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I have very mixed feelings on this one. I loved how Remake was ready to oppose what a remake is meant to be to be something different, yet where Rebirth takes this is... confusing. Most of the game is good, great even. Sure it's a bit long, but the storytelling on display is fantastic. This cast is one of the greatest casts in the franchise. Barret really shines here, having more vulnerable moments that show off his "dad" side more. The gameplay is superb, expanded greatly from Remake. The open world is great, possibly the best part of the game. In some respects, this is the best Final Fantasy since IX. But the ending, Christ the ending. I don't understand what the point of making changes to the original story if it is just going to end the same way as VII! I'm not necessarily disappointed the Aerith dies, just that what it took to get there was not as good as the original. Why do we need a multiverse to get Holy to Aerith? Why is Zach alive only to do nothing for most of the game (despite having some of the best scenes in the game)? Why is Biggs alive? The new FFVII multiverse is a fine concept I guess, but what does this add to the story of VII? I could go on, maybe this will grow on me with time. Maybe FFVIIR-3 will come out and prove this was the greatest piece of gaming storytelling since Nier, who knows. For now, I going to go back into the excellently crafted open world and play some Queens Blood.

(I promise I had more fun with this game than didn't, it's just my hype for this game was how it would change and expand on VII. How it did so didn't really sit well with me, at least as of now. Still, the game is good, great even. An improvement in some parts from Remake, I just wish the story held up to my expectations)

This is a review of the demo, as of writing this the full games hasn't released yet. It's fun! This isn't usually my type of game, but it's scratching the gatcha-game itch without me having to feel bad about supporting horrible practices! Honestly the demo is worth trying. Can't wait for the full game!

I mean, for a free game it's alright. I liked the vibe, but the commentary was a waaay to on the nose and extremely outdated. Yes, social media bad. This has been said before and better. But hey, the art was pretty, and the seemingly PT inspired scene in the apartment evoked some emotion. I dunno, I'll probably come back to this at some point.

Some technical issues aside, this would be my goty if Baldur's Gate didn't exist. I was shocked at how much I loved it. The Jet Set Radio I didn't know I needed.

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I haven't played much of Trip's story, but I think I've beaten the main campaign. Its a fun game, I'd say a decent Sonic 5. Not perfect though, there are a few very minor bugs, nothing game breaking but very noticeable. Plus switch performance is not as good as I would have liked. I would wait for a sale, for $20-30 it's not too bad.

It was fine. Perfectly average, with some bs level design.

I've never had such mixed feelings on a Sonic game. Honestly, I don't think it was for me, I'm not a big guy for games this hard. Some parts just felt bs (screw the final trial), but some was kinda fun. The new characters are ok, I wish you started with more of the basic abilities (like the cyloop). But hey, it was free. :/

Good game, though it didn't hit quite as much as I wanted it too. Maybe I need to give it a second run, but a lot of the story didn't quite do it for me. It felt made for handheld in a way I didn't like sometimes. I wish I'd bought it on switch. I have similar feelings around the gameplay. I wish there were more traditional action game combos or something, maybe I didn't learn something right but I kinda just spammed my way through. Still, there are some great moments in there. God that ending hits.

Jesus Christ that ending. Great game, well worth the price of admission. (Funny story, found the ps4 disk for $0.75)

Fun games, not perfect. While I enjoy the feel of the mechs, it can take a bit to get use to how they control. The MGS2 feel is pretty neat, with some great cutscene direction to boot. The camera is awful tho, no idea how your suppose to not kill friendlies.

Great game, definitely what the franchise needs. Not my favorite, but still a great time.

I got the disc for like $0.75, and brought back some good memories from playing with a friend when we were kids. Not the greatest thing ever, made even worse by the Wii's pack in title being miles better, but a good time if you can grab it cheap. Tanks has a bit of a following, and is probably the most developed game in the collection.

I cried. I wish there was more, honestly this fixed a lot of what I didn't like about 3. It wasn't perfect, but god damn was it a hell of a ride.

Good collection, a bit overpriced. As much as I loved these remakes (basically), they don't to too much to win me over from the many times I have already bought these games. These are the best official versions (no lives is a godsend), yet the difference is almost unnoticeable. If you've never played these games before, its worth your time. If you have, maybe wait for plus so you at least get a physical copy plus Amy.

My favorite classic Sonic game. I love almost everything about it, it is the best version of the classic gameplay in my opinion. Only nitpick is that Tails can be super helpful, or super annoying. It fun to use him to get to places Sonic shouldn't, but his AI will take air from you, and killed me twice during the final boss. I love this game tho. (Played on Sonic Origins, with modded music lol)