shitty devs care more about adding gay shit instead of fixing their broken game. fun game tho

shit but hot girls just play botw

shit launch but i been playing it a bit recently but i have a lot of fun in it and i like it

perfect story love it its generally amazing and so is the multiplayer

the story mode is really good, the online mode is fun with friends but the griefers and the modders not only that its probably the most grindy game ive played in my life, i once grinded for 10 hours straight and ended up using all my money in 2 minutes but still really fun

masterpiece of a game love wheatly amazing

it was okay at firsty playing btu its boring and uninteresting after like a day

this game was my childhood i love it

love it fun open world, good story and if you get the dlc u get a sick bike love it

This review was written before the game released

shit game trash system identical to overwatch 1

not too many heists it gets boring pretty easily but still really fun

fun asf messed up story but some of the best experience in gaming ive had