This game was done so dirty by Avengers. Thanks to that dumpster fire everyone just overlooked this and it's such a sad thing because this game is incredible.

The story is beautifully written even winning the best narrative award at the game awards. All the characterisation is on point with some beautiful character moments throughout. The gameplay is really polished, fast paced and chaotic and honestly never tiring even when going back through areas for the platinum trophy (the "Huddle Up" mechanic making fights all that more fun)

Every level is gorgeously designed with them always rewarding your curiosity heavily and honestly for this entire game you can tell that nothing but love and care was poured into it.

Also this is one of the few comic book games where I stuck with the base costumes for most of it because they just absolutely nailed the character designs and I couldn't get enough of it.

This entire game just takes everything about the Guardians from the movies and comics and shows and mixes it into probably my favourite version of these characters.

If you haven't already please give this a try, you'd be doing yourself a favour.

Decided to replay this because I was bored and thought hey, maybe the story wasn't that bad and I just need to give it another shot.

Nah this story fucking sucks dude, I cannot get with it at all, also the cutscene presentation is just awful with a lot of pop-in and blurry backgrounds. Everything about this game is genuinely great, except the main story and how it's presented 💀


A pretty fun time, you can beat it in like two hours but there's enough extra little unlockables to keep you coming back for a bit.

The gameplay loop is really fun and satisfying, not to mention pretty challenging, on the higher difficulties you really got start memorising combos.

The whole death/age system is pretty cool and provides a much more unique take than other beat em ups.

Id definitely recommend grabbing this while it's free on ps plus 👍

I don't know why but I feel the sudden urge to watch Starship Troopers.

This is the most fun I've had with a multiplayer game in awhile, especially a multiplayer shooter. The absolute chaotic mayhem you can exercise with your friends in this game is incredible.

If you're the type of person who loves diving of rocks, blasting giant bugs in the face with your machine gun, then you'll love this game.

If you're someone who loves dropping 500kg of Napalm on a fully robot populated area and watching the sparks fly, then you'll love this game.

If you're someone who loves missions that involves arming and firing a nuclear warhead at your enemies, then you'll love this game.

My only issues come from the customisation and mission variety, but I know these are being updated through the future so only a temporary problem and the rest of the game more than makes up for it.

This, is how you do a live service game. You just gotta make it fun, have substantial enough free rewards where players don't feel like they need to buy anything and even then, just make everything really cheap, and have a clear line of communication with the development team that clearly care about player experience over making money.

It's really not that hard guys.

You may have a loved one this Valentine's but I have the Uncharted 3 platinum so who's the real winner here 😎

This game still slaps. I wanted to replay Uncharted 4 but decided to go through this one first, then I quickly realised I had nothing better to do with my life at the moment and decided to platinum it and in doing so I've discovered a couple of things.

1. The bonus rewards in this are so much better than Uncharted 3, mainly the skins, you can be a skeleton... The most you get in UC4 is a scuba suit 😔

2. Despite most of the game aging surprisingly well it's still janky as shit even in the remaster, mainly the climbing and cover mechanics, those got me killed the most. Anger.

3. I've never memorised enemy spawn patterns as much as I've had to during Crushing difficulty for this game.. love that for me. Love this is what I've done with my week.

Anyway, still a very solid game. Nothing masterful but definitely a fun time to come back too. Although glad I never have to touch it again for completion purposes.

Shadowheart my beloved 😍

I mean, it's incredible. The fact there are people saying this shouldn't of won game of the year is absolutely baffling.

This is just one of the greatest games I've ever played. It truly plays like a game of D&D where it feels like anything could happen at anytime and it's entirely dictated by you.

Wanna kill an entire town? Go for it. See where it takes you.

Wanna just plow everyone you see? Go for it be a whore and see where it takes you.

Wanna spend your entire time shopping and making everyone look pretty? Go for it and see where it takes you.

Obviously there is a story to follow but you decide which way it goes, every decision you make has consequences that you will definitely regret most of the time but also ones that will lead you to incredibly satisfying conclusions.

Same goes for the gameplay, I understand it may seem daunting at first especially if you're not really into the whole turn based RPG thing but my god, the way you can customise your character and how they fight it really is just you perfectly fine tuning the gameplay to fit your style and it can get so goddamn satisfying when you figure out the perfect builds that work for you.

Speaking of decisions and fine-tuning, the world is so freaking detailed, anywhere you go you'll either find a secret, a side quest or just a random goofy ass encounter and it brings the feeling that the world truly is teeming with life.

And oh my god your companions are the best, well some of them.

I didn't really care for Gale.... Fuck you Gale.

But everyone else, Karlach, Astarion, Shadowheart my beloved 😍. I fell in love with some of these characters so goddamn fast just purely from how well they're written and voice acted. I only wanted happy endings for them. And the fact I even missed some unlockable companions just from choices I made which makes me wanna go back and replay it even more.

I cannot stress enough how obvious it is that so much love and care was put into this absolute masterpiece. I mean there is a sex scene with a dude with tentacles for a face. Like if that doesn't scream masterpiece I don't know what does.

Do yourself a favour and play this. Imma go make another character and start again. Karlach romance timeeeee, sorry Shadowheart bb.

I'm pretty sure most of this made sense, I am ill and sleep deprived and it is 1am shhh

Okay this is legitimately quite a decent game. It really rewards you for paying attention to the littlest details and going through the whole trial and error process of it all can feel really good once you've finally pieced a puzzle together.

The story is also legitimately engaging and interesting to unravel.... Until you get to the uhhhh.... Yeah. That plot twist. Which, just why? Why did they decide this? Why couldn't they just stick to the murder? Like, I kinda get where they were coming from and I can see what they were thinking but like, I can't take it seriously after that like wtf lmao.

Also James McAvoy, sorry man but you can not voice act for shit. The other two are fine enough.

Disappointing, this game could've been great but uhhhh yeah no lol.

Listen.... It was £1.50 on the Ps store and I got curious lmao.

I was honestly leaning towards giving this a 3 and a half while playing it because it actually is kinda fun, but it ends after about 20 minutes. It is, a VERY short game.

Very easy platinum though, you only gotta get about half way through and bam, platinum, and all the trophies are gold so any trophy hunters, easy pickings.

I like the costumes you can get for your character but the other girls costumes are all just the same copy and pasted.... Why am I complaining about anime girl costumes... Oh god.

I'm gonna stop now.

I mean, was it worth waiting 5 years for?

Yes. Absolutely.

Holy shit, this is peak.

This took everything the last two games did, and just improved on it.


The story is so goddamn engaging throughout, don't get me wrong it's not perfect, I have a couple of nitpicks but honestly I can completely look past them for the final product because goddamn.

The gameplay is the best it's ever been, from the web swinging being fine tuned to perfection and even further with the added web wings which makes it so satisfying to just go from Point A to Point B, to all the brand new combat abilities that truly make you feel like an overpowered superhero.

The customisation is on point. When they first revealed pallet swapping I originally thought, that's neat I guess but I probably won't use it but holy shit the absolute upgrade some of these suits get from a good pallet swap goddamn. My only complaint with the suits is that too many of Peter's suits are taken up by Movie suits, which kinda sucks when Miles has so many custom made suits that look absolutely fire, just making me wish Peter had even more ones like those instead.

All of the new side missions are great and fun and do surprising little things to spruce up your gameplay experience and give you interactions with surprising characters throughout the city that you may not of even thought about during the main story.

All of the boss fights are fucking nuts with insane set pieces throughout that makes every single one of them memorable, a huge improvement on the last two games.

I honestly can not sing this game enough praise. Insomniac have gone above and beyond to make this one of if not the greatest superhero games ever made. Obviously it's not completely perfect like I said I do have a couple minor issues. But as a whole this is just, wow. The only thing I can think of that would truly improve it, is a goddamn NEW GAME PLUS! Please guys stop releasing games without it

Goddamn round of applause. I am so excited to see what these guys do with Wolverine.
And of course, Spider-Man 3 when?

Oh look at that, Cyberpunk is once again 5 stars, who woulda fuckin guessed.

This DLC, is just peak.

There's no other way to say it.

Everything it adds just makes the game perfect. From the moment to moment gameplay changes (new cyberware and vehicle compat is chefs kiss), all the quality of life updates, the brand new area of Dogtown that is just as beautifully designed as Night City with secrets around every corner that just make it an absolute fucking joy to explore and a brand new story that had me hooked from the very beginning.

I love this game.

The new story was so good. Starts out with a balls to the wall nuts opening and introduces us to more new incredibly well written characters, of course one of which played by Idris Elba who does a fuckin great job as Solomon Reed. You play through and end up being forced to pick sides and I genuinely had trouble making these decisions because I Loved all these characters.

The fact this even gives us brand new endings to the main game is just a cherry on top baby!

There's so many new quests here and they've done an amazing job distinguishing them from the main game quests, there's such a new variety of missions in this new DLC, obviously not getting into spoilers but there's shit you do here that were never even considered in the base game.

I honestly can't sing this enough praise. Everything about it is just amazing.

This will definitely go down as one of the greatest expansions in gaming history.

It's also solidified itself as my favourite game of all time. It will always have a special place in my heart.

Love you Cyberpunk.

Time to replay this shit again and get all the new endings.

Ahh nostalgia. I used to play this a shit ton as a kid so when I found it in a second hand store you know I had to pick it up.

And yeah, a lot of it hasn't aged the best. The RNG surrounding Dragon Arena in Budokai 3 is a goddamn nightmare and the World Tournament in both games can be wildly infuriating with its dumbass ring out system, especially in Budokai 1 and just the overall jankiness of Budokai 1's gameplay all definitely showed their ugly faces here.

But goddamn I still loved it.

The charm of the original Budokai is unmatched in the classic Dragon Ball game era with its goofy ah cutscenes and cute character icons and terribly translated names, it's a fun time. I also loved the little what if scenarios you could do with the villains.

And Budokai 3 definitely has my bias towards just from the pure nostalgia of playing it for hours on end. Being able to fly around the world and do missions as your favourite characters was the absolute coolest thing ever to me as a kid, and is still pretty fun now, especially with all the alternative what if paths that open up on campaign replays, giving them that extra replayability. You know me, I love my secret character unlocks, I love having my curiosity rewarded and this game really gives it to you. The gameplay is also just fun, simple, and lacking in quite a few areas, mainly variety, but i still had a good time with it until the end, just listening to podcasts and playing through all the alternate campaigns, great time.

I know this is a controversial take but man I fuck with the Dragon Rush system, yeah it can definitely get annoying at times but I think it's a cool mechanic that can allow for a great comeback if you're on the backfoot and is just immensely satisfying to pull off correctly, especially for characters who have secret little extra ultimates for doing it correctly.

So yeah, this definitely has its flaws. Why the collection doesn't even include Budokai 2 I don't know... I mean probably because of the stupid boardgame bullshit no liked but I digress.

This can be a great time and a real oddity. If you're a dragon ball fan who's only played the modern stuff and wants to check out some of the classics, this would be my go to.

And Raging Blast, which I also picked up and is next on my list :)

Thought I'd give this a quick replay before the Phantom Liberty update and goddamn.

Even on a third play through I still love it to pieces.

I still discover new things, I still find it hard to do things that'll hurt the characters I like because I just fall in love with them all over again. I still lose track of time and end up playing till 4 in the morning.

Even after a 3rd play through I am excited for a 4th.

It definitely has its problems but I am more than happy to look past them for everything else. So fucking excited for Phantom Liberty, give me more cyberpunk forever and ever please and thank you <3

Definitely better than the Bardock DLC.

It's really cool to see this era of Dragon Ball be explored and I loved the ground battles, not being able to fly surprisingly adds a lot more charm.

My main issue was just the length, it's pretty short. Also most of it was just cut scenes.

I would love a game that just goes through all of OG Dragon Ball all the way to Super. Would be awesome as shit.

As said, better than Bardock but the Trunks DLC is still peak

I kinda forgot I had this, so while all my physical games are in storage I thought fuck it, why not platinum this? That'll keep me busy. And yeah it did, I like this game.

I think it has a lot of charm, I know people say "oh the gameplay is repetitive and boring"

And while I can kinda agree on the repetitive aspect it definitely never got boring for me. I think they mix things up enough every level to keep you on your toes and if you want a challenge the harder difficulty definitely gives it to you but if you want to just go around blasting people Frank Reynolds style then that's also an option.

I do wish there were some like cosmetics and stuff but oh well.

The skill tree is simple but you do feel rewarded when you get new skills that let you do flashy new moves.

A very solid game, sucks the only way to get it now is buying it second hand. I miss High Moon studios, between this and the Cybertron series they could've gone on to be one of the greats... But alas, those bastards at Activision had their way :(

Okay, after having 100% completed the game, I feel more comfortable giving this a 4 and a half.

The gameplay and all of the side stuff were super fun, never a dull moment. Especially with new game + and all the extra perks.

It really is just the story that brings this down for me. Loved everything else.

I will say as well, this game feels a lot more like a stepping stone than a magnum opus. Like they're experimenting a lot. If they just improve everything in this game a little bit and add a lot more of it, I:e adding more holotable matches, more planets, plants, side quests etc. And make an actual good story. They could make an easy 5 star game.

Again, loved everything. It really is just the story, so maybe finish that first and then do everything, so you don't leave a bad taste in your mouth lol.