All BANGER courses. Maybe all-time favorite Mario Kart tracks. Except maybe Rainbow Road (Wii), I actually hate that track. But like, how could you not include it?

Yoshi's Island has gotta be my favorite new track, by far. So much love for that series is reflected in it.

But those Mario Kart mobile game tracks are straight ASS. I understand the mobile game auto-steers for you. I'm not really sure how that works as a video game, but it really shows in the track design. And they make up like 1/4th of the DLC.

"I am become joker, stacker of decks"
- Jokerheimer

"So Batman, you wanna know how I got these scores?"
- Michael B. Joker 🤡🤡🤡

"I only go for the Straights"
- James Charles (on Balatro, probably)

Me and my homeboys lookin like a FLUSH at the FUNCTION cuz we all wearing the SAME SUIT

This here be REAL JOKER POKER - many deckbuilders have tried, but few succeeds. Maybe it just wasnt In The Cards 🤷🏽‍♂️ And DONT pretend to be ANTI-WAR unless you can make it past ANTE-FOUR, you know what I mean?

I'd say 2x gamespeed is optimal because it makes the gameplay feel snappy without being rushed.

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Letting us MOVE during combat is an improvement. And Kiryu essentially being able to break the turn-based system is amazing.

BUT MAN this game's story was WEAK as hell. Starts strong, but once we hit Hawaii, characters don't have shit to do and are often waiting for solutions to fall into their laps or are being sent on wild-goose chases.

Substories don't take advantage of Ichiban being in a foreign country, and they fail to acknowledge the language barrier - something that American fans found hilarious in 7.

Kiryu revisiting old friends as part of his cancer bucket list really rewards players like me who played the entire saga after beating 7, but none of those moments tie up any loose ends because HE NEVER GETS TO TALK TO ANYONE HE VISITS. Even in the after-credits scene, he regains his name, like WHO TF CARES?? Show him reunite with HIS KIDS!!! There continues to be no satisfying resolution to Kiryu's story.

And the conclusion to the main story felt limp as hell. Bryce is a CULT LEADER FINAL BOSS. With Ichiban's imagination, we could've found an ACTUAL VOLCANO GOD, not weed jesus with an uzi. And instead of an explosive defeat, Bryce just gets outted by a vtuber at the climax. Weak shit.

Honestly I did like the game for the same reasons I like the others, but as a massive fan of the series, I was really hoping their writing team would get their shit together by now, but apparently not.

You start each level as a group of 3 idiots throwing each other off cliffs, and you end each level as a coordinated team with designated roles in the boss fight.

It's satisfying, it's clever, but where are the damn outfits?! Those were a main draw of the game, yet upon completion I could only afford to unlock like 4.

With friends, I had a blast. Couldn't imagine playing with strangers w/o voice chat. Or, god forbid, by myself.

> Beaten just in time for Nintendo 3DS online shutting down in April 2024; I'd like to think we were the last ever group of 3 to finish a playthru :)

New Joryu guy is pretty cool. But he needs to stop smoking, or else I swear he's gonna develop cancer one day.

Perhaps unfair, but having played Aria of Sorrow first, its hard for me not to compare the two. Having better weapon variety, enemy variety (+ the bestiary!), and boss fights - Aria quickly became a top favorite game for me, and essentially feels like a straight upgrade to Symphony.

Symphony's boss fights are the weakest in the series Ive played so far imo, with most of them feeling like regular enemies with an extra attack, which rarely posed a challenge.

Symphony's exploration is still great, but it honestly just put me back in the mood for Aria! Im sorry to say.

I specifically remember there being a giant Salazar puppet mecha fight in the original, but the remake wants to gaslight me into thinking there wasnt.

so many enemies in this game that I'm surprised me and my crew managed to make it out in.. one piece


ethereal and epiphanous; hauntingly religious, and ominously intriguing. Norco dares to tell a story that feels unlike any game before. its near-future pseudo-cyberpunk setting depicts the very-real city of Norco, Louisiana under the regime of the very-real supercorporation, Shell. its so grounded such that its dystopic themes and outcomes feel... possible, and acts as an exaggerated account of the real-life experiences of people living in the shadow of a domineering corporation, effectively in charge of many aspects of their lives. different from the fantastical and paradoxically compelling setting of "traditional cyberpunk", whose themes are understandably lost on most.

as the mystery unfolds - non-linear and often enigmatic - we approach the absurd. a government conspiracy, a religious cult, a biological abomination. thematically, the game deals with life and truth under an extreme capitalist force, and mankind's panic and response through religion. to seek a way out, to seek salvation, or maybe just seek quick answers in a complicated world.

gameplay-wise, its reminiscent of Kojima's SNATCHER, even the puzzles are the same style of cryptic. a great game, but sometimes obtuse. Norco can be obtuse, but not as bad.

in summation - Norco is a WEIRD game. it is FREAKY and FUNNY. it's not for everyone, but if you liked anything that I said, I recommend CHECKING it OUT.

Seriously I gotta play RE3 original sometime to understand why everyone was upset. For now though, I had a fuckin blast playing this game.

Feels like the missing link btwn RE2R's puzzle-horror and RE4R's action-horror. Also Nemesis feels like he fucking HATES you, like personally. Good villain.

You will see merch for none of this shit at nintendo world

clever evolution of the portal series, the time-portal fits naturally into the portal toolkit and provides opportunity for puzzles far more mind-bending than anything seen in 1 or 2. aside from a few glitches, its a great fan-made mod. its free so def play it, but you WILL feel like a silly dumdum

In Yakuza 5, John Yakuza (leader of the japanese mafia) becomes Joe Taxi (driver of a japanese taxi)

so sickening a display of depraved humanity, peppa pig has the fucking balls to feel as if she has the right to call me "friend". both a satire and sequel to Orwell's Animal Farm, My Friend Peppa Pig is a clear critique of the original's democratic socialist messaging. this game is miserable and tedious such that it's actually haunting to experience

"oh no! George lost his dinosaur" - a clear callout to Orwell himself, portrayed a a fucking loser without dinosaur. then you take a quick trip on your bike and suddenly he has the dinosaur again. this game breaks every promise it makes to you. and don't even get me started on the ice cream event minigame

Peppa Pig is an innocent enough character, but subtext allows us to peer inside the psyche of warped, anti-social british media group, nefariously-crafted propaganda piece. infectious. definitely check this out