that want more combat then building. One of the best selling games of all time for a reason.

I am such a sucker for games that have you manipulate files in the games folder and such as a central mechanic. Although this is the only game I've played that utilizes this that is not a horror game. Heartwarming story, Challenging (and sometimes walkthrough inducing) puzzles, Oneshot is one of a kind. Also Niko is such a little guy <3

There truly isn't any other game quite like this one. I genuinely think this game has effected my mental health for the better. Such an amazing story that puts you right into the shoes of the multi named detective. I will definitely replay this with different stat builds and choices. Also, I would die for Kim Kitsuragi.


Man, what the hell. I'm gonna need to watch a lore video or something to figure out what I even just played. The game was like if undertale only had the genocide route and it was more cryptic and confusing.

This game is just pure nostalgic happiness for me. I can't give an unbiased review, this game is too much a part of my childhood. 10/10 Masterpiece

This game is... fine. Most of the levels are fun, and the soundtrack is great, but the story is mediocre at best and the trial and error loop just isn't as satisfying as other similar games like Hotline Miami. I had to push myself to complete this game, because it felt like the story and gameplay were never good at the same time. When one started to get good, the other would lack behind.


A charming short puzzle game that reminded me a lot of Thomas was Alone. The bright colors can be harsh on the eyes after a while though.

Now I am fully aware of this games legacy, but while I played it as a part of my backlog, it really didn't click. It just felt like an endless amount of enemies with barely enough health for each encounter, all in super generic environments. I played the game about halfway through, and I don't feel that the game had much else to offer me.

This game is so beautiful. One of the most fun and creative puzzle games I've played.

A cute, cozy game that's unfortunately still in early access. Can't wait to play the full game!

I think this game made me a better person.

Extremely tight fps with lots of niche mechanics. Not really my cup of tea, but I can tell its objectively a good game.

It reminds me of Manifold Garden, except more confusing and less interesting to look at. Not bad, but there are similar games that do it better.

This game has earned it's reputation as one of the greatest RPGs of all time. With a captivating story, amazing music, and combat that never gets stale like some other RPGs, Chrono Trigger is a classic, and a must play for anyone interested in JRPGs.

I am such a sucker for SNES games, and Earthbound is no exception. My first exposure to the series was in Super Smash Bros., the same for a lot of people. I remember playing it on virtual console as a little kid, and it was such a good introduction to JRPGs. So much has already been said about this game, and it is all true. I love every second of every playthrough of this game. (except peaceful rest valley)