50 reviews liked by Robin0007

they let the dudes who made the mmo make a singleplayer high budget final fantasy and i was surprised when a lot of it ended up being structurally similar to an mmo. i am but the fool here

Like eating Ambrosia, but half the meal is laced with small bombs exploding inside you

hi it's phil back for the game reviews for watchmojo.com i got another review for the- for you this time and this time it's gonna be called dra KEN gard not dragonguard that's dra KEN gard it's rated m for mature it's only for playstation 2 keep in mind this is a one player game there's no online possibilities there is the possibility of toning down the blood but god knows nobody tones down the blood so just forget about that.

this game is a mix of devils may cry action rpg where you have to constantly get your character's hp as we call it health power and magical power up as levels go up now keep in mind that this was made by ubisoft which is a very renowned company for games like this. now this is also offers you a great animations in terms of japanese animation and also effects in between scenes cinematics are a may zing uhh if i don't know if you're a fan of final fantasy or if you know these japanese animation kind of settings but this will offer you the same setting or maybe even more. i was very surprised with the outcome of the ps2 can offer on this game. nevertheless, i would consider you probably umm playing the first title before playing the second because i did not play the first title before and i was a little confused, nevertheless at the beginning of the game you get a little prologue of what previous game offered. now if you go into details into the game there is weapons you can accumulate, items, like any rpg game the idea is to constantly get your levels up so that your strength goes up so that obviously the game becomes easier and you're stronger.

now this was based in ... a magical world where ... you as a character ... named legna with your dragon end up taking over uhh the world and uhh trying to save different destinations with they're called keys, there's a total about six keys to take care of and they all have certain foes to fight to be able to take care of those keys. now, this is the kind of game where you get to the part where you think you're finishing it but there's always a little loop that makes you go on and on! now it's a total of twelve chapters and at the tenth chapter you think it's over but it's not. that's the beauty of the game.

now this is obviously like i've always said the best part of the show where i give mmmy opinion on dra KEN gard not dragonguard remember people there's dragons in this game but it's called dra KEN gard anyways let's just leave it at that. now all i have to say is ummm if you remember our legend i will repeat it again: 9 to 10 was a purchase where you keep the game because it's a-mazing. a 8 to 7 where it's a late rental fee because umm you think you can finish the game in one rental but then you realize that you have to rent it a second time so you end up renting it for seven days just to make sure. and the other one was 5 to 6 where... forget about it. you rent it uhhh maybe for one day and then you put it away and you never look at it again. just joking. nevertheless, i will place this game in 7 to 8 because it's very close to 9 to 10 but it's all seen before. umm very confusing because it gives you a lot of opportunities and a lot of side track missions and stuff like that that i don't really think that follows through the game. now a lot of people will maybe have a different opinion on this than me but i still think that the japanese factor thing of games are getting overwhelming, i mean for sony playstation 2 you can see 25 japanese animation titles come out while there's only one north american coming out at that time. i don't know if it's sony playstation is really more based or powerful in japan, god knows. but go on the website see for yourself, it's all written in japanese. i finished it in 56 hours the game was established to be finished in 85 hours, so it's up to you do your best to finish it but again i repeat myself: remember: it's just a game!

corny. if mullens wanted me to feel for this thing the least he couldve done is make it look less butt ugly and not have it talk like a bad justin roiland character. seeing its corpse sit there was the most satisfaction i had from this

octopath traveler is like if all of the asinine, bullshit, uninformed, absolute headass opinions videogamedunkey has had about what makes a jrpg bad were real and made into a game

I was loving this game until I decided to buckle down and actually finish the main quest, big mistake, the best way to enjoy this game is to ignore it as much as you can.

The exploration and sidequesting in this game is the best in the franchise and only gets better as the game goes on and you acquire the mechs and the flight module. I'd like to say the combat is the best as well but the balancing feels half-assed due to the sheer amount of options you have with all the systems. It's a big downgrade from the original xenoblade which distributed what the characters could do very nicely and nothing really felt overpowered or underpowered. On the flipside of that the battles flow faster here and the added mechanics like soul voices and overdrive make it a lot of fun and differentiate it from its predecessor. I also felt like the enemy placement wasn't given much thought, it's almost random at times. Skell combat is poorly implemented and basically useless if you build your characters right. The online aspects of this game also feel extremely shoehorned and ends up just being a way to get free stuff for doing nothing.

Now remember that main quest I mentioned? It's the most poorly structured I've seen in a game, it's nearly NES era JRPG tier. Nothing happens until the final chapter where you get about an hour of infodumping before and after the final bosses and even in between phases. To add insult to injury it ends on a cliffhanger, the one part of the story I actually thought was cool, the ending, is sequel bait without delivering even half of what this felt like it was building up to with its awesome concept. This game was juggling so many plot points at once, doing absolutely nothing with them, and then dropping all of them by the end.

Last but not least I wanted to talk about the characters:

An immaculate, beautiful game, and in my view the best RPG ever made. The atmosphere is deliciously depressing and fed back into by every facet of the game design. The narrative is the best this series gets in terms of thematic resonance and overall pacing. The combat is filled with interesting choices. Every element of friction added against the player - the few save points, the AI-only party control, the hilarious illness mechanic, having your "social links" be unlikable idiots who'd sooner break their legs than make a sensible decision - makes the play experience better, sometimes in fascinating ways, others by virtue of making it less "clean", a play experience that rubs and chafes against the player like sandpaper. I love it. Even The Answer, an awful suffering pit that would alienate the most committed enjoyer, serves a thematic purpose and contributes positively to the play experience.

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I was left with way more complicated feelings on this thing than I was expecting. It's a fun game to play, with a tweaked battle system taken far past the clumsy feel of the PSP version and a nice, compact structure that makes it a super easy game to open up when you decide you got some time to kill. Those side-missions rock and they have the same sort of goofy yakuza-adjacent tone that Final Fantasy VII Remake happens to strike as well, probably mostly due to this version's HD facelift.

The story and presentation and just... everything to do with that though, that's a different story. Zack Fair is a hilariously stupid dickhead and I like him a lot for that but I don't necessarily love him. The returning cast is kind of a mixed bag with Cloud and Sephiroth's parts being great and Aerith... well, I'll circle back to that. The new additions to the cast are genuinely baffling. Just the most bizarre personalities that never crack past a surface reading, given absolutely ridiculous importance in the story. It's really stupid in both the good and the bad way.

A lot of the character relationships don't really hold together very well. Angeal is too weird and hilarious to take seriously, Genesis basically never makes sense at all, and Aerith's friendship/hamfisted will they won't they with Zack swings back and forth between being kinda cute and incredibly forced. That forced feeling does kinda start to work on me though, as I started to read Aerith as less someone in puppy love and more as someone being a friend that everyone in her immediate circle just assumes needs to be paired up with the guy that fell through her ceiling. It's goofy but when I look at the character that way it starts to sit better with me.

Zack starts the game as a boot boy through and through, totally bought into the culture of war and capital that Shinra peddles off to its working class. He admires literal psychopaths and broken weirdos and starts off the game committing war crimes in Wutai under the vague goal of being a hero. This literally always comes off as weird and even if the game's creators dont necessarily line up with that reading, this angle keeps being supported by the game's events... so I think deep inside there really was an intent to make a sort of weird ironic hero story like this. The way everyone talks past each other. Zack barely comprehends whats going on in the first half and then suddenly his idol dies and boom, he's broken too and thus a hero to the lower ranking soldiers.

He makes friends with Cloud, in which case suddenly the dialogue is really well acted and endearing. In Nibelheim the game just ascends to a new level where the bizarre inclusions of the new characters start to bring a newfound psychosis into focus for the characters. The world is being ruined by a corporation, it's breaking all the "heroes" and now they're sick and dying with nowhere to go, and this whole time those broken people they admired continue to be a north star. It's actually unsettling stuff as the game crawls to its conclusion, a funeral rite that starts well before the heart stops beating. Zack asks if you think he became a hero. The game fucking ends! It's kind of fucking amazing, man I dunno!

This is one of the messiest, most uneven games I've played in a long time but I'll be god damned if it gets dismissed as something fans of FF7 should skip over. More people gotta learn that Final Fantasy Is Real Good, Even When It Isn't. This is a series that has been steadfast in staying interesting no matter what, and that includes this fuckin weird thing. This failed little J-Drama of a video game. Never before have I seen a game go from laugh-a-minute kusoge to actual compelling drama before, at least not on this level. I know I'm giving the game and its creators a lot of credit here but dammit this game made me feel stuff. Hats off.

this game sucks dude. im listening to spirit theyre gone spirit theyve vanished by animal collective rn and its soooo good. and i logged onto backloggd and saw this was getting a version 1.5 update and yeah idk just wanted to give my take. bad game. listen to spirit theyre gone spirit theyve vanished instead.

It is really weird how awkward and messy the gameplay is, being kenshiro unable to dash properly, lock on enemies and "grabbing" enemies.
The plot is a butchered version of the manga with very little to add having known characters do cameos to never be seen again and new characters being cheap plot devices.
The progression in the game consist on going from point A to B walking either the whole city to the point that the game makes you sleep on one single chapter I shit you not three times in order to make the game last longer.
And finally and not least important the fact that the game is basically empty, you have a few finger shattering minigames, a big map to explore with your car to farm materials endlessly and 80 substories which appear really boring.

Let this review be a testament of how much I fucking hate this game and how bad It is

4 lists liked by Robin0007