Giving it 0.5 stars would be way too high

I was looking for videogames that you could finish in a short amount of time and i stumbled upon Castlevania the adventure. I have heard many negative things about this game. Lots people called it slow and even considered it to be one of the worst games oat but i told myself that it can't be that bad right?. The gameboy graphics were pretty good and have a unique charm imo. The game has a total of 4 stages. The first 2 stages are decent, the 3rd stage was my personal favourite and the final stage wasn't so bad either. The combat is a downgrade from the 1st Castlevania because this game doesn't have any subweapons but the whip was slightly improved because once you upgrade the whip it can shoot projectiles and speaking of upgrades. Everytime you get hit by an enemy your whip gets downgraded which is just total bs if you ask me. The platforming sucks mad balls. It feels so stiff and i found myself to be dying a lot because my fricking jumps were not perfect. The level design was kinda decent tbh it wasn't as bad as some people said. Alrighty now it's time for my biggest complaint about this game. The assness of the bosses in this game is unbelievable. The first boss of the game is Gobanz and dying to this boss would be more embarassing than taking a shit in the middle of the street and i'm not even exaggerating this might be the easiest boss i ever fought and i've played Devil may cry 2. The second "boss" you fight is under mole and the perfect way to describe this whole fight is that it's just whack a mole except the moles fight back. The third boss you fight is giant bat and again there's nothing positive to talk about here. The final boss is Dracula and it's the best boss in the game imo..... it's still dogshit ngl especially for a final boss πŸ’€ and i consider him the best boss because he was at least difficult. Overall this game is pretty bad but i wouldn't consider it to be of the worst game ever because at least the stages were good 4.5/10

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Finished playing Ace attorney trials and tribulations.
This game is an absolutely amazing finale to the trilogy. The 1st case is a really great intro case as it sets up the whole game and i really liked Mia Fey in this case and not only that this case does a great job at introducing Dahlia Hawthorne who is an absolute evil bitch but this ain't her only appearance.The 2nd case is pretty good Ron Delite and Desiree Delite are kinda forgettable but the main reasons why i think this case is good is because of Luke Atmey who was such a great and clever villain but he didn't carry this case alone because Godot is also introduced in this case and i fucking love him he never fails to entertain whenever he is on screen. The third case well lets just say that its pretty meh πŸ’€ 2 of the characters in this case suck mad gorilla dick 😐 Armstrong is just so damn weird and don't even get me started on Victor Kudo who is an annoying ass old man that gets horny over waitresses and there's also Viola and Lisa Basil who are very forgettable BUT there is a great character introduced in this case which is Furio Tigre also known as Xin Eohp πŸ₯Ά this man is just such a great and funny villain that if it wasn't for him the case would probably be just as bad as the 3rd case in justice for all but sadly it is still easily the worst case in the game.The 4th case is amazing we play as Mia Fey for the 2nd time which gives her some more time to shine and we fucking see young Edgeworth who is an absolute cocky bastard in this case and i love it. Dahlia Hawthorne also appears in the 4th case and again we see how fucking evil this bitch is despite her looking like some disney princess. Diego Armando also gets introduced in this case and i wonder who bro is πŸ€”. The 4th case is short but it manages to be entertaining from start to finish due to the characters being great,the story,the twists and also Terry Falwes death was very shocking to me.Before talking about the final case i just wanna say that the music slaps like alwaysπŸ™
Godot's theme, the pursuit theme, furio tigre's theme are just bangers.Now the final case is FANTASTIC. Despite the case being long it doesn't feel dragged at all, the part where you play as Miles Edgeworth is done well and it was pretty cool to see Franziska return, the story and writing are amazing,Phoenix Wright is an amazing protagonist and just the whole game is such a great conclusion to his character, Dahlia Hawtorne is a really really great villain and DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE GOAT GODOT. The final case of this game is probably the best case in ace attorney and there are actually 3 cases that come pretty close imo. Overall this game is peak but i can't decide if to give it a 9 or a 9.5

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Finished playing Castlevania II Belmont's revenge. Despite this game being very short it manages to be very enjoyable for the most part. There are a total of 5 stages in this game which are cloud castle, crystal castle, rock castle, plant castle and dracula's castle. All of these stages were a lot of fun and if i had to pick a favourite i would go with dracula's castle. Another thing that made the game a bit more enjoyable is the good soundtrack. The combat like in the first Castlevania is really simple but still enjoyable it only had 2 sub weapons which was the axe and the holy water but i weirdly found the whip to be more satisfying and smoother in this game but idk i might just be tripping on that one. The platforming was another complaint i had with the original castlevania but thankfully it isn't actually that bad in this game. The level design is very clever. The game has a total of 7 bosses. Angel mummy had a very interesting design but their moveset was way too predictable and easy to avoid for me to consider it a decent boss.Iron doll had a similar problem but i do think the fight felt a bit faster than angel mummy so it's a half decent boss i guess and i also liked the design.The bone dragon was alright i guess i don't really have that much to say about it other than the cool design. Kumulo and nimbler have a very dope design and even tho their moveset is very simple the fight was still overall pretty fun. Dark side was very predictable and like angel mummy the fight was just an absolute cakewalk. Soleil Belmont is easily the best boss in this game it is very enjoyable and i just like everything about it from his moveset and how fast the fight feels compared to the other boss fights in the game. The final boss fight must be good right!πŸ˜„ No it sucks more than micolash (not a joke) .Ur telling me that the only attack that fricking Dracula has is throwing balls or whatever they are at you? Lame ahh. Overall the Game is rlly good and deserves higher than a 2.8 on backloggd.

Finished playing Castlevania.
I went into this game thinking i wasn't gonna enjoy it because it just looked outdated to me and i was right it is outdated BUT i still enjoyed this game. The combat is fairly simple you have a whip and quite a few sub weapons like the holy water and the knives but despite its simplicity i found myself to be liking it a lot even tho the jumping kinda sucks. The music is an absolute banger it made going trough levels a lot more fun and a 1986 game managed to have a more memorable and great soundtrack than most playstation exclusives. The bosses were alright i guess the last 2 bosses kicked my ass but i found the rest of them to be pretty easy. Something i absolutely hated in this game is the strong knockback which made me fall to my death quite a bunch of times and it was pretty annoying. I also really liked the art style in this game. There isn't really that much of a story in this game other than trying to kill Dracula i guess? Some levels have not aged well but again i found myself to be enjoying most of them.This is a very short game so i don't really have much else to say and despite the flaws that the game has i still really liked it because of the unique charm that it has.

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Finished playing ace attorney investigations.
A lot of fans of the franchise consider this to be one of the weaker games but overall i still thought that it was pretty good.Miles Edgeworth was a pretty good protagonist and there were also a few great side characters like Detective Gumshoe, Kay Faraday, Franziska Von Karma and detective Badd.The 1st and 2nd case were good and didn't feel dragged in my opinion unlike the 3rd case which was ass cheeks not only did it feel dragged but it also had the most annoying characters out of all the cases.The 4th case is easily the best one, not only did it have the best story but also the best characters and Calisto Yew was a very good villain in my opinion.The last case could've been better than the 4th one if it didn't drag for SO FUCKING LONG istg this whole entire case could've been way shorter.I would probably give this game a much higher rating if it wasn't for the 3rd case and how the last case dragged for so long.

The sandwich i ate>Overwatch 2

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My first ace attorney game.The first case is amazing because of the amazing story and just the mystery between Phoenix Wright and Kristoph Gavin.The 2nd and 3rd case are goofy as hell but they were still somewhat entertaining even tho they had annoying ahh characters which are Wesley Stickler,Wocky Kitaki,Daryan Crescend (his haircut is stupid btw).The mason system in the final case was a really fun investigation segment.The way the story got revealed to the player was excellent.The overall story in the final case is also really great imo.This game had some good characters like Apollo, Trucy, Phoenix Wright, Klavier, Ema and Kristoph Gavin but as i pointed out earlier it also had some really annoying ones.Overall i thought that this was a great game and i am now interested interested in the other ace attorney games

This game is an underhated dogshit.The combat is mediocre, the platforming is so bad ur character jumps like a pussy, the enemies in this game literally send you flying when they hit you it's like they got an enchantment book with knockback 100 up their ass and finally the bosses in this game are some of the worst bosses i ever fought.This is easily the worst game i've played this year and i would give it a 3/10

So i finished this game yesterday and i gotta say that i fucking loved it.My expectations weren't very high and it exceeded those expectations.First of all the gameplay is really good you can get a large variety of weapons and most missions can play out in different ways.The story in this game isn't always there.Most boss fights were decent i guess,Sahelantrophus was great the last skulls encounter was good and others are just decent or fine but still pretty enjoyable.The antagonist was meh he was cool looking but other than that he wasn't special or anything.I really liked the buddies in this game they all felt unique except maybe the horse.My biggest complaint about this game are the repeated missions which are basically the same missions but more difficult,the dead open world and also having to wait when developing something like it's fucking clash of clans.But overall great game.Final rating:9