598 Reviews liked by Salmonw

I really, really want to like this game more than I do. It's a great game made with an expert level of craft. This is really more of a 4/5. I personally cannot get into, though. I love difficult games, but there's something about the way this game goes "fuck you" to the player that really tests my patience. I also extremely dislike the dark levels.

My favorite of the modern Persona games. It's still got the same issues as every other Hashino directed Persona title, though. Also why are so many of the dating options adult women when you are playing as a protagonist that is still a minor.

I'm both annoyed that it took me so long to get into this franchise, but also glad that this is the game that I started with. Yakuza 0 is a perfect starting point, especially with how the remakes of 1 and 2 incorporated new elements from 0 into them to make the prequel game feel more natural.

Yakuza is what the later Saints Row games wish they could be. It nails the delicate balance of a mostly serious crime story with over-the-top action and extremely wacky side stuff.

Kiryu is one of the greatest game protagonists of all time. He's up there with Solid Snake.

played it in one sitting but nemesis redeemed it

I feel like i shouldn't have liked this game as much as i did. theres a handful of multiplayer modes, and a single player mode that is definitely shorter then it should be, but i just loved every second of playing this. once you get used to them the single player levels are super fun and the boss fights (though reused) were incredible. the entire game is so dedicated and creative with its sea life themes that it ends up being a completely charming experience that clearly had a lot of care put in to it, and allows me to overlook the very short length of the campaign. The multiplayer is very fun but not easy (or maybe i'm just bad, but I've been stuck in C rank forever). There are multiple ranked modes and turf wars, which are all great fun. the only problem is the game uses a mode rotation system so sometimes you'll log on only to be forced to play a game-mode you may not like. The other big problem is that salmon run is only accessible at certain times for some reason, and speaking of salmon run, other than that one problem its incredible. its super fun and very hectic and you need full cooperation from your teammates to win, making it very rewarding when you succeed on making your quota. Splatoon 2 is all around a great game and super fun. Definitely worth checking out.

Definitely one of the most impressive games on the game boy colour, but it falls short in its progression and clunky movement at times. it hasn't aged terribly well but its still fun to play, and looks amazing for the system it was on.

It seems this game consists of driving to point a, shooting a guy, driving to point b, shooting a guy, driving back to point a, shooting a guy, etc for like 15 hours. it does not control well and the shooting straight up just does not work.



Undoubtedly one of the best games i have ever played.

Yakuza 0 features extremely fun combat and multiple combat styles that suit a million different play-styles and allow anyone to play how they want. the music and quick-time events during fights are incredible and add an amazing feeling of flow to every combat encounter, and the boss fights are absolutely amazing.

One of this games most impressive feats is that it has side quests that are actually fun. I often find side quests in games to be extremely boring and uncompelling, often being just fetch quests or just completely uninteresting. But in Yakuza 0, Every side quest is fully voice acted and masterfully crafted and is either compelling, funny, fun, or all of the above. the world is also visually littered with detail everywhere, especially for a game from 2015.

Yakuza 0's most impressive aspect however would have to be its story. I think this is probably one of the best examples of an excellent story that could only be told through a video game. Its extremely long and is so interesting and full of twists and turns that it keeps you on the edge of your seat for the games 30 hour run time. The characters are all so lovingly crafted and filled with personality that despite the ridiculousness of their surroundings at times, they all feel so incredibly real and relatable. This game has the best character writing of any game i have ever played, and has probably permanently raised my standards for games i play in the future.

Yakuza 0 is overall absolutely incredible and has me incredibly excited to check out the rest of the Yakuza series.

One of the best decisions Microsoft ever made was combining these 2 games. its so much easier to introduce new players to Minecraft now and feels like less of a scam to no longer have to buy 2 different versions of the same game. also if you had one version they gave you the other for free, which was also an amazing decision.

I had heard the Fifa games were not of the highest quality, but this is absurdly bad. it almost feels like a cheap DS game released in 2007 but somehow actually released on modern consoles. You need an EA account to play online, and all the single player modes suck (and it takes like 12 years to even get into a soccer match). The gameplay is playable but extremely barebones. I honestly cant really tell if there is anything different about the gameplay than Fifa 09 for the DS. To top everything off, the switch version looks worse than most PS3 games. I figured id give this game a try since it is free on Nintendo switch right now, and i have now definitely decided i never need to be remotely interested in a Fifa game ever again.

Its a bit annoying to play due to the fact that it plays like a linear 2D plat former but makes you collect hidden collectables to pass the levels like a collectathon. The gameplay is nothing too crazy but it does have a surprising amount of polish and looks pretty good too.

Imagine a donkey kong country water level that lasts forever with nothing interesting in it and you have this game.

A really high quality port of Tetris. plays great and even has some features lacking from other modern version of the game such as blocks changing in colour to let you know how much time you have before your tetrimo locks in place after making contact with the bottom of the stage.

Seems like a pretty good game by call of duty standards.