This year Final Fantasy 16 came out. I thought it was godawful. And so, while I have most of the rest of the series under my belt at some point, I decided to play every main series Final Fantasy game to date. FF1 a totally fine time. FFII though? Just became one of my favourite games.

I love the levelling up system, the in battle sprite work is all impressive and wild looking. The story has more going on than I thought it would. And there's just some really cool set pieces! At the time of writing this I'm about half way through FFVI and this game probably going to remain my favourite thing to come out of my spiteful project.

This is my favourite one spent the most time playing it. Some shit in it has aged very poorly lmao

Got what I wanted out of it, if it ever comes to pc I'll probably actually buy it but Yahoo Anime'd about as much as I want to play for now. Other games I want to get to this is just in the way of currently so I'm officially dropping it.

Excellent game. Best game I played this year that came out this year.

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This game is important to me for personal reasons that aren't worth getting into but it is a bias I am bringing to it.

I think this is the most ambitious attempt at telling a story this studio ever goes for and they blow it in the final hour. The further away I get from this game, the more disappointed I am in how it ends. But my feelings about it remain complicated.

Because the rest of it, god the rest of it. Well, most of the rest of it. Yakuza 4 is such a wild time. It feels like the writer(s) had a bunch of crime stories they wanted to tell but Kiryu didn't fit into any of them so they made three character archetypes from crime fiction so they could tell those stories too. AND THAT'S SO COOL. I wish more games would do stuff like this.

The gameplay really feels like it's coming into its own here. The mini-games start to become plentiful and they're mostly fun. It's been 2 and a half years since I played it, but I don't remember any annoying gameplay bits like a 5 minute car chase you can fail and have to start over.

Spoilers ahead
Akiyama is an incredible character who enters the series here. Tanimura sucks in a way that is entertaining to watch, and totally counter to the typical Yakuza protagonists. Saejima is a complicated character who went to jail for murdering a bunch of people in a Ramen shop and I think RGG is too clumsy for the scene where he pushes down Haruka not to feel really bad to me.

That is a huge caveat for this game. I do think the context of Saejima as a character is a lampshade they are hanging on it but it really just happens and you're like wtf. Really tells you where the people who make these game's heads are at but that's how it goes.

Ending Stuff
And then they reveal this twist that clears Saejima of the worst thing he ever did and the big showdown is kind of mid and it's like watching an athlete going for it and wiping out and it's just very painful. And you'e kind of a mess of emotions and you start to put your thoughts together about it.
And that's just powerful to me, you know? It's either my third or fourth favourite entry in the series on a given day. I recommend it, but there is pretty uncritical implied sexual assault scene on a minor that I absolutely understand if it swings anyone away from it.

One of my favourite games ever what a wonderful experience. You just have to play it. It'll hit you or it won't. It's not very long.

Wonderful game that is a bit too grindy. Just a bit. The job system is interesting. I think I'd have liked it more if you could swap a Job's default ability for another ability you learn from the same job. I think lots of jrpgs are out there that have been in conversation with this system ever since it came out.

Fun little game. Holds up just fine.

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Mostly really enjoyed it. Has some really good character work and the open world stuff was totally fine. The combat is easily the strongest thing this game has going for it. Doesn't hold a candle to the original FF7 in a lot of ways.

The new story stuff is mid to bad unfortunately. The last like ten hours of the game drag hard and ultimately they chicken out of doing anything really interesting with it. I still don't know why Zack was even in this game.

If you love the FF7 cast there is a lot here for you. If you are an action rpg sicko there is a lot here for you. But if you want really emotional moments this game will let you down. It is so afraid to let you sit with moments and it's extremely to its detriment.