Thought I'd give this a quick replay before the Phantom Liberty update and goddamn.

Even on a third play through I still love it to pieces.

I still discover new things, I still find it hard to do things that'll hurt the characters I like because I just fall in love with them all over again. I still lose track of time and end up playing till 4 in the morning.

Even after a 3rd play through I am excited for a 4th.

It definitely has its problems but I am more than happy to look past them for everything else. So fucking excited for Phantom Liberty, give me more cyberpunk forever and ever please and thank you <3

I like it, it's pretty good.

Considering this is a PS2 game remastered for PS3 from 10 years ago, I expected it to have felt more dated and aged not greatly, but to my surprise, it holds up quite well.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of the cutscenes look like absolute shit but the game itself looks and handles pretty well.

The story is entertaining if not incredibly basic.

The combat is mostly fun and intuitive, with them throwing new abilities at you every other hour to keep things fresh which I appreciated. However, damage-scaling was out of whack quite a few times, I was either 3 shotting enemies or taking 5 minutes to kill one of them. I wouldn't say this game is outright difficult, in fact I found most of it fairly easy, but they tend to throw a lot of enemies at you constantly, and once you think you've killed all the enemies in a room, and entire new wave spawns and it just becomes really tedious after awhile.

The best part of the game is easily the boss fights, unfortunately there are only like... three. They all slap, but I wanted more. Good thing there's three more main games after this one lol.

I really liked the world and set-pieces too, you don't go to many places, in fact most of the game takes place at Pandora's Temple, but the world design is great, especially for a PS2 game.

I'm a big fan of Greek Mythology as it is so seeing these places and characters show up, I felt like a die-hard MCU fan anytime something cool showed up, I was like "Yoo it's glup-shitto"

The level-up system was annoying though, you can't just press a button and level-up your weapons etc, you gotta hold the button down and watch the meter go up, that was annoying.

Anyways, good game, I liked it. It's aged fairly well, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who wants a fun hack and slash game or just a fun greek mythology game.

I am hype for the next one.

I mean, was it worth waiting 5 years for?

Yes. Absolutely.

Holy shit, this is peak.

This took everything the last two games did, and just improved on it.


The story is so goddamn engaging throughout, don't get me wrong it's not perfect, I have a couple of nitpicks but honestly I can completely look past them for the final product because goddamn.

The gameplay is the best it's ever been, from the web swinging being fine tuned to perfection and even further with the added web wings which makes it so satisfying to just go from Point A to Point B, to all the brand new combat abilities that truly make you feel like an overpowered superhero.

The customisation is on point. When they first revealed pallet swapping I originally thought, that's neat I guess but I probably won't use it but holy shit the absolute upgrade some of these suits get from a good pallet swap goddamn. My only complaint with the suits is that too many of Peter's suits are taken up by Movie suits, which kinda sucks when Miles has so many custom made suits that look absolutely fire, just making me wish Peter had even more ones like those instead.

All of the new side missions are great and fun and do surprising little things to spruce up your gameplay experience and give you interactions with surprising characters throughout the city that you may not of even thought about during the main story.

All of the boss fights are fucking nuts with insane set pieces throughout that makes every single one of them memorable, a huge improvement on the last two games.

I honestly can not sing this game enough praise. Insomniac have gone above and beyond to make this one of if not the greatest superhero games ever made. Obviously it's not completely perfect like I said I do have a couple minor issues. But as a whole this is just, wow. The only thing I can think of that would truly improve it, is a goddamn NEW GAME PLUS! Please guys stop releasing games without it

Goddamn round of applause. I am so excited to see what these guys do with Wolverine.
And of course, Spider-Man 3 when?

Goddamn... I enjoyed this game so much more than I thought I was going too.

Don't get me wrong it still has quite a few problems but, this is honestly the first game I've played all year where I was actually sad it was over. I could've played another 20-30 hours of this easily... I really wanna go back and replay it as a different gender and life path.

Let's start with the positives of which they are ALOT.

This game is beautiful. Night City is amazingly designed, nearly every corner you turn is so full of life between the stunningly designed districts to the variety of people you can encounter. There definitely are some bland areas but for the most part I absolutely loved just traversing the city and all along the outskirts in the badlands and shit. The entire map feels lived in and as if it would be somewhere that would actually exist and is just an absolute joy to play in.

The characters, man I fell in love with everyone here. The characters are all so amazingly written with very few exceptions. I adored gameplay sections that were basically nothing but talking because it's executed so well, with you being able to steer the conversation in different directions with different prompts. You just get so sucked into the lives of everyone here, everything being in first person definitely helps with that because this is the first game in awhile were I have genuinely felt like it was me in the main characters shoes. I constantly found myself talking to the characters in the game myself as my characters talked to them. Also everyone has their own personality that shines beautifully and you seriously come to care for a lot of them, especially your character's love interests. I was a female character so my two choices were Judy and River and I think I may of genuinely fallen in love with them both a little bit. They're so full of life and charm and character that you can't help but like them. My only problem with them was that I wish there were even more characters I could get to know better and become in a relationship with, and that when you get into a relationship you can actually do stuff. Because all you can really do is repeat the same couple of conversations with kinda suck. But mannnn when you get to do missions with them? those are the best. Judy and Rivers "relationship" missions were some of my favourite in the game. You get to see both of the characters in their natural habitat, just being themselves and it's so wholesomeeee.

Of course if we're talking characters we have to address the breathtaking elephant in the room, Johnny Silverhand, AKA Keanu Reeves. To be honest I didn't really like him at first, all he does for the first few hours is stand around and complain. However, he grew on me so much. As the game goes on he starts opening up and becoming nicer to you and you get to explore his past and help him reconcile with everyone he wronged and oh my god him and rouge are so adorable. I did my best to make sure me and Johnny stayed best friends throughout the entire game, I love him.

Speaking of missions. fuck me, the missions in this game are so goddamn funnnnn. Sure you get a few that are just, go here, shoot people and get thing. But most of them really engulf you into the world and let you do some crazy shit. So many missions help build out the world heavily and keep you even more invested. One of, if not my favourite missions in the game is one where you have to help a detective track down his missing nephew, and during it you come across this really fucked up kidnapper and you have to trace through his memories to find out where he keeps his victims and it gets real dark and fucked up real quick and I loved it so much.

The story itself? well you've got the main story and then all of the side character stories. I do honestly think I enjoyed the side characters stories more than the main story. But man it's got some real highlights, I still really enjoyed it. Again though, I just really wish it was longer!

Alright gameplay wise? It's really fun. The gunplay is simple and yet smart with the incorporation of RPG elements, and if that doesn't suit you then you can use a range of different hacking attacks or melee weapons. You can even upgrade your body to have weapons embedded in it which is fucking awesome. I never got bored of the gameplay in this game.
The vehicles kinda handle like ass though, but they are all designed well and look really cool so it's worth it.

Now we gotta get into some negatives.

The customisation, what exactly happened here? You can customise V extensively, some of the most controllable characters customisation I've seen in my life, but you do spend basically the whole game in first person, which does make it seem a bit null and void but it didn't bother me too much because it just made me feel more in the actual shoes of my character.

Vehicle customisation however, is non-existent... why? You actually see the vehicles constantly and yet you have no say over how they look, it's weird.

Obviously the other elephant in the room is the glitches, and yes this game is still a buggy mess and I did have a couple of crashes through my playthrough... but none of it ever actually bothered me. In fact it just made the game more fun. There was a moment where I got into a car crash and my game crashed at the same time. It was very funny. Also there were never any glitches that stopped me from progressing so that's good.

Also, there are a decent amount of moments as mentioned where your choices can dictate how a situation goes and especially in the later game a few of those choices do have some big consequences. But for the rest of the game a lot of your choices don't really seem to matter all too much. it's a little thing that doesn't damper anything but just something that's a bit noticeable.

Overall, I'm willing to say I love this game. My only issues stem from the fact that despite how much it feels like you can do, between races and underground boxing rings and having sex with people (btw every sex scene in this game is so awkward lol) all of it is so little. There is so much of so little. You can do all of these amazing things and participate in all of these cool activities and amazing stories, but they all feel so short and not all there. I'm glad there's a quantity over quality situation here but between that and various glaring omissions such as vehicle customisation and repeatable activities, as in things you can do more than once and not just for a mission (I:e races) it's very clear this game needed quite a bit more time before it came out.

However, this game is genuinely a great time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am actually looking forward to replaying it with a different character and different lifepath.

Great game.

Edit: I have since platinumed the game and uh, yeah I still love it. Need more.

Okay so, I really liked everything about this game, the gameplay is really fun with all the new stances you can unlock, all the world's are really well designed and fun to explore and that heavily reward your curiosity with fun secrets, all of the customisation is great, it's all quite in-depth and fun to mess around with.

BUT, and this is a very big but... the story...

It really didn't do it for me. It just all felt very weirdly paced and disjointed. Like they spent too much time on the wrong things. Like there are some good moments, but a lot of stuff seems to happen and then the characters just don't really talk about it. Also all the villains were just crap, none of them really did anything. They were cool ideas for villains but just incredibly wasted. By the time the game ended all i could think of was... that's it? it was just really disappointing, all of the cool concepts they had are just all really basic and just do not go deep into them enough.

again, everything else is great. I had a super fun time doing everything else, it was just the story that kinda left a bad taste in mouth unfortunately. it also is definitely meant to set up the next game so, hopefully that one goes hard with a lot of the concepts from this one and improves.

still a very solid game, just don't expect too much from the story imo :/

This game honestly kind of came at the perfect time for me a lot like Mario 3D World. I was in a pretty dark place and i just played this game for a solid week. The gameplay is so simple but so fun. you just roll around as different fish in little fish bowls with each fish having different abilities letting you traverse the various beautifully designed levels and solve fun puzzles.

This game has a very special place in my heart for helping me get through one of my darkest hours. Highly recommend :)

Alright, I was going to try and platinum this like I did with Madagascar Kartz... but I can't. I just can't. It's too painful.

The gameplay is so much worse than that game, to be honest pretty much everything is worse. The items, the special moves, the karts, just everything.

The character selection is decent but no one has special karts like before, it's all just the same standard one.

The track design is actually not too bad, but they're all so goddamn long, even on 150cc the tracks feel too long. Just trying to do all the cups is a nightmare.

Also star characters? hahahahahaha.

This game is so ass. I want a sequel.

Maybe I will come back around and platinum it one day, but not anytime soon.

What the fuck is this? lmao

So this was a DLC that technically acts as a prequel to the main game.

The story follows our favourite character Edgy The Hedgy and how he came in contact with Infinite and eventually became part of the virtual reality thing. This story is told over 3 "remixed" stages and about 5 minutes of cardboard cutouts talking to each other and it's over. You can beat this in about 10-15 minutes. WHY!? WHY IS THIS A THING!?

Look, I'm happy that SEGA are finally letting us play as other characters besides Sonic again. I do hope they take this as a step in the right direction to bring more sonic characters back into the spotlight in the future. BUT MY GUYS, THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DO THAT.

Shadow handles exactly like Sonic does, which is to say, terribly. His stages are just the exact same as 3 of sonic's stages but with different enemy placements and the whole story amounts to absolutely jackshit.

Getting this DLC also let's you play as Shadow in all of Modern Sonic's stages... which is pointless, because again he handles the exact same and you don't wanna replay sonic's stages anyway.

Stupid fucking sega.

Okay... look.

I know when I played the original game I gave it a 3 and a half.

Saying it wasn't really anything special and the gameplay sucked and whatever.

And I don't know if it's the improved graphics, or implementing a lot of gameplay elements from part 2 or just the fact that since playing Part 2 and watching the show I have grown a much deeper appreciation for the world of TLOU... it's probably all of the above but damn I loved this.

I feel like the Danny Devito meme of "I get it"

again I think it's just adding most of the improvements from Part 2 and the fact I have now become slightly obsessed with this franchise in recent months. But yeah this is great from start to finish.

HOWEVER, I do still think Part 2 is better. Which I know invalidates this review for a lot of people but fuck you. I will forever be a Part 2 dickridaaaaaaaa

Listen, I like this game. But this fucker, has more unrealistic expectations than my parents.

The character selection is decent, the courses have a nice variety of realistic and mario courses and the gameplay is pretty decent.


The difficulty spike.

when you get to the third tournament, what, the actual, fuck.

I did the first tourney 2nd try, I did the 2nd tourney first try.

I have been playing for 3 days, for hours. and I still cannot beat that 3rd tourney. YOU HAVE TO GET BETTER THAN -6???? bro the best I can ever do is -3 why does the AI suddenly inject some fucking roids and become able to two shot like every hole. I can't do that bro!!

The aiming can be so fucking inconsistent sometimes. It will give you the perfect strength you can hit the ball with and I guarantee you, you can hit that fucker dead on and you will either overshoot or undershoot your shot. and the wind mechanic, also inconsistent, you can do the exact same shot with the exact same wind and get two different results.

In games where the AI aren't on every drug known to man, the game is honestly quite fun. But when they are!? I wanted to snap my 3DS in half.

Also a lot of those star coin challenges are bullshit as they require PRECISION which, with inconsistency on this level, is just plain annoying.

There is a good game here. Just don't play the final tournament or the star challenges, and you'll have a good time.

yo this was actually pretty good.

It is nowhere near perfect, but I quite enjoyed my time with it.

Everyone I knew showed next to no interest in this game after they learned it was a card game but I stayed optimistic, and I am honestly glad I did.

They kept calling it "a mobile game" and after playing the game i can confidently say.... yeah I can kinda see why lol.

Let's start with the story though, surprisingly deep, and long.
The story follows your OC teaming up with the Midnight Suns, some avengers, an x-man and Spider-man to defeat the mother of all demons and it, is, awesome. The story goes for a solid 20-ish hours, even longer if you go for all of the side stuff of which there is quite a bit to do, whether it's the surprisingly big hub area or the many challenges you can partake in, it'll be awhile before you run out of things to do.

I will say I found the ending... not so much disappointing, but slightly lacking, like it does kind of just end without much of a bang, but still enjoyable.

The gameplay? y'all ever play Marvel Strike Force? think kind of like that but much better, flashier and more in-depth.

This game really does require some brain power at times. The card system is easy to pick up yet hard to master. it can be punishing yet rewarding. It can also be VERY flashy at times which is awesome.

they do a very good job at making you feel like a super-hero with you being able to just decimate enemies and environments with big attacks.

They also do an incredibly good job with making each character feel unique and useful in their own ways. Every game i wanted to try new characters and combinations to discover new strategies, even towards the end I hated sticking to the same characters because I just wanted to play as all of them. I also loved that I was still unlocking characters like 15 hours into the game, it kept everything constantly updating, giving you new things to try which was very much appreciated. The enemy variety was surprisingly wide as well, and I loved the progression of first meeting an enemy and dreading them to absolutely kicking their shit towards the end of the game.

The mission structure does get kind of repetitive at times, but you get given so many options on what you wanna do next so you're never doing the same mission back to back which helped.

As mentioned, the hub world has a surprising amount of stuff for you to do, with it being the primary way to get cosmetics and certain abilities. Each area having it's own secret little story to uncover which was nice.

There's also friendship stuff you can do with each of the character's like a traditional RPG. You can go on Hangout's and do events with different character's to gain friendships which can get you cosmetics and abilities, and while it is kinda cool befriending all of these iconic characters... why can't I fuck them? Like, I know why I can't because it's marvel. but with this stuff it's usually romances you're building towards, and then sex. Like I want to fuck Nico behind Spider-Man's back and get punished for it. but alas, only friendships, which was inevitable, but disappointing nonetheless.

To be completely honest I don't really have any complaints. Like yeah, the game is long, but I enjoyed that, gave me lots to do. Yeah the missions can get kinda repetitive, but I neevr got bored of the flashy animation style so it kept it entertaining. All the cosmetics looked really cool, the hub was fun to explore, the story and all it's side plots were all entertaining and engaging.

This is honestly just a really solid game that I highly recommend if you love Marvel, especially the supernatural side of it, or if you just love card based strategy games cause this, is really solid.

This is a pretty sweet collection, having multiple versions of the same game from different consoles and seeing the differences is pretty cool, and the games themselves are mostly pretty fun arcade classics you can just chill and play.

However, you need friends to really enjoy this, I got pretty bored during my 2nd arcade game playthrough. Luckily they implemented online, unfortunately, it's horrible and laggy as fuck, at least every time I tried it it was (full ethernet connection btw) so yeah.

Also the amount of customisation options you have is pretty cool too.

But yeah, it's a pretty cool collection, and I'd like to see more stuff like it, but make sure you have friends to play it with.

I bought an among us plushie today.

soundtrack made me cum again

Painfully mid.

This game shows a lot of promise but just, not very great execution.

There are parts of this game I did enjoy... but not much.

so let's walk through it.

Starting with the story. Damn this game's story is dogshit lol.

Each "desk" in the game has it's on little contained story with pieces of overarching story until it becomes entirely based around that story. The short stories I didn't mind, in fact I really enjoyed the Black Dahlia stuff, but man that "main" story is so shit. So much stuff just happens with like no explanation, the whole Cole cheating on his wife thing? what the fuck was that? just comes out of literally nowhere, it's so stupid. I did not care for any of these characters at any point, they are all either just the worst person ever or bland as fuck. Especially Cole, goddamn least interesting Protagonist I've seen in ages.

The gameplay... is a mixed bag. I did enjoy interviewing people and gathering evidence for the first half of the game, but it just became so tedious in the back half, and they started wording questions so goddamn awkwardly that I had no idea what I was supposed to do. The combat is horrible. So is the driving.

The world is so bland, it just serves as way too big of a backdrop to each case. I just fast travelled most of the time because I couldn't be fucked to drive from point A to point B because it was so goddamn boring. At least in other games where they have fairly bland open worlds they have like, different cool cars or weapons for you to find. In this game almost everything looks exactly the goddamn same. There's no variety.

The music is fairly crap.

I will say, the motion capture tech they used for this game has aged really well. A lot of this still looks really good. Obviously there are some iffy bits because it is a old PS3 game, but it does hold up very well.

Overall... this game isn't great. I really had to force myself through the back half because it just became so boring and tedious and the story just turned to absolute shit. The most fun I had was as a Homicide detective, doing the whole Zodiac Killer shit was awesome and really fun. The rest of the game is just bleh.

If you're gonna play this, just make sure to stop playing once you've been promoted from Homicide, it's just not worth it.

And look, I know there's a real big, bad history with this game's development and Team Bondi that resulted in this game lacking so much. But looking at it as it is? It's incredibly mid.