nice to have a good star wars game after awhile. definitely needed to be longer though.

It's not too badd.

nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be.

like it's certainly not great, but I did honestly enjoy most of it.

there's a lot going on here so I'm not really sure where to start, i guess with gameplay.

the gameplay is mostly fun. I was surprised by how different each character felt and how much they each catered to different playstyles, it does a really good job at making you wanna swap between them frequently to see what they can do in different situations.

you got Nightwing who was my personal main (no surprise there to anyone who knows me) but he's fast and acrobatic which makes it easy to dodge and counter-attack and he has some awesome flashy abilities that even at the end of the game were still fun to pull off.

There's also Batgirl who was always my second choice mainly because oh my god they just made her OP lol. She's a tech brawler. So she can hit real hard, hack any tech which gives you advantages in fights and can make you completely undetectable in stealth AND they gave her the ability to self revive TWICE. So yeah if you ever get stuck, just play Batgirl, you will win.

Next there's Red Hood, who I did play a decent amount. He's very useful for any missions involving waves because this motherfucker hits HARD. He can go around 3 shotting enemies just making it all a cake-walk. He's also the only one who can grab bigger enemies which comes in so handy you have no idea. Also his guns are easily the best way to fight against most boss fights (which I'll come back too).

and Finally there's Robin, who I played the least. He's definitely not bad, but he is mainly stealth orientated, which if you just upgrade Batgirl enough, you can use her for lol.
I did love his bow staff though, one of my favourite weapons to use, had some pretty fun abilities.

The combat in general is a little sluggish to begin with especially if you're going in expecting it to be like the Arkham games, which it definitely is not. But once you get into the groove of it all and you start unlocking more stuff in the skill trees, it gets a lot better.

There's also a surprising amount of enemy variety with different strategies needing to be used for each type. And the same type of enemy could be completely different if their from a different faction. So a big guy with a shield from Harley's crew and a big guy with a shield from The Court behave and fight differently, which is pretty cool.

Traversal though, isn't the best. When all you have is just the grapple hook, it's a bit of a nightmare, then you get the Batcycle which, also isn't great, it feels pretty slow and doesn't handle great but it's better then grappling everywhere. Then you get fast travel which is a godsend. but thennn, you get each characters specific traversal method, from using a glider to teleporting which just makes traversal so much better, it does take awhile to get there though.

The boss fights....

right so, for the most part, they are all pretty cool boss fights, however, this game is clearly designed for multiplayer, so when you have no friends willing to buy this game like I did, you have to do single-player, and the game doesn't really account for this, so a lot of the boss fights just go on forever and can get pretty frustrating at times. Which is why you probably wanna get some OP gear to make your life a bit easier.

that pretty much covers the gameplay soooo

the story? it's a mixed bag. I was invested for the most part, it's an interesting premise and does have some legitimately good moments, however, the game's structure kind of ruins it. With you being able to swap characters on the fly + the multiplayer elements, there are a lot of times where the story is held back and some stuff just doesn't make sense.

For example, say you did a mission and went through an event as Nightwing. You would get back to the base afterwards and in the cutscene following, no one would acknowledge that it was just Nightwing on that mission, they would be saying stuff like "WE did this" or "this happened to US". None of the missions are character specific, so instead of getting a character rooted story (which this tries to be at the same time) you kinda just get a generic mission by mission story, which isn't horrible, but it definitely feels held back a lot while playing.

to be honest I got more invested in the side missions, because instead of being kind of overall and generic, they focused on certain villains, which felt a lot more fun to play.

Also saying there's no real character story doesn't mean the characters are bad, there are some side quests that are character specific and kind of explore how they are, but it's very surface level. However I didn't dislike any of the characters, and there are some nice character moments in the main game, just, nowhere near enough.

Also the dialogue isn't the best sometimes, same with the voice acting, but most of the time it's fine.

Alfred is easily the best character though.

The open-world? just like the game itself, it isn't bad, but not great. there's quite a bit to do in the world but it is quite a big city and especially before you get fast-travel, it can be a big of a nightmare to traverse.

I liked a lot of the linear levels though, they did some petty fun stuff with a lot of those designs, definitely the best parts of the game.

Also surprised with how in-depth all the gear was. there's some pretty cool customisation options for everyone and it was always fun going back to base after each night and seeing what new gear I could make to make my characters more powerful and look cooler.

There isn't really much I actively disliked about this game besides traversal, more just little annoyances.

Overall it's fairly decent. it takes a minute to get going but once it does, it's pretty fun.

it really feels like everything The Avengers game tried to be, but just so much better lol.

Yeah, nowhere near as people as people are saying.

I liked it.

the soundtrack made me cum


almost everything about this game is just amazing. The story is fantastic which covers the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 of the anime but from a different perspective, you're own custom character's perspective. Normally when an anime game has you make your own character it takes away from the idea of playing through your favourite anime's story but in this your character is folded into the story so seamlessly that you still feel like you're watching attack on titan itself unfold before your very eyes. Your character is a cadet alongside Eren and co. and we stay by their side through the whole story which makes you feel like you're actually in the AOT universe.

The gameplay is nearly everything you could ask for from a game based in this universe. The ODM gear handles really well and the combat mechanics all work beautifully and keep the game interesting with different ways to go about killing the onslaught of titans you will face, speaking of, killing titans is really satisfying and never gets old, I'll never get sick of coming up behind a titan and slicing a titan's nape and having blood squirt like a fountain all over your character and the surrounding area. Also the addition of the Gas and Blade replenishment mechanic always keeps you on your toes and makes you think strategically as you go into every fight.

The maps you play in are all big and open as well from the interior walled cities to the forest of giant trees, every location has it's own thing going on and are always fun to traverse, especially when you get 2 maps which connect where you can go over the walls of one of the cities and into Utgard Castle, really makes going from one mission to another really fun.

Speaking of missions, this game has a great variety of them, from your story missions which always try and spice things up by adding different types of objectives and ways of completing missions to all of the side missions through the game which could involve tower defence or escorting a character from one end of the map to another.

The animated cutscenes are great and a joy to watch, especially the ones where you watch events unfold from your custom characters POV because you get to see these iconic events from a different perspective than the anime.

The customisation options for your character are amazing between the actual look of your character and actually being able to change what blades and ODM gear you have. For example if you don't want the basic blades you can get Katana blades or Chainsaw blades or even a Mop blade. There are loads of different customisation options with some low level stuff to some really wacky shit that makes having a custom character feel worthwhile, even if you do make them look incredibly out of place against the other characters.

a few things i would change or like to see in a sequel:

Titan Combat: You can play as Eren and Reiner and etc as their titan form but the combat is very basic, having a full titan combat system would be awesome also having your custom character be able to transform into a custom titan!? that would be a dream.

Post Game: There is a decent chunk of things to do in the post game however a lot of it is the same kind of thing (I am aware that Final Battle exists but this is purely without the Final Battle expansion). The post game is just mainly and side missions you missed and going out on scout runs or just replaying missions in online multiplayer. so more content would be nice.

Repetition: I don't think this game suffers from it too much but there is a small chunk in the story where it feels very repetitive where it sends you on the same type of mission like 7 times in a row with nothing that exciting happening which was probably the dullest part of the game, but luckily it does back right back up after that. Just maybe could do with less filler just to pad gametime.

Overall this is one of the best anime games I have ever played, if you are a fan of AOT you HAVE to play this game. I will do a separate review for the Final Battle expansion when I finish playing through it again.

Play this game. It slaps.

Technically i played this on PS4 but it's fine lol

Anyway, I... did not enjoy playing this game.

let's get the good stuff out of the way first, all the characters are great and really likeable which was too be expected considering how much people love Nathan Drake and i know see why. The level design in the first half of the game is great with some nice looking locations. The platforming and puzzles were almost always fun despite there not really being that many, and some of the action set pieces were good.

Now onto the things i did not like, The story. it was fine, but it somehow felt short but also really long. some parts moved at a nice brisk pace going from one place to another but then some just felt wayyyy too dragged out and during the back half i was just ready for the game to be over already. The gameplay is thoroughly unlikeable for me, I'm already not the biggest fan of cover based third person shooters but when you couple that with the base gameplay mechanics being so bland and just straight up bad it just makes the game not fun, especially so when most of the game is unfortunately shooting sections. i had so many problems with the cover system not working properly and with the aiming and hitboxes being jank as fuck, I would aim at an enemies head and not hit anything but i aim at their arm and i would get a headshot?? I would also constantly press the cover button while right in front of cover only to snap the a cover place either behind me off to the side which would often get me killed. Also the enemy placement is terrible, so many times enemies would just appear behind me without warning. The story and enemy placement also coincide with each other because enemies would show up in places that only Nathan and the gang are supposed to be able to get too, for example the catacombs in the second half of the game, we got there through secret entrances which closed behind us that only we knew how to get through, BUT THEN ENEMIES JUST SHOW UP OUT OF THE WALLS LIKE BRUH HOW YOU EVEN DOWN HERE??? It feels like they just needed enemies everywhere to pad the playtime and it's very annoying especially when I'm enjoying a good platforming/Puzzle section and then oh quick turn it into a shooting section.

Also why does the game turn into a supernatural horror game half way through? it's weird and messes with the tone a bit, I didn't like it. Also the level design in the back half of the game is just bad, it's all just dark underground corridors and buildings with overgrown greenery which gets old quickly. Also fuck ALL of the Jet-Ski sections, the jet-ski handles so badly it's insane.

I get that this is an old game but there are games from 2007 that are just leagues better than this in every aspect. I have heard that the games get better as they go and I certainly hope so as I head into Uncharted 2 for the first time.

Really did not enjoy my time with this game, I was very relieved when it was finally over.

First smash game i ever played, still remember how hype i was when i found out sonic was in it?

loses half a star for the face. yes i'm that petty. the new suits made me cum tho, especially the tasm suit

one of the best games ever made

I don't know why but I feel the sudden urge to watch Starship Troopers.

This is the most fun I've had with a multiplayer game in awhile, especially a multiplayer shooter. The absolute chaotic mayhem you can exercise with your friends in this game is incredible.

If you're the type of person who loves diving of rocks, blasting giant bugs in the face with your machine gun, then you'll love this game.

If you're someone who loves dropping 500kg of Napalm on a fully robot populated area and watching the sparks fly, then you'll love this game.

If you're someone who loves missions that involves arming and firing a nuclear warhead at your enemies, then you'll love this game.

My only issues come from the customisation and mission variety, but I know these are being updated through the future so only a temporary problem and the rest of the game more than makes up for it.

This, is how you do a live service game. You just gotta make it fun, have substantial enough free rewards where players don't feel like they need to buy anything and even then, just make everything really cheap, and have a clear line of communication with the development team that clearly care about player experience over making money.

It's really not that hard guys.

Yeah I got a few hours into the game and just decided... no.

It's nowhere near the worst game I've ever played, but it's just boring.

the story is mind-numbing, same with the gameplay.

the open world is just big and empty.

the only thing I was enjoying was the customisation and even then that's fun for like 10 minutes before you run out of money and realise you have to play some boring ass missions that are either just on-rail shooter sections or tow object from point A to point B or just run around and shoot people.

This game honestly just feels like a xbox 360/Ps3 game with how dated it all feels.

also it's pretty buggy.

I might try and pick it back up and finish it at some point, but not anytime soon.

I once played this game for 18 hours straight... I don't even really remember what happened, I was just so sucked in. this game is really fun.

another of the few things that I love.

I don't love many things, but this? This is one of them.

Okay, after having 100% completed the game, I feel more comfortable giving this a 4 and a half.

The gameplay and all of the side stuff were super fun, never a dull moment. Especially with new game + and all the extra perks.

It really is just the story that brings this down for me. Loved everything else.

I will say as well, this game feels a lot more like a stepping stone than a magnum opus. Like they're experimenting a lot. If they just improve everything in this game a little bit and add a lot more of it, I:e adding more holotable matches, more planets, plants, side quests etc. And make an actual good story. They could make an easy 5 star game.

Again, loved everything. It really is just the story, so maybe finish that first and then do everything, so you don't leave a bad taste in your mouth lol.

goddamn EA fucked up lmao