176 Reviews liked by RedTheFunnyLad

Final Fantasy Origins is an impressive little collection that bundles the Wonderswan remakes of Final Fantasy I & II for the PlayStation, with a slew of quality-of-life improvements that make Final Fantasy's earliest entries more accessible to new audiences without cheapening their "old school" difficulty. About the only impressive thing Final Fantasy Chronicles does is introduce intrusive load times and slowdown to Super Nintendo games in the year 2001 and with the full space of dedicated CDs at Square's disposal. Astonishing.

I'm sure there's worse ways to play these games. I know my ears wouldn't be able to tolerate a full playthrough of Final Fantasy IV for the Game Boy Advance, at least, but Chronicles is still less than ideal. I didn't tear into the technical aspects of the game in my review of FFIV, but the amount of slowdown here is agonizing. Scroll through your inventory mid-battle and watch it tick by like molasses slowly pouring from the tap. I also encountered a somewhat frequent bug where Rydia's summons would appear for a couple of frames and then vanish, taking any ensuing effects or damage along with them. Granted, I have no (contemporary) frame of reference to say whether these problems are unique to Chronicles or simply part of the FFIV experience, but it definitely hampers the experience of playing this release regardless.

Chrono Trigger is a game I don't currently have the motivation to sit down and fully replay, but I did mess around in it for a while just to get a sense of what the Chronicles edition was like. Bad, it turns out! The load times are so disruptive to the pace of the game that I can't see myself bearing it for a full play in the same way I can FFIV. You do at least get a nicely animated FMV intro, but hear me out: you can just watch that on YouTube before starting an ill-gotten SNES ROM up in your emulator of choice.

Final Fantasy IV also gets an FMV intro, but uhh... uhhhhhh.... Square was respected for the quality of their CGI cutscenes during the PlayStation era, so what happened here? Was all their money tied up with Spirits Within?

There are simply better ways to play these games, and the only real value I see in Chronicles today is if you're trying to fill out a PlayStation 1 collection and are still in the "I don't want to spend a lot on old games" phase of what is sure to be a mounting problem that will ultimately lead you to financial ruin, like it has me. It starts with this and then the next thing you know you're eyeballing copies of Ehrgeiz and Xenogears and contemplating taking out a loan. I'm writing this review on a Chromebook from the back of my 2003 Toyota Avalon, which I live out of now because i bought too many video games, please donate to my patreon i need to eat i promise i won't spend it on Suikoden II thats not who i am anymore i've changed!!

I'll fully admit BattleBlock Theater isn't the most...sophisticated of 2D platformers, in more ways than one. A lot of my fondness for it is due to childhood nostalgia. Even so, it holds up incredibly well in 2024.

The aesthetics are very charming, capturing that Newgrounds artstyle very well while also sporting some wonderful details. The music absolutely slaps too, with the time trial and final level themes being personal favorites of mine. And the narrator is actually pretty funny! A large part of it is due to the performance, but there's some really good dialogue for him, the "pathological liar" bit being one of my favorites.

The gameplay is also fantastic. Your character is very responsive, easy to understand, and even has some nuance to their movement, like how you can double jump in midair with good timing or use the different weapons to sequence-break. The level design, while pretty simplistic, does a very good job consistently introducing new gimmicks and switching things up in a way that feels both fresh and fun. And that's not even mentioning the co-op, versus, and level editor modes, which add tons of really fun content.

And I really love the horses in this game. They're just these strange, cubic creatures and they're beautiful.

I remember this released the same day as a Taylor Swift album. Walking into a class I told my bud "hey, today's the big day" and some random ass girl behind us said "you're a Swiftie too?" That's the day all of my problems began. Fuck you, 11/11/21.

this game gets really sold short just for not being as self serious as ff4 and not as grand as the series gets from 6 onward but it's a really spectacular game even outside of its stellar mechanics and practically outdoes ff4 in every way. definitely leans a bit more on comic relief than some people might like but there's some really great moments here and the cast is really strong, especially with galuf and bartz, and exdeath is undercut by fans for how interesting of an antagonist he is. neo exdeath is by far the coolest final boss design in this series to me other than safer sephiroth, and even if he's pretty stock standard on a surface level i think he deserves more credit as a villain. easily my favorite of the snes trilogy of final fantasy games and a game i can't recommend enough to fans of jrpgs

This review contains spoilers

Copy pasting a little gush i did when i finished this game (it's very messy and kind of embarrassing but whatever it was my real thoughts at the time lol). Check out my list for more concise thoughts on the series.

Okay so going into the game I had my expectations in line, based on the amount of times I'd heard from others that FC and SC should really be considered 1 game and no one should ever play FC on it's own. So I had it in my head it would be kinda like Great Ace Attorney in that regard, potentially slightly worse since at one point I'd heard someone was actually worried that a friend would quit the series after FC, kinda made me make up in my head that it was gonna be a bit of a slog.

For the first two chapters (inc prologue) I guess I got that experience that I was expecting, and I do think that they were overall the weakest chapters in the game in retrospect, but I understood that it was all in the nature of setting up a world and not throwing too many things at you at once, so it didn't bother me too much. As far as story and world building goes, they did a fine job.
My biggest issue with the game just ended up being the communication of battle systems in the game. Half of it is fine because they learn it, it is simple and you can only really learn it with experience, once you've figured it all out it's good. Half of the stuff isn't explained that well because it's just thrown into the book and sometimes I hadn't fully understood some things until halfway through the game (like what an s-break is and how it's related to an s-craft, how exactly quartz translate into arts). But once it's all figured out, the orbment system is really cool, it gives you a lot of freedom to really dig deep into how you want your team to be built, while also restricting it per party member in a way that matches their battle style and character within the game. Which is way cooler than just anyone being able to use anything.

Anyway no more bad stuff (cos really there wasn't any more). This game found a way to tackle three difficult things in one go and it kind of amazes me how well it's all executed. Those things being:
1. Setting up facets of the universe (continent?) that the series takes place in, orbment history, country relations, cassius' past
2. Building Estelle as a protagonist
3. All while making you really feel the same things that she does throughout the journey, making for a very engaging story

You start from zero in her hometown and you basically have the same knowledge as her when it comes to the point 1, facets of the universe. Well, she has some knowledge, but the game's writing does a fantastic job of re-explaining those things to her (you) without it feeling like an awkward almost 4th wall-y kinda thing. This journey around the country is so masterfully done. When you're done with it, you look at the map and go "wow, i really walked all that" and you believe it, because of how much time you spent in each region, the impact you made, the people you helped, the things you learned from those people. Things that it only makes perfect sense for people from that region to have tell you (Bose - hundred days war/conflicts with erebonia, Zeiss - orbment history, Grancel - a bunch of fucking stuff, etc).

Points 2 and 3 are both done at the same time thanks to the exponentially increasing stakes in the story, that never feels like too sharp an increase. Everything is perfect difficulty level for Estelle and Joshua to handle, just their enthusiasm and determination only barely making them trustworthy enough for the bracer guild to let them carry it out. And the best part of this is in Grancel, where they are assigned in charge of the final missions. She starts out as a country bumpkin and she remains that way, but learns so much through her experiences, and you really feel like you see every part of her development because of the structure of the game.

After Bose, in my opinion, the game just takes off. (Don't get me wrong the sky bandits were entertaining, and I can't wait to see more of them.) The school festival and play is adorable, you may not like how long that whole section is, but you have to admit that because of that, when they announce their giving the money to the orphanage it's just so heartwarming. It only makes it more cruel when they're harrassed and the money is stolen, then the whole thing is so intense when those sneaky spec ops guys get away, and i feel like that being one of the first times agate in your party, his fury is contagious and really makes you out to get those guys, it being the second time youve seen them sneaking around. Then the whole thing with the mayor and the boat chase it just keeps going and going, spectactular. That was the best time for them to introduce the royal guardsmen to you aswell, since Kloe is so well connected (great foreshadowing btw). This chapter also introduced the most under-appreciated character, butler phillip, my god he's a champ for dealing with all the duke's bullshit, and his voice actor does an amazing job.

getting into gush territory here i cba to keep up the structuring
Agate was awesome in Ruan, Tita was so adorable in Zeiss and then the relationship those 2 had was so good, I shed a tear when Agate took the bullet for her, and then she felt extremely bad and took care of him!! I really felt for everyone in that chapter, Russell was brilliant and saving him and seeing him deny richard and amalthea in front of them bceause he found their evil despicable was great, this + everything in zeiss, all the inventiones he made, that let you understand how much he really just cares for the people of the country and how he wants it to prosper. He's really a great man, and a great grandfather. The family dynamic is amazing there.

Zin is a chad, not much else to say, clearly just a big bloke that loves to help people, maybe he's got more of a story đź‘€ but obviously i dont know too much since he's not from Liberl. Same goes for Olivier, funny how they're two foreigners that are extremely different from one another, but they manage to get on very well haha.
It's also really cool how they had this "backup" group of bracers in grancel that they developed not too mcuh where they take away from the main cast, but enough to give you a slightly deeper look into the innergoings of the guild.

I also just have to say that when the royal guardsmen and the bracers took back the villa and the castle, it just felt amazing and it gave me goosebumps knowing that they'd had to hide, but were able to just go balls out, reappearing and showing their true strength.

My favourite song from the game has to be recapture. the entire journey around the kingdom, conspiracies becoming larger and larger, and this playing at the turning point where you begin to overthrow the overthrowers!

OH and not to mention the insane amount of effort put into npc dialogue
it's so unncessary
but so incredible

Click off the review rn!

If Estelle has zero fans, I am dead.

Daisy dewdrop fluffington is might the best name u heard

About a month ago, I challenged myself to give an approximate ranking of my fifteen favorite video games. By the end of this personal challenge, one third of the titles were those of the mainline Dragon Quest series- and I felt remorse for the ones I left off of the list. If it was not alluded to enough, Dragon Quest is my favorite video game franchise of all time, and as much as I love Final Fantasy and Castlevania- it really isn’t a close contest. Despite my immense infatuation with this franchise, the Monsters subseries is one that I have remarkably little experience with comparably. I have played through Terry’s Wonderland 3D, but no GBC original, DQM2, Caravan Heart, or Joker trilogy quite yet. However, Dragon Quest tickles my brain unlike anything else- so when this title was announced a few months back I was immediately sold.

In the time since its announcement, I have not had the best streak of luck with my personal life, and I have been immensely sick, tired, and in need of an escape. This game also released right at the end of my quarter in college, and between that and my love of the series I used it as an excuse to unwind with a title for a bit, and because of such I have thoroughly sank my teeth into this title. I may lack context of the series as a whole, and certainly lacking enough to tell the nuances and innovations apart from something that has been potentially introduced in the unplayed titles, but I do consider myself an expert on this specific title and have a lot to say about it. If you are a Dragon Quest, monster collector, PS2 or 3DS era JRPG, or cozy game fan- I say just take the plunge on the demo and I am sure you will enjoy it, but if you want to hear the reasoning behind those specific reasons keep reading. Regardless of such, immediately note that I loved this game.

Let me open with an anecdote here. Because of the previously mentioned run-in with illness, one of the effects of such as being a legal inability to drive since I have been on a handful of medications that could very easily make me behind a wheel a danger to myself and/or others. Not good, obviously, so to pick up my pre-order I drove down with my dad. That night as he was going to bed, and as I was playing my game, he stopped by and asked how it was. I simply retorted with “preying on my addictive tendencies”. That sentiment reigned itself truer and truer the longer I played. That sentiment proved itself true by the end as I reached my 100% completed monster compendium. This game is not just fun, it is ridiculously so.

There is a borderline dangerous gameplay loop to be experienced here, one that pushes the limits and expectations of Dragon Quest’s deliciously satisfying party composition, turn based combat mechanics, and attentive exploration in new and inventive ways. While it does not have a cohesive and seamless open overworld found in the mainline titles, every inch of the provided world has some micro-decision to make that can be as simple as checking around a corner for an item, to ones that greatly impact how you experience the game as a whole. The usual trappings of mini-medal hunting and metal slime grinding are here in their fullest and Dragon Quest-iest, but it is accompanied with two monster arenas that give entirely new challenges to encounter, a monster synthesis system that blends the best of Dragon Quest 3, 8, and Shin Megami Tensei’s impressive party growth options, and a simple but effective story that had its hooks in me from beginning to end.

If you are anything like me, you will be absolutely enamored and addicted to adding every monster into your lineup, partially due to the thrill of discovery- and partially due to the slew of options each monster adds to your potential. There is some unprecedented amount of strategy you can pour into this game if you so desire, optimizing each monster to be freakishly strong compared to their standard counterparts. It is never necessary, but it is a testament to how wonderfully this game is open to your input. I played this game in a room with two Slimes, a King Slime, and Platypunk plushes in my peripheral vision- and putting them into virtual tournaments and watching them obliterate the opponents was always satisfying. Outside of the battling, there is still a huge quantity of areas and story dungeons that provide new puzzles, potential party members, and big-hitter bosses to fight. The structure of the game is fairly linear and repetitive, but in a way that is not inherently in a negative context and still provides plenty of choice and approach. In my own time, I brute forced through harder areas and arena battles earlier than intended due to my party optimization allowing me- and it was great!

While the hours I spent between story beats simply walking, scouting, and leveling around the seasonally-changing worlds in a way that didn’t serve pacing particularly well, I still really enjoyed the story. Terry’s Wonderland had a really solid story hook, but until the end was almost exclusively gameplay driven with only flavor-text and occasional character interactions. This game, conversely, has full cutscenes, unique stories for each area, and side characters to explore alongside you. If you have played Dragon Quest IV- a favorite game of all time contender of mine- you will be fairly familiar with many of the events that take place, but seeing them recontextualized in this pseudo-prequel is a ton of fun. This is definitely an alternate take on the characters, but I prefer that for how it allows for new and creative explorations of it all. The added flavor of playing as a villainous character in a Dragon Quest game in general is a lot of fun, too.

Something that I did not expect but felt right at home with was how this game felt. Many games of many eras feel different to play for various reasons- and modern JRPGs have a unique feel to them just as ones from past generations have. It’s difficult to describe without just feeling it yourself, but something about this game feels like it is a lost JRPG from a distant era- and I fell in love with that as a JRPG enthusiast. If not already for the dungeon design and monster synthesis, the rotating of the camera with the shoulder buttons, way you move, openness in choice, and environment design heavily reminded me of my time with games like Shin Megami Tensei III and IV, along with Dragon Quest VIII and other PS2 or 3DS JRPGs. It is incredibly refreshing that something new like this could be so evocative of that era, and I would love to see more new JRPGs that retain that feel when games like Final Fantasy XVI and Shin Megami Tensei V, for example, certainly did not.

The other aspect that remained from the PS2 era unfortunately is the presentation, because this game is definitely not a Triple-A title to say the least. The art direction is stellar, and all the monsters and characters have great designs, models, and animations- but goodness the environments are rough. While Dragon Quest XI S is ironically the stellar example of Nintendo Switch optimization, this game looks like it would’ve been right at home next to something like a resolution-boosted DQVIII via emulator. Again, I quite enjoyed that and found it refreshing, and even then there are aspects of it I found impressive like the seamless season switching, but for every impressive part of the presentation there is a lineup of framerate dips and loading screens that take the attention. The worst of it, unfortunately is the horrendous amount of times the game flat-out crashed. I am thankful for the generous autosaving, but a patch needs to come out that lets other players avoid the dozens of crashes that plagued this game for myself.

My other major gripe with this title is the RNG you have to deal with if you decide to be a completionist. I saw that you could unlock final bosses of previous DQ titles and that hook made me enamored to the point I couldn’t resist completion. It was satisfying to synthesize the big baddies- but the hours of walking around and grinding were not the most fun part of this experience. The very worst of it shows itself through the egg hunting- good god the egg hunting. There are probably 15 or so monsters that can only be found in eggs, which require a quantity of fights to respawn, and then are randomly peppered around the map for you to find and hope you get what you want. Some of these exclusive monsters took hours to find, and it doesn’t matter where you stand theologically you will be praying to the RNgods by the time you reach the compendium completion process. You’ll even need duplicates of some of the egg exclusives for full completion. Good luck!

Despite that, however, the game is still so much fun it hardly dented my enjoyment. This game is so entertaining, addictive, and endearing that I could easily have sunk in plenty more hours if there was more content to be squeezed out. This game doesn’t quite hit the highs of the incredibly dense and thoughtful DQ Builders 2 or Rocket Slime, but in terms of this specific gameplay loop (technical issues aside) I couldn’t really have asked for more. I loved Terry’s Wonderland, but this is the title that has truly cemented me in and made me excited for the next entry and to catch up on my Monsters backlog. This game was worth every penny, but when tech patches come out to fix the issues, any ports to more powerful platforms, or even a “professional” version akin to the Joker titles to add even more to this title it is absolutely worth the time and money investment. It has been confirmed that there are more DQ Monsters games coming in the future, so I don’t need to beg for sequel sales as I have with some other titles- but until then I will be clearing my backlog and preparing for the next time I get to scout slimes until sunset once more. I loved this game, and I hope anyone who plays it does too.

Pretty good. I'd go Act 2 > 3 > 1. I don't actually care for the greater sandboxy nature of Act 1, and I didn't run into so many bugs later, so the later Acts better story and character pay offs were much better than what was in Act 1. I also had no issues with the pacing of Act 3 that I had seen many people say, though that may be because other games have had worse and made me numb to those sort of issues, no clue. There are minor issues that persisted throughout like pathfinding being awful, sometimes AIs breaking and taking a minute before deciding what to do, but they aren't so bad as to impact my enjoyment. What does bring the game down is a few character's lacklustre endings and the nonexistence of any substantial epilogue As of Patch 5 they have since added an epilogue. It's not perfect, but it provides much more closure for the main characters, and even for most of the side characters' story threads, so it was good enough for me to warrant upgrading the game from a 9 to a 10.

This is an absurd product. I might finish this later out of curiosity/my history with the series, but this is definitely not a good game. Made it to main quest like 19/49 and had enough for now.

Cool Things About this Game:

- Eikon battles are a sort of unique spectacle
- Some good tracks
- Battling feels good and boss fights can be pretty tense
- The Attack on Titan Eikon system in the world

Bad Things About This Game

- Sidequests.
It's beat to death in the reactions to this game but it feels like these were put in as a bet or something. The first quest is literally bringing a piece of wood 20 feet. I was genuinely wondering if it was parody or something. I almost liked them because of how insanely bad they are.

- Dumb haptic stuff
This is not really bad in and of itself but when my controller vibrates after Clive puts an item in his pouch... I dunno it's just so fucking stupid.

- The Game of Thrones for Babies dialogue/tone/story
Game of Thrones is already "Game of Thrones for Babies". This is a level below that and it is real, real fucking bad. The dialogue is abysmal and the tone is just trash-tier grimdark.

- The presentation
Maybe I was hallucinating but the cutscenes look like shit? Half the characters look like shit? They said they mo-capped the English actors but the lips don't sync to the dialogue? Usually I wouldn't give a shit but this is clearly a cinematic game so ya gotta give me a cinematic presentation. I have played three Yakuza games and this looks like trash in comparison.

-Lack of Diversity
Honestly we don't even need to get into the politics here. The immediate problem is you will be looking at the most boring fucking white people you have ever seen outside of the main cast. Even some of them!

- Battle System at large
Three flavors here:
1. Regular enemies: mash button
2. Regular bosses: dodge, heal, mash button with some strategy
3. Eikon: Have fun with the light cinematic presentation and button prompts

#1 is most of the game and boring.
#2 is pretty fun but not especially deep
#3 is cool but absurd. Like we have lightly interactive cinema... I mean... they could have just programmed in some better Kaiju stuff? That's not trivial but if it's gonna be the main point of the game we could make it a bit more engaging.

-Frictionless Main Story Gameplay Progression
I was kinda enjoying my time but I realized it was just because this game is so easy to play. Follow the marker to the red tab, mash buttons, read dialogue, repeat. If boss shows up, mash buttons but be smarter. I could stomach this type of system if the story was super cool. It ain’t!

There’s a lot more!
I found this to be an utterly baffling product. I absolutely hated it at first, then I think I started to like it because of how bad it was… then I started hating it again because of how bad it was.

Can't believe they made a bad main entry Final Fantasy, but here we are. What a load of dogshit. I hated this game so much that I started playing every Final Fantasy from 1 in response to it. I am currently half way through 6 and having a delightful time. Square-Enix please make jrpgs I'm begging you.
The Abnormal Mapping podcast episode on it sums up why far better than I ever could.

This is a classic JRPG, that should probably go down as one of the all-time greats. The developers even created items you can turn on or off to make the game easier, so anybody can enjoy it! I found myself constantly wanting to play this game. I got to the final boss and told myself, "Ok, I'm ready to finish the game." Then I went and did about 10 hours of optional side content first. The first ending really encourages you to get the true ending, which I both love and hate. I'm going to be thinking about this game for a long time.

Like the sonic frontiers review this’ll be whatever thoughts come to mind
I’m generally of the opinion that demos rarely do any game justice and thought this would be the same thing, the game just kept getting worse as it kept going
I think the story is fine at best for what it is, but the shift from rivialing kingdoms while trying to destory the crystals to the indomitable human spirit vs God too quickly.
Another problem is how the game has a 5 year timeskip where nothing changed at all, none of the “important” characters died and clive’s and jill’s relationship somehow made 0 progress
Im not sure of the game explanied it and i missed it, but i don’t understand why joshua didnt meet up with clive again right after he revived, after sealing ultima i can handwave but i didnt see a single reason before
I also feel that none of the characters got proper focus or development,which is really just a problem of the game ditching a traditional party
I know that levilatian got the spotlight last game but it really sucks that he’s missing just for dlc bait
This game really shouldve decided whether or not it wanted to be an straight action game or a rpg, cuz the way it is not its just half-assing both
It clearly has a lot of action game design to every dungeon being labeled as a stage,an arcade mode, and stage replay along with the general combat but it feels like they designed all that first and then someone came into the office and told them hey we need this to be an rpg too
Which is why there’s so many halfassed rpg elements, basic weapon crafiting,acessiories that barely make a difference, levels/stats for the sake of it,side quests taken straight out of MMOs designed to waste your time
On the topic of sidequests, its one of thing for them to be optional, but when the basic go here,get this,talk to this person shows up even when you’re just doing the main quest it really drags down the pace of the game,which is funny considering how quickly the story shifts
The overworld design and movement is terrible, not only does it take way too long to break into his dash, he slows down to a crawl inside cities,plus the world is just too big for its own good because they didnt understand the reason world maps/areas work is because of random encounters/monsters on the field to distract you from the fact that you’re just walking.there’s way too much downtime in between
Genuinely this game would’ve been paced if the just removed all the side quests and the overworld and just made it cutscene/stage/cutscene and keep the hideaway
Clive’s base moveset is severely undercooked,they already stole stinger and helm breaker from dmc, they might as well have given him pause combos,a million stab equivalent and an actual launcher
Gaurda’s feat is way too useful to not take up a slot, it’s practically required for anything with a stagger bar. The half staggered stage should just been something that happens when you’re halfway though anyway
Odin is aslo required if you want to have a more diverse moveset, but at the same time the abilities are also too geared to building zantetsuken and deal way too little damage, if you use both you’re only really left with one eikon,and still 2 at best
As mich as i dislike the way the stagger bar is implmented in this game and how any enemy that has it takes 0 hitstun,i can tell that its definitly designed around it, enemies will give you time to pull off an ablity,serveral ablities stop time, and you can cancel most actions relatively quickly
To further elaborate on the stagger bar, its a damn shame that the only interaction it has is that you can do more damage to enemies,considering how they’ve done it better before with FF13 and 7R,it really shouldve at least been more like nioh where once you break the bar you can go combo crazy until it refills,plus it takes less time to deplete each time it refills
This game also way too easy, and its insane that it even lets you increase the amount of items you can carry with you
Literally every enemy in this game acts like they’re on a an ATB bar and only attack when its full,meanwhile while you’re plowing everyone down with reckless abandon
Another consequene of how the stagger bar is implemented is that bosses clearly take their “turn” as after big attack it’s your “turn” they stand there and recover so you can wail on them.i dont really think this is really what an action game should go for. I’ve talked with my other friends online and we generally agree that the genre greats(dmc,bayonetta,KH) that bosses are constantly aggressive unless you exploit the small openings that they have and take back your “turn”
The pace at which you get new eikions is way too slow, i skipped the prolougue and even then it took like another 3 hours before i got garuda and until the timeskip to get ramuh,it only gets better once you’re down to the last 2.
I also think cooldowns for abilities is just a bad design choice,at least I'm the way that it's implemented here. I think my favorite about rpgs is resource management and thoughtful decision making,should I use my mp and heal or waste it on a limit,should I be defensive or rush the attack,there isnt any of that here cuz its use whatevers not on cooldown and pop the limit break when the boss is staggered,again a consequence of how easy the game is
It’s also insane just how bloated the hp for everything is in this game,even for basic enemies. I played the whole game on story focused and even then its too much.i replayed the first stage
this might be cause i played asura’s wrath recently, which is the premier qte cinematic game, but this game has one of the worst implementation of qtes, its so basic,literally only 2 prompts and they gave you enough time to get a sandwich before you fail.
The eikonic battles are also very basic and are really style over substance,it takes way too long for you to get something other than the basic combo and even then its still more limited compared to clive.
It’s aslo an unforgivable that the group fight against ifrit prime is just qte’s and not an actual fight
It’s also only at the end when you fight barnabas and the boss fights after that the game actually gives some semblance of a challenge, although half of it is for the wrong reason as all the particle effects really get in the way and make it way harder than it needs to be to avoid.
FF mode being restricted to new game plus was a mistake and really shouldve been available from the start,as it is new game plus also needs to have an option similar to to the egg shuttle from sonic colors and just be every stage back to back no cutscenes or anything
Im usually not one to comment on music but i really found the soundtrack to be unmemorable,not a single track really stood out to me.
I'm not gonna say this isn't an FF game, but personally for me it's missing too many aspects that I would consider part of the series,from a compelling party,minigames,meaningful character progression,etc

What. A. Fucking. Joke. Where is Cloud and friends? I played the remake and LOVED it. Where. The. Fuck. Is. Cloud? Fuck you square enix. Mid.