You want Bloodborne? This is Bloodborne on PC

Cool game, simple like cookie clicker yet so satisfying. Music is fitting the only problem i have is that the game is kinda unpolished and unbalanced after some time.

Great game, i hope that the next Spiderman game will be as good as this and the other one.

I have played through all the 5 modes and also the 3 extra modes, and damn, this game is one of the scariest experiences i had. The AI of the monster seems to be incredibly well done, it doesnt just mindlessly run after you, instead, it hides and even manages to suprise you from time to time. Unlike some other games i played where you can predict an enemy ai, this one keeps you guessing what it will do next and when it will come also the feeling of paranoia stays and never seems to fade.

Also the sound design is awesome, love it!

As a huge harry potter fan this was so cool to see the world in a new game. I hope that this will be a start of new games in the future

The visuals are cool and the game also feels smooth, it's just not my type of game. I think that this game is primarily a 3rd person co-op shooter with a decent chunk of soulslike mechanics, such as the bonfires and the dragon hearts to heal yourself.

This game as i said before is still somewhat a souls-like game but unfortunately the tag "souls-like" gets thrown around a lot. If you like the shooter aspect, try it out but if you just want to play something in the souls-like genre i would recommend the Fromsoftware games like Sekiro, Dark Souls, Elden Ring... or games such as Code Vein or The Surge.

Also if you want to try this one out, it is recommended to play with other people because its way more fun IMO

This was my first game on the PC and I still play it once a while, this game had a huge role in my childhood.

I wanted to love this game, but, man... after spending over 400 hours playing it, certain aspects have become so bad. While the game has one of the coolest endgame content i've ever seen, getting to that point feels more like a second job than a source of enjoyment and it doesn't stop there.

One major reason why I stopped playing this game is the almost impossible task of progressing with just one character. You need to play with 3-6 other characters to make any significant progression. You find yourself obligated to engage daily content such as Chaos Dungeons, Raids, and other content. This can stretch on for a considerable amount of time, that it starts to feel like a second job. It feels like that the games says, "Either dedicate 8 hours a day or spend a huge amount of money to make any progression".

Moreover, if you're not perfectly geared with the perfect stats, good luck finding any decent raid group in the high-end raids. This problem was already widely known in South Korea (where the game was released about 3 years earlier), and it's gradually making its way here too.

Then there is the card collection system. This is in my opinion one of the most monotonous activities in the game. However, you're forced to do this because don't forget, lacking good stats means no raids in the higher levels. Also not to forget is that you will need to do this for the alt characters too at some point.

I would not recommend this game better to avoid this one, if you want to start with an MMORPG, i would recommend games like Final Fantasy 14, World of Warcraft or Black Desert but stay away from this one if you don't want to waste hundreds of hours to notice that progress will be the worst grind.

This is one of the best remakes i have played, it lacks some little things but the game itself is very very good. If you do not care about the lore that much i would recommend to start with this game as the first Resident Evil game.

I really liked the level design of the world and the story, but it kinda felt not that "scary" when i compare it to games like Resident Evil 2 Remake or 7.

But still a good game with some flaws.

i just played this one through in 5.3 Hours without rushing and i also read everything i could. The graphics are awesome, the story is nice, the sound desing is good but it was way too short for 60€. The puzzles that you could do here were too easy, would be nice to have some more challenging ones.

I would say dont buy it in full price just wait for a sale / get it cheap.

I've already played a few space games like No Man's Sky, Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen etc. and I have to say that this game has implemented the theme really well.

You can't say much about the game and the content, but it's recommended to go in with no knowledge, because it will be a better experience.

Very good game, especially the idea with the camera I have never seen it before and it was also implemented really really well.

One of the coolest and most heartwarming experience i ever had.

I actually don't play this game anymore but after about 1.5k hours i thought that i should leave a review here.

So, why did stop? I still think that BDO can be very fun and also time consuming. But, at some point this game gets very very "grindy".

This game has so much content that you can actually do anything you want to like Life Skill (Cooking, Bartering, Gathering...), PVE & PVP (There are also Dungeons but i didn't play at that time anymore). And there is even more content i didn't count here.

Unfortunately, the PVP content is more aimed at end-game players. I think the PVP in this game is really fun, because you have to learn combos etc. I myself have not been able to try PVP yet. The only way I could try it was in the season servers, because you could only get up to a certain gear score.

But i heard, that the game now has some kind of Quality of Life functions where you get much faster to late game gear, since i didn't play it that much after it got released i cant really tell if that is good or bad, but i heard lots of positive things about it.

As long as you don't take the game too seriously you can play it for a very long time. Because if you do, you can easily burn out.

So as someone who is kinda scared of the "unknown" or the void of the ocean im kinda suprised that i even touched this game. But man this game is very fun, you get throwed in a world without any explanation or something at all, you just know that you are on an alien underwater world filled with lots of things to explore. As you play through you get to understand the things and the progression of the story is also very well thought.

The only negative thing that i would count here is, that it doesnt have a "autosave" system. So after 20 hours where i started to build a huge base and i farmed stuff for it my pc crashed (not because of the game) and i lost about 7 hours of progress, so dont forget to save the game in long sessions!
But i think that i will try this one out again someday for sure!

I would recommend to hop into this game without any knowledge and explore it yourself.