I would say this game is close to perfect at adapting the original story save for a few hiccups caused by Majima everywhere made up by the extra cutscenes added into this release, but what its adapting is just fine. Arguably the best combat in the Kiryu saga.

My introduction to this wonderful series and I wouldn't wanna be introduced any other way. The whole cast is spectacular and the game's story is a lot of fun as silly as it gets, plus there's just so much to do.

If this game isn't a technical nightmare and the movement and combat feel better, easily 5 stars. Otherwise its one of the best RPGs I've played.

A solid game that can sink your time away, but the AI's behavior can be more frustrating in the ways difficulty is generated. Once you are winning games on the highest difficulty though, it does lose some fun.

If you liked the first two games you ought to play this one, but I think its much worse. Still fairly good though.

Everything about this game works except the controls which haven't aged too well along with hard mode making Pyramid head a bit too tanky. Still if you're playing this game normally its one of the best narratives in a videogame and its unmatched by most in its atmosphere, in part to Akira Yamaoka's amazing work.

Great single player with some rough patches combined with the best integration of online in a Souls game makes this one of my favorites of all time.

Great game, but you need to be able to make your own fun with it.

Amazing game, awful support. Be warned that the game is bad at teaching you how to actually play.

This review was written before the game released

5 stars for the actual game as imbalanced as it might be, 1 star for the F2P model. Aquiring cosmetics is just too damn expensive and the battle pass kind of sucks.

They fixed a lot of the above, new cosmetics still expensive but the f2p experience is honestly ok and I think the current BP is a good deal.

Worst twist I've ever seen in fiction, the game looks atrocious, and the characters from previous entries are incredibly out of character, save for Phi and Sigma. The game managed to fool me into thinking it was ok during its second third, but the last third torpedoed super hard because of the awful twist.

999 is really, really good, save for the pretty lackluster last third, and VLR is just okay at best and a trainwreck at the worst of times. If you play this play it for 999 really, not VLR, though if you like 999 you'll probably be ok with VLR.

I think you ought to play this before you play MGS2 to get the best experience of it and its important for changing how stories in games were told, but I think the gameplay is lacking in comparison to future entries in the series.

Both games in here are 5 stars for different reasons. MGS3 is possibly the best linear sandbox game I've ever played, where as MGS2 tells one of the more important stories I've seen in a videogame. Both lack subtlety and are filled with camp, and that's just a part of what makes it all so charming.

I'm not sure there was a better way to end the series and never has a game got me so emotionally invested. This game feels like a depression simulator at times and still manages to throw in the same humor from the previous games while having in my opinion the most robust cast. This is also the only game in the series where I can whole heartedly say the ending was good, as controversial as a take that is. It's definitely the sorta ending that only ages better as time goes on.