A lot of people really love this game and listen, I get it, it's fun and sunny and the FLUDD is also pretty cool! But the camera sucks ass and its frequently awkward to control and it's just not that fun. If they're remaking this like they're rumored to I really hope they give it an overhaul because I do think there's a great game buried in here but there's a LOTTA shit piled on top of it.

This game got turned into a weird battleground for awful nerds at some point. So many people are incapable of either praising or criticizing it without being some variety of shithead. THAT SAID it's also pretty much perfect

I love how this game plays and HATE how this game looks. Everything and everyone looks gross. Why did you make the Joker's spine grow out of his back. What are you doing.

This game has a weird oversized reputation that honestly doesn't do it any favors because at the end of the day it's just a cute lil' quirky JRPG with a handful of really strong emotional beats. And that's great! But it ain't the second coming of Christ and I feel like a lot of folks who've come to this game were preemptively set up to be disappoitned by overzealous fans.

This game's just not very good. But it's VERY charming, and that counts for something.

This game is thoroughly Okay, and also it kind of ruined Assassin's Creed forever. Instead of developing the slow plodding info gathering and stealth mechancis that, granted, weren't that great in AC1, they made it more actiony, and that's just not as interesting to me.

I should go back and finish this some day. It's kind of simple but it's really good for what it is!

GOD the combat in this game is satisfying.

I love Metal Gear and I love Snake Eater but I've always had kind of a chip on my shoulder about it because it gets so much more attention than the Metal Gear games I like better than it.

There is only a very small handful of games that can hold a candle to KRZ's level of writing quality. And paired with the gorgeous art direction? This game is extraordinarily special.

Depending on the day, this is my favorite game of all time. It's complex and challenging and dense and kinda broken and it's beautiful. This is what video games ought to be.

This gaaaame is good. But I find a lot of it sort of forgettable? The art direction just, doesn't quite do it for me, and the story's kind of blah, even by Zelda standards. It definitely has its moments but I think it's a touch overrated.


Game kicks ass, dude.

Mario World is probably a better game than this one but this one's got a softer spot in my heart.