Yeah! Uh. It’s pretty good! Ditching RPG elements like status effects etc was ultimately the right call as it allows the hack n slash combat to shine through, and there’s a really enjoyable story here propped up by strong worldbuilding and a sense of community, and a very likeable lead who breasts boobily all over the place.

Side quests can be a real drag though, especially when the gear they reward you with is pitiful. Some characters (Jill) also feel like they need a bit more development, but honestly, the boss battles make up for a lot of XVI’s shortcomings. It also teaches us that the best boss battles are the ones with gay men

I feel bad because I’ve talked this up a lot but after playing through it again recently, it’s just kinda… ok? It’s really fun for the first few hours but it gets a little repetitive and I think some of the gimmicks they introduce only make things more tiring. Still a pretty funny game though, and it’s nice to see more games set in (a discount version of) Australia :O

VIII’s still a little better imo but traditional turn based RPGs are far from dead if DQXI has anything to say about it. If you like older Final Fantasy games but don’t like the direction of newer ones, give this one a whack.

There is no weight to the combat man why do people like musou games

Really good, with an asterisk. Dungeons are better than they’ve ever been, and the game oozes style out of every orifice, though I’ve come to dislike how it handles aspects of the story and the characters within over time. Also definitely a bit /too/ long but it’s a dollar per hour of gameplay so weord Twitter gamers will think it’s the best game ever

I wish I could give this a higher rating because the combat loop is so, SO good, but the weak story, repetitive level design and ridiculous loot system all heavily detract from the experience at times. Definitely grab it on sale if you want a good mix of a soulslike and a character action game - just don’t expect too much else.

At least not til the end of the game though. That shit is PEAK

Oh my little big friend I love them so

One of the best value games on the market. This game’s huge, and for what, less than 20 bucks? They’re undercharging for this. Actually raise the damn price you fools

I’m only rating this as shelved for now because I’m waiting until the DLC is finished before I complete it, but every single thing about this game is fantastic, from the visuals to the orchestrated soundtrack to (arguably) the character roster. I dunno how they’ll follow this up but they’re gonna have to pull a miracle out of their ass.

Super Circuit has not aged as gracefully as I would have hoped, but it’s still a fun little romp. I played the hell out of this as a kid and remember beating it 100% only to lose it at school (was absolutely livid for about a week) only to find it on the oval (was absolutely radiant for about a week). Video games are a fuck

A very special game to me. Not one I’m rushing out to replay necessarily, but it has great level design and a very sweet protagonist in the mute Otis. Very underrated.

I think I’m a little kinder to TSR than most, but I get why people don’t vibe with it. Aside from the issues everyone else has with it, I think there’s a bit of a lack of a sense of speed, and there needs to be more visual and audio clarity for actions such as boosting and drifting, but the team mechanic is overall a net positive, and focusing only on the Sonic franchise has its own merits.

Though a little clunky at times, Transformed is up there with the best kart racers, even surpassing some Mario Karts in my opinion. The transformation gimmick allows for creative track design, and the character lineup is really silly in the best way possible. The career mode is even playable in co-op, so like, y’know, heck yeah

Almost gives Mario Kart a run for its money. Super fun cast of characters and unlockables, and the track design is neat (though limiting tracks to being from one of eight franchises is a bit disappointing). Just really fun imo!

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A little better than 2 I guess? Mostly I just remember this for Dom’s death which unfortunately, due to my brain being rotted by meme culture, was funnier than I was expecting lmao

Improves upon the first in so many ways, from its level variety to its setpieces to the vastly improved arsenal of weaponry. Would have appreciated more than three aim sensitivity settings though.