This is the only way I'll play counter strike aside from the funny one with zombies and micro transactions. As for why, it's incredibly laid back and feels like a relic of a bygone era. You'll probably wanna insta mute chat since it's a valve game and the player base is probably gonna be really racist or some other ism.

It's pretty good if you like the standard format in a semi affordable fashion. Unfortunately even though it's more affordable than paper magic it's still kinda expensive if you don't want to grind drafts, and too much for me to play f2p since it feels like a job to keep up if you don't like the current state of magic's formats. And on that note, wotc's lack of quick management of their alchemy and historic formats despite being digital environments turned me off the game completely as I was already frustrated by the snail's pace of rebalances in standard. Also the client kinda sucks a little.

An excellent game, with excellent characters and fun mysteries. This game also has what is in my mind the best combat in the Yakuza series, especially when compared to its Dragon engine siblings in 6 and Kiwami 2. Despite my love for the game its really not perfect in part to Kim being really annoying and never shutting up about the Keihin gang, the tailing missions being kinda awful, and some side activities leaving more to be desired. Also let Yagami do karaoke!

It's a fun way to play with friends, but if you're looking for a solo park game I'd probably look elsewhere since this game's vanilla controls are very lacking.

This game has invisible quick time events, the WORST combat I've seen in any game, the game doesn't pause when you're trying to get an item mid combat, it always deselects the item when the combat is done, the inventory is filled with useless crap that comes up later, you gotta be pixel perfect to interact with items AND crouch sometimes, many including mandatory items are invisible and are only discovered by spamming the select button SOMETIMES REQUIRING crouching, the platforming is ass, and every room in the game looks the same with a few exceptions. The music is ok though and Pipo is funnny. I don't know why they murdered Razz's VA to get authentic death sounds though, I think that was too far.

Greatest game of all time, I definitely never play it or anything like that.

Do you like bad UI that necessitates squinting to read anything? Do you enjoy bland environments? Maybe this game is for you then.

Kind of perfect single player and hilarious co-op.

This game might be for you, but it wasn't for me. I'm just not into the survival gameplay loop of walking around looking around for stuff and having to constantly deal with annoying inconveniences. The game is also pretty abysmal at teaching you how to actually succeed.

You will have as much fun in this game as the games you play and who you play it with, really.

If you like Halo, this is a good collection. If you don't really like Halo, its not for you. If shooters like Overwatch and Team Fortress 2 are up your alley, you probably really won't like this game since its movement and just general options leave so much to be desired.

Good core gameplay, dreadful F2P model.

Great core gameplay, no art direction or identity of its own, its just a mishmash of other games that have an identity. Hopefully the team's next work can deal with this because the core they had here was promising.

A disgraceful follow up to V3. I'm fine with spinoffs and I'd even be fine with this one, but making it a high variance gacha game that requires you to waste time or to waste money is an insult to V3's message and its warnings against consumerism.