Thought the gameplay was fun enough but it wasn't really blowing me away. Really dislike the way you unlock levels in this game though. Having to go back and do random challenges is not all that fun. Would have loved to just been able to go through all the levels in order one by one.


Wow! Wanted to play this game for a long time but decided to wait for it to become a PlayStation plus game. Absolutely adored my time with this and am planning to get the platinum trophy pretty soon. Loved the gameplay loop of going through the levels over and over to learn the intricacies of the enemies and beat the boss in fewer deaths. The gameplay is intricate and deeply rewarding to master. All of the levels are memorable and contain fantastic multi-staged boss fights. Am excited to try out the arenas mode and will for sure be keeping an eye on future releases from Sloclap.

Really enjoyed this game. Wish it was a bit more challenging at times but it did enough to warrant the 3-4 hour playthrough. I would've probably given this a 4 if the final chapter wasn't so underwhelming.

Very cute and cozy little game. Didn't dive too deep into all the side content but I had a fun afternoon with this.

Had been anticipating this game for a long time and it did not disappoint. The main game is already a really thoughtfully designed Metroidvania, but the post game elevates the experience of Animal Well to another level. I managed to get 60 if the eggs without a guide but looked up the last couple which were hidden behind an item mechanic I had not yet figured out. I also managed to stumble upon 5 of the bunnies throughout my search of all the eggs. While I'm sure this game has more to offer if I want to keep going digging for secrets, I feel satisfied with what I was able to achieve on my own. This will definitely be one of my favorite games of the year.

Truly such a special game. For an entire month after this came out, my best friend and I would just play this game while on voice chat and talk about how incredible it was.

One of my favorite mobile games. I have been playing this off and on for the past year and a half, but I always find a reason to come back. The gameplay is addictive, the updates are consistent, and it never falls into the mobile game monetization problems

Takes what worked in the first game and just improves on it. So much fun

One of the few games that I have played through multiple times. Adore everything about this. Some of my favorite 2D level design in games that I've played

One of the first games that I played through when I originally bought my ps4 back in 2018. Such fun gameplay and a really enjoyable story overall.


This game probably almost slips into my top 5 of all time. Impeccable gameplay and tons of content to sink your teeth into for many many hours

The absolute best the Shovel Knight games have to offer. Never got to play the final campaign for this series, but Specter of Torment takes the best from base Shovel Knight and adds an incredible 2d movement system that makes the game so much fun to play.

This game constantly kept surprising me as I played through it. One of the few games which I've truly completed to 100%

Can't believe that this came out over a decade ago. Very important game for me growing up