13 Reviews liked by Rinter

When asked what he meant when he said Metal Gear Solid 3DS was the only true incarnation of his artistic vision for the game, Kojima stated that other versions "simply have too many frames," noting that "it would make too many bullets for Snake to dodge."

A legendary parody of Metal Gear Solid that surely ranks up there as one of the funniest games ever made. Few games have communicated comedy through their gameplay mechanics as effectively as killing Revolver Ocelot in about 5 seconds by just going into first person mode and shooting him.

Yeah, obviously it's not the way you should play Metal Gear Solid, because it isn't Metal Gear Solid. It's The Twin Snakes. And it's hysterical.

The cutscenes especially are absolutely incredible. If you complain about Snake surfing on a missile you are factually a loser I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you

My teacher showed us this in class once and got so mad when a kid called it gay he had to go outside and calm down.

ok so if ichiban beats up old people on the streets its called grinding but when i do its called a felony sure

I have this policy where if i fall asleep 3 times while playing a game it gets dropped no questions asked and i didnt even get 4 hours in this game actually fucking blows

The opening act of the game has the villain brainwash and kidnap nearly all your allies, leaving Morgana as the only person to talk to.
Gotta say, probably the best motivation to set things right in any of these games.

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When the Phantom Theives are celebrating at Universalland, Makoto brings up their previous trip to Destinyland like it's a fond memory. You know, that time Haru watched her father fucking die on live television

Persona devs: "How many levels of out of touch with the fanbase are you on?
Smt devs: "Like, 5 or 6 my dude"
Persona devs: "You are little baby watch this"
Dedicates entire dungeon to Yosuke

It’s strange how to they made the villains so cartoonishly evil, as everyone knows that sexual predators, plagiarists, mafia bosses, corrupt CEOs, immoral prosecutors, and tyrannical politicians don’t exist in real life.

That's your campaign? Jesus Christ. Maybe you should give your most popular subbrand a good story but then again we didn't even get BOIV proper. BUT HEY BUY MWIV BECAUSE THE STORY ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING DONE YET. A messy narrative that drops you in more or less expecting you to have played the MW seasons of Warzone (because Cold War, Vanguard, and whatever else murk the MW narrative waters) in addition to the trio minimum raids of MWII in order to pick up the plot. Try going from MWII to MWIII and guestimate the plot.. The jump for MW to MWII may as well have been stepping over a guardrail for how simple it was.

Call of Duty is lost and has been since they felt the need to pivot out of the AW and IW era of exploration. Now all players are stuck with is bland ass MW gameplay, the hint of promise Treyarch title, and whatever WWII game Sledgehammer wants to make. A reinvention needs to be made but how do you revitalize a concept that is stuck in it's glory days unable to grow because nostalgia sells too well? You can't because the cries for beloved characters will be too loud to ignore. The days of making memorable stories and characters for massive IPs is over. It died in the late 2000s and was put to rest in the early 2010s.

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

what if quake 2 still kinda sucked but looked wet and slippery

you know when John Halo drops into a room full of enemies and is so unafraid that he goes "boo" at them, you'd think in gameplay they wouldn't instantly gun you down like a fucking dog