A huge technical achievement. I love that I can just go and fly over my town and see my house.

Super bummed that I didn't enjoy this game. Loved og ff7 and remake, but this did not do anything for me. Not sure if I'll finish out the series or not.

Kind of underrated tbh. I started playing in like February of 2022 so I'm assuming the game was a lot better than how it was at launch, but I enjoyed playing this game every day for like 8-9 months. They introduced a new track practically every two weeks and even had some original tracks to the series. The core gameplay with combos and multipliers was extremely addictive and the experience as a free-to-play player was generally pretty good. I didn't feel like I needed to pay money to get some of the things I really wanted. Overall one of the better mobile games I've ever played.

I've sunk 40 hours into this game already but it would probably be closer to 100 if it weren't for FF7 Rebirth's release. The perfect game to play a run or two while listening to music or a podcast. It feels like I'm only scratching the surface of everything I want to do in this game, i.e. all decks on gold stakes, all challenge decks, and maybe even the platinum trophy if I'm insane enough to attempt that. Would not be surprised at all if this ended up being my game of the year.

Takes everything from the base game and improves upon it. The story has a great hook and is consistently engaging. Love the new characters they introduced in this game. One huge improvement is the 9 new gigs with this dlc. Each one has its own set of characters and actually puts you in situations where you have to thoroughly think about the decisions you are making. They end up being considerably more memorable than any of the gigs in the base game and were a highlight of this dlc. It would be incredible if the cyberpunk sequel kept the same quality of writing present in these and still had as many as were in the base game. The side missions were mostly great as well. I only played through one of the endings but I really enjoyed how it played out narratively and in gameplay. It seems like the final act of this story can go in two completely different directions so it would be interesting to return to this and see the other set of final missions. This dlc offers a new ending to the base game as well and I personally found it to be my favorite ending available. Overall I feel like this is truly what CD Projekt Red wanted Cyberpunk to feel like and I hope Project Orion is able to take this and apply it to a full game.

Besides the fact that I absolutely adore this game's story and gameplay, The Last of Us Part 2 will always be special to me for another reason. I remember when this game first launched at the start of covid, my dad happened to be in the room with me. He wanted to see what this game that I had been talking about for months was like. I showed him a recap video for the first game and he sat and watched the first couple of hours of this. After, he asked me to not play any further unless he was watching. So for the next week, he would sit in the living room with all the blinds shut and just watch me play for a few hours a day until I beat the game. We were both incredibly engrossed in this game. Now that we are removed from the peak of covid and I no longer live near my dad, this is a memory I think back to often. These are the types of moments that I hope I will one day get to have with my own children. I will forever be grateful that this game exists.

As somebody who strongly dislikes the first game, Hellblade 2 really surprised me. I feel like my problem with the the first game is that they really wanted to present this highly cinematic story, but the combat and the puzzles were constantly disconnecting you from that. This game feels like what they were trying to achieve the first time with Hellblade 1. The combat in particular is much improved even if it is more simplistic. In the original none of the combat encounters felt particularly memorable, but rather they seemed like filler content to pad the length of the game. Here, each combat encounter feels much more memorable with an increased focus in the weight of your attacks and unique animations throughout the fights. Every chapter has at least one fight that sticks out to me compared to the first game where I can hardly differentiate between any encounters. The puzzles are still pretty bad in this game but they are at least significantly reduced in quantity and length. It felt like so much of the length of the original game was spent solving mind numbingly easy puzzles that added little to the story, so it is refreshing to see this game move away from that a bit. The story is also much improved in my opinion. Kind of an unpopular opinion, but the first game had a pretty underwhelming story that I feel was not really saying a lot of interesting things. This games story is much more thematically rich and just overall more engaging chapter to chapter. The additional characters also made some of the longer "hold forward" sections much more interesting to listen to. I remember feeling exhausted by those longer walking sim moments in the original because Senuas internal dialogue began to feel so repetitive, but I think it was handled much better in this game. It feels weird to have disliked the first game so much and then really enjoy this one when so many people have had the inverse reaction, but I really think Hellblade 2 improved on the original in every way possible.

While there are many aspects of this game that I think are better than the first, overall I would say that this is a worse game than 2018. Mainly, the combat gets much more repetitive because of the fact that we already played the first game and this game is quite a bit longer. I didn't love the combat of the first game, but the campaign was brief enough that it didn't bother me a ton. While this game does have much more enemy variety, the core loop of the gameplay is still a little too simple and repetitive for me. I also think the climax of the game was extremely underdeveloped compared to the rest of this. I still overall really enjoyed the game though because of the incredible character writing and engaging story.

An insane amount of content in this. Endless amount of enjoyment to be had

The fact that this was a real game was crazy to me when I was younger. Very fun single-player component to this game.

Absolutely adore this game. The puzzles are all so creative and fun to try and figure out. The late-game content is also something truly special.

Had a blast playing through this. Can't wait for the sequel

Absolutely gorgeous and incredibly fun to play.

Played the hell out of this game for the first month it was out. Unfortunately, the late-game content in this is very bare and this doesn't do enough new things compared to new leaf for me to want to continually play it.

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One of my favorite games of all time. I remember playing this game right after it launched and while I enjoyed it, I didn't think it would be something that stuck with me for years and years. About a year later, I came back and decided to start casually speedrunning the game. I was never all that serious about it, but I enjoyed watching my time get lower and lower for the runs I attempted. Then another year or two later, I picked up the game again and decided to try a complete playthrough. At this point, I hadn't even played The Core or any post-game content at all. It took me a bit, but I finally beat all the B-sides, C-sides, and The Farewell. It was a feeling unlike anything I had ever experienced in a game. I still come back once or twice a year and just do a quick playthrough because I love it so much. As someone who never replays games, Celeste is truly something special to me.