I think this game is underrated, and that it's flaws are overblown! It's really good, and it's honestly not THAT much sillier than the rest of the franchise.

Still not like, a GREAT game, but it's way better than KH1 and it still has a ton of charm.

I like the open world stuff and thinks it gets a bad rap. But also this game has the same art direction problem as Asylum, and the script employs the word "bitch" like the writers just paid $1400 for it at the store and need to use it as much as possible to justify the purchase.


This occupies a similar placee in my head to RE4. Are there fair criticisms you can make about it? Probably, yeah. But also fuck you it's Bayonetta baby!

This game looks terrible. There's so many better platformers on the SNES why would you play this one.

I haven't tried playing this game in a long time but I feel like the last time I did I didn't have quite as much fun as I remembered having the first time around.


I don't even really like competitive FPSs but TF2 RULES

Oh my god who caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares

Hi please make more 2D games with lovingly hand-drawn animated sprites

Maybe pick an animation style with a less racist history behind it though

The actual best Mario game. GOD it's good.

I like back-dashing around the castle


Why do they keep making racist skins

That seems like an easy problem to avoid

They didn't really know how to make Sonic yet when they did this one. And they forgot how to make Sonic very shortly after figuring it out.

This game can eat my entire butt. None of the Bethesda games I've tried have been any fun at all and I don't understand why people like them.

Pokemon is pretty good. As a Pokemon game, this is pretty good.