My favourite of the three Dark Souls games, since been beat out by AC6 and Sekiro for my favourite From games but still right up there. It's good.

Pinnacle of the pre Sotn Vanias. Sometimes you just hit it out of the park, you know? I get why people say it's Dracula's Curse but for me it's Rondo all day

To me this is the best 3d Mario game. Improves on SM64 in a ton of ways and I love Fludd. It's a game full of really interesting platforming challenges and vibrant environments full of bullshit to navigate through. I just love it. There's a freedom of movement to Mario in this game that is really just delightful. Feed that technicolour paint sludge to me with a spoon. Mario Sunshine rules.

This game rules. There are only a few games out there that play anything like it and they came out in the last like five years. One of my favourite games ever made played it more times than I could possibly count. Speedran it. Will play it again.

All three of the "Mario Story" RPGs are really excellent. This is the best one to me. One of the games of all time. Shame they never made any more of them.

Fine game. The haters can hate. That being said, play it on a PC with the mod that makes it better lol.

I refuse to play this game again it will remain in my memory as the special rpg that showed me a magic to games I had never experienced before.

So disappointing. And I am not a KH hater. Nomura though, you're on notice pal

The average score should be FIVE STARS. It's Tetris what is wrong with you people

Good. Too long. Head bashingly difficult. From hasn't made a game that missed for me in like fifteen years and this is a totally fine one.

What a cool game! Elden Ring is fine but I would much rather From take their considerable production values at this point and do more cool stuff that's different from what they've been doing for the last decade. They did do that thankfully with AC6, And also this! For me 2019 was the year of Sekiro, where I kept plucking away at it. That last boss is a real monster. Highly recommend.

It's good don't get me wrong. The way people talk about it is annoying. It's not even the fifth best Final Fantasy game. IT'S A THROWBACK GAME. THE WHOLE GAME IS A REFERENCE TO PREVIOUS WORK. Saying it's the best one when it's easily the weakest thematically of the PSX games is frankly just rude to FF7 and 8.