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Finished playing Final Fantasy 6 advance.
I obviously went into this with very high expectations and yeah this game is flipping awesome sauce. Our main protagonist is Terra but you can play as every party member. The game is obviously similar to ff4 you visit towns, buy weapons, go through dungeons, fight many different enemies, talk to npcs but this time you have a larger cast of characters, all of them having unique personalities and abilities and the best part is that along with chrono trigger this is my favourite JRPG cast.
Terra like i mentioned before is the main protagonist with the ability to use magic and she is half human and half esper
Locke is a thief or should i say treasure hunter who ends up falling in love with Celes who is another person that joins your party
Edgar is the king of figaro castle and he has the ability to use tools
Sabin is Edgar's brother and in my opinion he is the most useful party member due to his blitz ability
Shadow is quite the puzzling fella but he has a dog called interceptor so that makes him cool af
Celes used to be a general for the empire and she actually becomes the protagonist for a while in the 2nd half
Gav is a wild kid who you first meet with Sabin and Cyan and the 3 of them have some funny moments
Cyan is a swordsman of Doma who lost his family because of Kefka and he has a unique way of speaking but he is also a very powerful party member
Setzer is a gambler who owns an airship and his character design is dope as hell
Strago is Relm's grandfather and he is one of the few humans who are able to use magic
Relm is an artist and her sketch ability is really cool and the scene with her and Strago at the end of the game is really sweet
Mog is a one of the few missable party members but make sure to not miss him because his dance ability is really fricking cool and Mog is also really fricking cool
Umaro is a yeti and that's pretty much it
Gogo is a mime and idk there must be something i missed in the game about Umaro and Gogo.
FF6 also has one of my favourite antagonists in gaming which is the one and only Kefka, i don't think i need to explain why he is such a great antagonist oh and how can i forget about that villainous laugh.The combat is really awesome, there are many great abilities such as Sabin's blitz and Cyan's bushido, the introduction of espers was really cool and you have many different weapons and relics. The boss lineup of this game is one of if not my favourite boss lineup it has so many amazing bosses such as phantom train, imperial air force, Kefka, Ultima weapon, statue of the gods, ultima buster, fiend, goddess and demon. The music fucking SLAPS no explanation needed. The graphics are really great and there are a ton of enemies with dope ass designs and some of them even look like boss fights. One thing i would like to point out is that i really loved that in the phoenix cave and in Kefka's tower you get to switch between different parties to solve puzzles and to get through to the end that was really cool. Now for my problems with the game RANDOM ENCOUNTERS AND GRINDING but other than that i personally didn't have many issues with this game. The story, the combat, the characters, the music, the bosses so many things about this game are done so well in my opinion
Final fantasy 6 for me is a 10/10

Played dmc peak of combat.
Wow this was ass. I usually don't judge something too early but this game drowned me with so many flaws that i just could not be bothered continuing any further. First of all Dante and Lady have their dmc 3 character design but they somehow made them look strange like how can someone make fucking Dante look weird DANTE IS ALWAYS HANDSOME. It's a mobile gacha game so i obviously got drowned with microtransactions. Visually the game looks boring as fuck, argueably the worst looking dmc. There was some stuttering in the few cutscenes i saw but that problem might be exclusive to some phones but the gameplay wasn't stuttering thankfully. Time for my biggest complaint which is the combat. I've played as Dante, Lady, Nero and Vergil for 3 seconds. Dante's combat is an immense downgrade from his combat in dmc 3, 4 and i would argue even dmc 1 (i haven't played 5 yet btw). The only weapon he has is the rebellion and most of the time i found myself just mashing 1 button, the combos aren't satisfying at all and they even removed Dante's guns. Lady's combat is alright i guess it's a bit better than Dante's combat but that's like saying the piss i took yesterday was better than the one i took today. Nero can actually use his pistol but they removed his 2nd arm from dmc 4 and a lot of other attacks aswell. Vergil only has 1 weapon and it isn't even the yamato and for the last time all you do is mash buttons. So yeah dmc peak of combat should NOT be called dmc peak of combat because the combat is the definition of mediocre but hey the game is still better than Dmc 2.

Trevor should've just taken the elevator instead of climbing all those stairs

Finished playing super metroid.
Another amazing game finished in 2024. Super metroid along with Castlevania symphony of the night are the most influential games for the metroidvania genre. So far this is my favourite metroid game and it definitely lives up to the hype.You play as Samus and you explore the planet zebes to find the stolen metroid creature. The progression and world design are without a doubt excellent, as you explore zebes you will find various power ups such as the gravity suit and the morph ball which will give you access to areas that weren't accessible before. The combat is simple but still very enjoyable and the graphics and soundtrack are awesome. Not knowing where to go and the backtracking are usually expected in a metroidvania but an issue i had with the game is that all boss fights are kinda meh, their not the worst boss fights ever but their really nothing special, they are ok at best. By the way am i the only person who had 0 issues with the controls? Anyways i would give super metroid a strong 9/10

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Finished playing final fantasy 4 advance.
This is probably going to be the last game i finish in 2023 and we are ending with a banger! The main protagonist is Cecil who at the start of the game was a dark knight and the captain of the red wings. The king of baron ordered Cecil to commit evil actions so he goes into this journey to redeem himself and to stop the new captain of the red wings Golbez. You will meet many characters that will join your party to help you on your quest where you travel around a world visiting towns and exploring dungeons, each character have their own unique abilities and thankfully none of them are completely useless.
Cecil when he was a dark knight had the dark ability which is an attack that hits all enemies but it costs some hp, when Cecil becomes a paladin later on he gains a few white magic abilities such as cure and esuna.
Kain joins you at the start of the game but he gets controlled by Golbez twice and he rejoins your party twice. Kain is a very helpful party member, he doesn't have any magic but he has got a good amount of health and can deal a great amount of damage with his jump ability.
Rydia is a summoner who lost her mother because Cecil and Kain had to deliver something in the village she was living in which caused a little chaos. Rydia is obviously mad at you at first but later on she forgives Cecil. Rydia is a decent party member at first but when she returns after getting separated she becomes an EXTREMELY helpful party member due to her summons. There are a few more summons that she can learn the most helpful one being bahamut which can deal a massive amount of damage.
Rosa is in love with Cecil and she is a white mage. She joins your party once you cure her from desert fever and rejoins when you save her from Golbez. You will mainly use her for healing party members.
Cid is an engineer who is a very helpful character in the story because he helps with airships and at one point the mad lad sacrifices himself to help the others but he ends up surviving! He is not bad in combat encounters either, he can deal a good amount of damage with his normal attacks and has a decent amount of health.
Tellah is a sage who has both white and black magic making him very useful. Tellah wanted revenge on Golbez for the death of his daughter Anna but gets defeated when he fights him because he casted a powerful attack called meteor and then dies because of his desire for revenge.
Edward is the prince of damcyan and he was in love with Anna. He joins your party to help you get an item needed to cure Rosa's desert fever. He is probably the least useful party member but his normal attack being able to confuse enemies is pretty helpful and he has an ability where he can just hide. At one point in the game he helps you defeat a boss fight by playing on his harp and he also helps you in the battle with the giant of babil.
Palom and Porom are both mages that helped Cecil become a paladin. Palom is a black mage and Porom is a white mage. They sacrifice themselves to save your party but they somehow get revived later on in the game?Idk why anyone would use them when you have Rydia and Rosa on your team but they were pretty useful before their sacrifice.
Yang is a monk who joins your party once you help him. He even has a boss fight where he attacked you because he lost his memory or something. He is an amazing party member with his normal attacks dealing a great amount of damage and he has a ton of health.He has the kick ability which hits all the enemies and the power ability which deals a ton of damage. He sacrifices himself to save everyone but somehow ended up living and he helps you in the battle with the giant of babil. You can switch him back at one point in the game.
Edge joins you pretty late in the game but he is still extremely useful. His normal attacks deal a great amount of damage, he has a decent amount of health, he can steal from enemies, he has some magic abilities like blitz and his throw ability can deal a ton of damage.
Finally we have Fusoya who just like Tellah has both white and black magic but he has a few more abilities. He has a regen ability and you can use meteor with him. He isn't really in your party for long tho.
I really liked the story and some characters especially Cecil and it had a great balance between comedy and serious moments but i personally did not like Golbez very much🤷 in my opinion he is pretty damn generic and the only thing i remember about this dude is that he is Cecil's brother and how he got manipulated by Zemus. The turn based is really great, it is very strategic, it doesn't feel slow and imo the combat shines on the bosses i really liked how it forced you to make good use of your characters abilities and not just spam basic attacks. Speaking of bosses they are awesome!
My favourite ones are Zeromus, Rubicante, Demon wall, Asura, leviathan, Eblan king and queen, Barbariccia, Cpu and Dark dragon. The graphics are pretty damn solid and the ost is great, my favourite songs being: Crystal, the final battle, within the giant, the airship, mt. ordeals and fight 2.The game has a lot of enemy variety but there are 3 of them that i found annoying af which are the malboro , the frogs and those fucking bats. I don't really mind random encounters in games as long as the encounter rate isn't too bad which is not the case for this game the random encounters got annoying pretty quickly. The inventory system is pretty much perfect, it has the right amount of space and it never gets flooded with items. I personally found the difficulty to be perfectly balanced the game never felt too easy or too hard and the game also isn't that confusing to navigate.
I personally had 0 issues with how linear the game is but i did not like how it required some grinding and is it just me or are random encounters less frequent when you need to grind?
The advance version adds character portraits, new items, a re-translation, slightly improved graphics and switching party members.
Overall while it may have some issues like the random encounters, Golbez being a generic antagonist, grinding, very few characters i did not care for and those 3 annoying ass enemies final fantasy 4 is an amazing game in my opinion that still holds up to this day

Finished playing Mega man 6
When people ask what is the best NES game many names come up like Super mario bros 3, Punch out or Mega man 2 but my answer would be Mega man 6. Obviously you play as Mega man and you can play the first few stages in any order that you want. Whenever you defeat one of the first few bosses you gain a new unique weapon.
Silver tomahawk: you shoot a tomahawk that goes upwards and it is gained by beating tomahawk man
Flame blast:you shoot a flame that creates a barrier when it hits the floor or a wall and it is gained by beating flame man.
Plant barrier:you shoot a bunch of petals that protect you and it is gained by beating plant man.
Blizzard attack:you shoot a bunch of snowflakes that go in different directions and it is gained by beating blizzard man.
Wind storm:you shoot a tiny tornado and it is gained by beating wind man.
Yamato spear:you shoot tiny blades and it is gained by beating Yamato man.
Centaur flash:idk what this does i never used it but it is gained by beating centaur man.
Knight crush:you shoot a spiked ball and it is gained by beating knight man.
Plant barrier fucking sucks and i never used centaur flash but other than those 2 i found the rest of the weapons to be pretty fun and speaking of fun you now have a flipping jet adaptor and a power adaptor and both of these are fun as fuck and they are easily my favourite addition in this game. Other than one specific level there wasn't really a bad or even alright level i personally liked all of them and this time they added different paths that you can take so that was pretty dope. The enemy variety is pretty good and i personally didn't find any enemy annoying unlike in a certain game called ninja gaiden. The bosses were honestly not bad, each one felt unique and fun other than a select few and none of them were bullshit which is rare for an NES game. The graphics and music are some of the best i've seen and heard in an NES game and it is up there with Super Mario Bros 3. I didn't find many problems with Mega man 6 other than that boss rush near the end that capcom is so obsessed with and the unnecessary hidden mr. X castle.
Overall Mega man 6 has become my favourite NES game, i had a really great time with it and hey look the box art finally isn't horrible. 8/10

Finished replaying Contra.
It has been quite a while since i last played this game so i decided to replay it. My opinion is still pretty much the same, the game is simple but it is still pretty good and difficult. You go trough a bunch of levels shooting men with various different guns that can be acquired during the level. The graphics are pretty good (smb 2 take notes) and the bosses are alright i guess other than punch out NES games don't really have the greatest boss fights. The controls and music are still pretty good and the game took me a short amount of time. Overall Contra still holds up to this day in my opinion and i am quite excited to check out the other games in the franchise because this is the only contra game i have played.

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Finished playing Mega Man Zero 3
Zero 1 is a good but it had a decent amount of flaws
Zero 2 is a great sequel that fixed some flaws that zero 1 had and it a bunch of things were improved like the story and missions and while it is a great game i don't consider to be an S tier game. My expectations for Zero 3 were pretty damn high because it gets a good amount of praise and i am happy to say that it met those high expectations. Zero 3 keeps the same weapons as Zero 2 but the weapon level ups are gone and the Chain rod is replaced with the new Recoil rod and so far it is probably my favourite rod weapon but it comes down to preference. It can be aimed in all directions and the charge attack can be used to knockback enemies and to launch Zero up in the air when aimed down. The weapon is very useful and fun to use but Z saber will always be on top for me. Zero 3 introduces a bunch of new chips which are some pretty damn good additions to the game.
Obviously you still have the ice, flame and thunder chips. When you equip the light chip crumbling terrain won't fall and when you equip the absorber you get no recoil when hit.
For the foot chips you have the double jump, a shadow dash, quick which gives you faster running speed, spike makes you walk on slippery terrain normally, splash jump which allows you to jump on water surface and the ultima which is basically every foot chip ability.
For the head chips you got a quick charge, auto charge and an auto recover.
Zero 3 has new types of cyber elves called satellite cyber elves and fusion cyber elves. Satellite cyber elves don't die and can be equipped and unequipped but you can only equip 2 of them and they are leveled up using e crystals. Fusion cyber elves die once used
Zero 3's story is a lot better than zero 2's story and that's sayin a lot because i rlly liked zero 2's story. It is a lot more engaging and Zero's character is much more interesting. The game ends with X leaving the world in Zero's care and with Ciel saying that it does not matter that his body is a copy and that as long as his heart is his own he is the one and only Zero and this ending god it is just so flipping good i needed to mention it.
I found zero 3 to be the easiest mmz game so far which isn't necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. Zero 1 was bs yea lets not talk about that but overcoming challenges in Zero 2 felt satisfying but the toned down difficulty of Zero 3 can make it a more enjoyable experience for some ppl but i personally don't have a preference.Zero 1 soundtrack is alright, Zero 2's soundtrack kicked ass but Zero 3's soundtrack?It makes me ascend into heaven. Zero 3's boss lineup for me is either tied or slightly above Zero 2's which means that its great. Ranking them would be hard so i'll do a tier list
S tier: Omega Zero, Fusion omega, Copy X
A tier: Omega 1st and 2nd fight, Tretista kelverian, Cubit foxtar, Deathanz Mantisk, Hellbat schilt,Volteel biblio, Blizzack staggroff
B tier:Blazin frizard, Crea and prea, Glacier la cacatank, Anubis necromancess V, Childre inarabita, Hanumachine r. The graphics are pretty much the same and i ain't complaining cause all 3 games look good but yk what else stayed the same? THERE'S A BOSS RUSH NEAR AT THE END OF THE GAME it is just unnecessary and a waste of time and i still think that the boomerang shield is meh but other than that i have little to no complaints about this game. Zero 3 also had better missions than the previous games Zero 1 had some meh missions here and there, Zero 2 missions were very good but all of Zero 3's missions were great and more fun imo. Overall Mega Man Zero 3 is an amazing game that improves on the previous game in terms of pretty much everything. 10/10

Finished playing Mega Man Zero 2.
The first mega man zero is a pretty good game imo but if you've played that game then you know it has a decent amount of flaws which means that it had some room for improvement.Thankfully mmz2 is a clear improvement from the 1st game.
The combat is improved because at the start the game already gives you 2 new weapons which are the shield boomerang and the chain rod.
The shield boomerang is you guessed it a shield that you can use as a boomerang by charging it.
The chain rod can be used to draw in items, enemies and to hook onto ceilings.The shield boomerang is meh it can be useful against some enemies but it isn't that useful against bosses and i didn't find myself to be using it most of the time because the 3 other weapons are more useful and fun to use.
The buster shot is a pretty good weapon but not as fun as the chain rod and the z saber.
The chain rod is a great weapon its fun to use and its useful against both bosses and enemies.
Finally the z saber remains my fav weapon i found it to be the most fun to use and it is very useful but not op.
A new character that gets introduced is Elpizo he is the new commander of the resistance base but when his plan to attack neo arcadia goes to shit he turns into the antagonist.He is a really solid antag. and prolly the best part of the story imo. The boss lineup is great and unlike in the 1st game none of them have a bs healthpool.
1.Elpizo 1st phase
2.Fighting fefnir
4.Phoenix magnion
5.Fairy leviathan
6.Hyleg ourobockle
7.Harpuia 2nd form
8.Fairy leviathan 2nd form
9.Fighting fefnir 2nd form
11.Kuwagust and herculious
12.Elpizo 2nd phase
13.Rainbow devil
14.Mega scorpia
16.Burble Hekelot
17.Poler kamrous
18.Panter flauclaws
A ranking of all the bosses and a lot of these are interchangeable. The graphics are basically the same as the 1st game which isn't a bad thing because i liked the graphics. The story is a huge improvement in mmz2 because Elpizo >:)
Zero 1 soundtrack was kinda forgettable but not bad mega man zero 2's soundtrack tho oh my lawd it KICKS ASS.
The pacing and controls were solid in both games but a problem that they both share is that near at the end of the game there's a part where you fight some bosses again which sucks. The final boss while not bad it was extremely dissapointing because of its lame moveset, easy difficulty and how the 1st phase was superior. The airship stage yeah it fricking stinks. Ciel was a lot less interesting in this game like is it just me who finds her very forgettable? Most levels in zero 2 were enjoyable and well designed and the character designs are awesome especially Zero and Elpizo. Overall Mega man zero 2 is a great game and a huge improvement from the first game because of the superior story, combat, bosses, levels and it was also less bullshit. 9/10

Finished playing ninja gaiden.
Yeah i'm sorry i did not have a great time with this game. First of all the gameplay was pretty fun, the movement was fast and it was cool to see cutscenes on an NES game but sadly that's pretty much where the positives end for me. As many people know this game is hard like very hard but not in a good way. The difficulty is mainly because of poorly placed enemies that respawn (fuck dem birds) and the unnecessarily strong knockback. Thank god i played this with save states because whenever you die you get sent back at the beginning of a level and that probably would've made me lose my marbles. The bosses yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh their not good 😬 especially the last 3 bosses holy fuck they are so bad. So yea i personally did not like this game but hey summoning salt made a great videos about the world record speedruns so ig that's something. 5/10

Finished playing Super Castlevania IV.
Out of all the Castlevania games that i have played this is probably the best one in my opinion. Super castlevania IV is considered a remake of the 1st one so the story is pretty much identitical but everything else was improved. You are now able to use ur whip (which i also found it to be more satisfying for some weird reason)in all directions and spin it around.You can also use the whip to swing around these rings that you find in some stages making the platforming a bit more fun.The sub weapons are the knife/dagger, axe, holy water, the boomerang and the time stop. Other than the time stop which uses 5 hearts all the other sub weapons only use 1. The enviroments and the atmosphere of the game without a doubt look very great. The game has a total of 11 stages. The first one is the ruined fortress and the boss that you fight here is rowdain which is a skeleton that rides a skeleton horse and they are a very simple and easy fight that there isn't really much to sag about. The 2nd stage is the forest of evil spirits and you fight Medusa here and all she does is throw snakes and circles at you so again another very ez boss. The 3rd stage is the ancient ruins where you fight the orphic vipers and their a 2 headed dragon and this is the 1st boss that i kinda liked. There's also the Puwexil fight and its basically a huge skull with a tongue? Again its a very meh boss. The 4th stage is outer keep and you fight koranot which is this huge rock golem that shrinks whenever you hit it. The 5th stage ks the castle court. The 6th stage are the halls and the boss fight is a dancing couple(dancing spectres)💀 its unique i'll give it that. The 7th stage is the unliving quarters and you fight sir grakul which is a very good fun fight . The 8th stage are thedungeons and you fight the monster or frankestein and oh wow he throws potions at you what a boss! The 9th stage is the treasury and you fight zapf bat which is basically this huge bat made of treasure which is very unique even if the fight itself is meh. The 10th stage is the clock tower and you fight akmodan II and it had a very unique arena that made the fight enjoyable imo. The final stage (castle keep) has multiple bosses. Slogra is meh, Gaibon is meh, Death is cool and Dracula is meh. The stages were all so much fun but the bosses are my biggest complaint about the game are the bosses and other than 4 bosses all of them were just so lame but their still not as bad as Castlevania the adventure's bosses. Lets get back to the positives now tho holy frigging smokes the music i mean do i even need to say anything? Overall other than most bosses being lame i don't have many complaints about this game. It is a fairly short but great experience 8.5/10

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Finished playing Chrono Trigger.
"Turn based games are mid" mfs when i kidnap them and force them to play this amazing game.
Chrono Trigger is a turn based JRPG where you play as the mute protagonist Crono. You travel in time with a bunch of characters you meet along the way so they can save the future and to do that they need to take down Lavos. The turn based combat is fantastic. In battles the characters have these stamina bars ig you can call them that as soon as they fill up you get to do an attack. The combat just doesn't get old because as you progress trough the main story you start unlocking more abilities and gaining new party members. The team consists of 3 characters that you can swap out whenever u want.Each character has their own unique moveset and all of them felt very useful in battle. Chrono's main weapons are katanas and he has lightning attacks. Marle's main weapons are crossbows, she has healing abilities and has ice attacks.Lucca's main weapons are guns and she has fire+bomb attacks. Frog's main weapons are swords, he has some healing abilities and water attacks. Robo's main weapons are arms, he has some healing abilities and attacks like laser spin and robo tackle. Ayla has fists and mainly physical attacks like rollo kick other than charm and kiss. Magus main weapon are scythes and he has ice, fire, lightning and shadow attacks. One of my fav parts about the combat are the dual and triples techs and its when 2 or 3 characters form one single attack that deal a high amount of damage and some of these dual techs are also used to heal ur party members. The game also has a huge enemy variety and NO RANDOM ENCOUNTERS final fantasy 6 should take notes. The bosses in this game holy flip they are amazing and i am too lazy to talk about each boss because the game has many many of them so i will talk about some of my fav ones and the very very few bad ones.My favourite bosses of Chrono Trigger would be: Flea, Magus, Mother brain, Lavos (2nd form), Lavos core, Mammon machine, Queen zeal, and i love all these bosses because they just get so many things done right like the moveset, design and arena. The only boss i would consider bad is Lavos Spawn (lame moveset, goofy ahh design and the fact that you fight it multiple times makes it even worse) and maybe rust tyrano (its basically a reskin of a previous boss) but apart from these 2 all the other bosses in the game are either good, great or amazing. As someone who really likes pixel art style i obviously tought that the game looked great especially for its age. The game has a really great story and cast of characters. Crono like i mentioned before is the mute protag. Lucca is the smart mechanic, Marle is a princess and theres apparently a scene of her getting married with Crono in the ps1 and ds version, Frog and Robo are my favourite characters, Ayla is a cave woman and finally Magus who is my 2nd fav character. Each of these characters were very likeable and they all have a unique personality and story.My fav character that isn't a part of the main cast is easily the goat Gaspar and he is a guide that helps you out. The music holy flip do i even need to say anything? Black omen, Battle with Magus, peaceful days, Last battle god the music slaps. The pacing in the game is great and none of the time periods in the game overstay their welcome. I almost have no problems with this game but one of my problems with the game is Queen Zeal yeah her boss fight was amazing but her character absolutely stinks in my opinion. So did chrono trigger dethrone Mother 3 as my favourite jrpg? Well their both amazing games so it is very difficult to decide but overall this is a nearly flawless game. 10/10


Abzu is a good game that can be finished in one sitting but it sadly fails to leave a huge impact on me. The swimming feels nice but the game barely uses the fish riding mechanic at all. The visuals are absolutely stunning and the soundtrack is really good. The game has 2 really great moments. The first one is when you swim with some whales idk why but i just really liked that part and the 2nd one is the ending of the game 🙏 it was a very beautiful ending in my opinion. Abzu is a puzzle game but the puzzles are so easy that even a toddler could solve them and not only that they are repetitive as hell. A lot of the sections of the game while not bad they still aren't anything spectacular. There's not really much else to say about Abzu but it is still an overall good 2 hours experience. 7/10

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Welp it's spooktober lads so obviously you play or watch something scary. I decided to play until dawn and man does this game do a great at job at being scary. Until dawn is a decision based game that takes place in blackwood mountain and it is divided into 10 chapters.You play as basically every character in the game except for 3 i think so there isn't really an mc. The characters in this game are Chris,Ashley,Emily,Sam,Mike,Josh,Jessica,Matt
Hannah,Beth,Dr. Hill and the stranger. The game introduces some of these characters in a pretty cool and unique way in chapter 1. Basically they have these intros that tell you about their personality and if they have a crush on someone or if their someone's best friend and girlfriend.
Sam is diligent, adventurous, considerate and she's Hannah's best friend.
Chris is humorous, methodical, protective and he has a crush on Ashley.
Jess is trusting, irreverent, confident and she's Mike's new girlfriend.
Emily is resourceful, intelligent, persuasive and she's Mike's ex.
Matt is motivated, ambitious, active and he's Emily's new girlfriend.
Mike is intelligent, persuasive, driven and he's Emily's ex.
Ashley is academic, inquisitive, forthrigh and she has a crush on Chris.
Josh is complex, thoughtful, loving and is Hannah and Beth's brother. Hannah,Beth, Dr. Hill and the stranger are the only ones without these character intros. This game definitely has a great cast. The story was great and interesting enough to keep me glued on the screen.If i had to name a problem about the story is that they didn't give Matt enough screentime. The decision making in this game really great. They actually matter in this game unlike in Twdg.Qte's are also handled very well. You don't need to have the fastest reaction time in the world but it also doesn't give any time to slack around and oh boy a failed qte in my playtrough literally got a character killed.Another interesting thing in this game are the totems. Basically when you pick them up they show you something from the future that YOU can prevent by making the right decisions. These totems are totally optional and i never really picked them up so i wouldn't know what could happen in the future. The visuals in this game are chefs kiss. The dark enviroments and the creepy sounds are definitely some of the things that make until dawn scary. Josh being the antagonist of the game was kinda predictable at first but the part where they make Chris save Ashley or save Josh made me think it was another person. And speaking of Josh he is absolutely a great antagonist. He basically pulls another epic youtube prank to all his friends because they were responsible for the death of his sisters. The sequences with him and Dr. Hill were very intriguing. At first you think Josh was the one who killed Jessica (she died in my playtrough) but then you learn about the scariest part about this game the wendigos. Their basically these orphan of kos looking monsters and whenever they appear the game gets filled with tension especially at the chase sequence with Emily and the part near the end where the lodge is crawling with wendingos. Don't even get me started on those parts where you don't have to move the controller. I would definitely recommend this to someone who likes decision based games or just wants to play something scary for halloween. Overall this is a damn good decision based game with great visuals, story, and characters. 9/10