Absolutely misery inducing and I love it. If you play solo it might be kinda uh, bad.

Decent arcadey experience, but for me personally I didn't see anything worth going back to like other survival horror games like REmake and Silent Hill 2.

This game serves as an example as to why you shouldn't make your game with shoddy tank controls and fixed cameras an action game. Just frustrating all around along with having difficulty options that range from too easy to too difficult.

This game is hilarious. That's the review.

The first game but good, basically. Probably my favorite entry in the series.

Worse than the second one in just about every way, but a necessary game for that second one to even exist. It also has its own charm to it. Don't get it though cause no servers lol.

Mostly really good, transphobic subplot and the inconveniences of actually getting the true ending hold it back for me.

You obviously shouldn't buy this game, but when it was active and supported it was one of the best online experiences I've ever had.

It's not my personal favorite in the whole series but its probably the best one overall. The shift to JRPG combat was kind of genius and like a lot of games in the series, there's just a lot to do here. Ichiban is also a very loveable protag.

I can't call this a "bad" game, but it leaves so much to be desired. Haruka's used incredibly poorly in this entry, often feeling like an object with little autonomy or choice, and Kiryu's characterization feels very at odds with the previous games. It's also a poor conclusion that really clashes with the messages of the last entry. In spite of that dragon engine funny and you probably shouldn't skip this one, to at least experience it for yourself once.

This story is a mess but in spite of that this entry resonated with me the most on a number of levels, plus there's an absurd amount of things to do. Also you get to play as Haruka and she actually has a character here.

This game introduces some fan favorites like Akiyama and signaled the start of the series becoming what it would be today. It also drastically improves the awful combat from the previous game.

Everything about this game is good except the dreaded combat. It's just so so rough and holds it back so much. Notice that even with those words its still 4 stars in my eyes at the minimum, in part to the endearing stuff with Kiryu and the orphanage. This is probably the best written Kiryu in the series for me, as far as being the main protagonist.

This entry leaves a lot to be desired as an adaptation and pretty much requires mods to fix the changes to the music. Even then there's still stuff just not adapted well. In spite of all that I don't think its an actively bad way to play the second entry and there's still a lot to love here.