Ranking Every Single Wii Game (in progress)

I will eventually play every single Wii game. While I have played some before I will replay them before putting them on this list. While I won't 100% every game, I will experience most all of what the game has to offer before putting it on the list as well. This will include main Nintendo Games, yearly multiplats, random shovelware, and whatever else. I won't have virtual console games on here, and probably not Wiiware or games that didn't release in NA either. Lastly, games that also released on other systems will be handled on a case by case basis.

Dokapon Kingdom
Dokapon Kingdom
Mario Party meets Monopoly meets Dragon Quest. The combat is rock paper scissors but I don't care this is so fun and is easily my favorite party game.

Also Princess Penny and the hair stylist girl are my wives



Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy
It is fucking Mario Galaxy

mid 9/10


No More Heroes
No More Heroes
This game is fucking Nu Metal as hell. He did it all for the Nookie. Anyways the bosses are mostly amazing and it feels so satisfying to get the kill in this game, very good implementation of motion controls. The ways you learn new moves kinda suck but the regular gameplay is so satisfying I don't care.

High 8/10


New Super Mario Bros. Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
While in a way this is nothing special in the grand scheme of Mario, this is just a nearly perfectly constructed game and while 3-4 player multiplayer is a mess, it is a fun mess and 2 player is near perfect. Also has the best Bowser boss fight in the franchise outside of Fury Bowser.

Mid 8/10


Bloody as hell, looks like a cool indie comic, amazing voice acting, satisfying high score based gameplay, really fucking good. What it lacks in some of the cool story beats that No More Heroes has, it makes up for in satisfying brutality. It also does still have cool story beats for the record. Amazing start for Platinum games. Also Nu Metal as hell

Low toMid 8/10


Excite Truck
Excite Truck


Wii Sports
Wii Sports
Bowling is obviously the best game here, but boxing and golf are a lot better than I remember as a kid. Baseball is good if you have another player, and while tennis isn't great, the training minigames are good. The overall package is just such a great showing of the simple fun potential of the Wii.

Low 8/10


The House of the Dead: Overkill
The House of the Dead: Overkill
Cheesy as hell, harkens back to some old b movies, but god the shooting is so satisfying and there is genuinely some good horror. The dialogue is very questionable but I can't help but love it most of the time.

High 7 to Low 8/10


Link's Crossbow Training
Link's Crossbow Training
It might just be that I played a lot of mediocre arcade shooters on the Wii before this but this game is a ton of fun and actually made me want to go for a high score. Plus the way they implemented the Darknut and Stallord fights were really cool. Controls felt responsive too, no real issues other than the length which I do think was a little short.

Mid-high 7/10


Wii Play
Wii Play
This game is carried by Tanks, but most of the games are really nice and simple fun. Plus I got this for 1 dollar. Seriously though play Tanks

low 7/10


The Conduit
The Conduit
What if Halo but on the Wii and worse and with a less sensical plot. Still good though

High 6/10


Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
My dad got this game for himself and could never get past the second Dunkirk mission, then let me take the game. Playing it again now, I can say I'm better than my dad at flying a plane now. Anyways decent game, I weirdly like the voice acting. It is cheesy in good ways. The gameplay is solid with the worst part being when there is exactly one enemy fighter left.

Mid 6/10


Counter Force
Counter Force
Fun little arcade shoot em up lazily ported to the wii. You fight a robot dragon. Good.

Low 6/10


Brunswick Pro Bowling
Brunswick Pro Bowling


Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
This game lets you make your own character but you can't play as a girl. The plot and especially the ending are dumb. While this game does replicate and even add cool stuff to Bakugan, Bakugan is mid as a game and a video game.

Mid 5/10


Red Steel
Red Steel
I was excited for this game like one is excited for watching The Room for the first time. It hasn't delivered total garbage yet but I'm only two levels in. The shooting is bad but the swordplay is decent for a Wii launch title. Game looks okay but some cutscenes are slideshows and that's funny. Story has some intensity so far.

The game of all time, mine stopped working after level 2 so I'll have to stop for now. So sad

Low 5/10


Battle Rage: Mech Conflict
Battle Rage: Mech Conflict
Mech Rage battle Conflict is genuinely almost good, the actual gameplay doesn't look half bad for a Data Design Interactive project. The story and characters are funny bad. The actual gameplay is decent at first but falls apart once you realize how busted the items are. Also this game runs like ass, especially if you play co-op. Still, had a really fun time. Not a good game, but a fun one.

High 4/10




Rapala Tournament Fishing
Rapala Tournament Fishing


Rampage: Total Destruction
Rampage: Total Destruction
As someone who hates cities with a burning passion and would love a good game where I could destroy them, I am severely disappointed. This is worse than the arcade games.

low 4/10


Game Party
Game Party
Seven minigames only four of which function well and it doesn't let you use your miis, what is the point of having so many ugly characters if there is no difference and you have to unlock the character creator

High 3/10


Chicken Blaster
Chicken Blaster


Sonic and the Secret Rings
Sonic and the Secret Rings


Chicken Shoot
Chicken Shoot
Fuck you Scott I have played Chicken Shoot and it is bad. The Wii has no shortage of light gun esque shooters and this is easily the least responsive and dullest. Also the egg minigame can kiss my ass.

mid 2/10


Ninjabread Man
Ninjabread Man
This is as bad as its reputation says. The melee doesn't function. The mines are the worst designed platformer enemies. the level design is empty. What else is there to say?

mid 1/10



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