I think this one level took me 6 or 7 hours to beat lol. A beautifully crafted chapter that bookends one of the best games ever

In terms of gameplay, this expansion absolutely rules. Wish I cared a bit more about the story of it all though, seems more like an excuse to introduce a ton of fun gameplay stuff

Never actually beat The Master Trials but I really enjoyed what I played of it. Also loved the addition of Hero's Path

Played this both when it came out, but also with the Switch collection. Both experiences were fantastic and this game overall is just amazing. 3D Mario is truly just an unstoppable franchise.

There are definitely some issues I have with this game, but ultimately I love it.

Really need to check out It Takes Two at some point. Played this back when it came out and had a blast with it. Of course, part of that just comes from playing through this with a friend, but overall it is not too long and has a lot of fun moments.

Lays the groundwork for a potential sequel that could absolutely take what this did and improve on it. Would love to see more variety within the gameplay, and I also think that the web swinging could be improved to put more control back in the player's hand.

3d Mario games never really fail. If I ever replay this it might go up to a 5

I don't like this one quite as much as 3d world, but it is still a great game.

It's been almost 8 years since I played through this so I can't really recall the story of this. I just remember that I had a ton of fun playing through the game even if I didn't like it as much as Awakening

I remember liking this one a bit more than birthright at the time. Had fun with both of the games though.

Never actually beat this one, unlike the other two campaigns. I didn't hate this one or anything, but I felt like it was worse than Birthright and Conquest so I just didn't see the point in finishing at the time

An extremely cute game that you can just get lost in. I never invested an insane amount of time into it, but I really enjoyed what I played

Did not expect much coming into this game, but I had a lot of fun with it. The combat is extremely satisfying to play and overall this game exceeded my expectations.

Randomly decided to buy this after telling myself I wouldn't. Had a lot of fun with it, and even finished the Pokedex for the game. Not all that memorable in the grand scheme of things, but enjoyable while I played it.