Probably enjoyed this DLC just as much as the base game. Can't believe how much I played this mode.

Absolutely adore this game. The puzzles are all so creative and fun to try and figure out. The late-game content is also something truly special.

Never actually beat this one, unlike the other two campaigns. I didn't hate this one or anything, but I felt like it was worse than Birthright and Conquest so I just didn't see the point in finishing at the time

I remember liking this one a bit more than birthright at the time. Had fun with both of the games though.

Can't believe that this came out over a decade ago. Very important game for me growing up

It's been almost 8 years since I played through this so I can't really recall the story of this. I just remember that I had a ton of fun playing through the game even if I didn't like it as much as Awakening

Never finished this one but beat 6 or 7 of the gyms. Fun game

I don't like this one quite as much as 3d world, but it is still a great game.

This game constantly kept surprising me as I played through it. One of the few games which I've truly completed to 100%

Did not think that I was going to play a ton of this after my first run, but then I played the absolute hell out of it for the following couple of weeks. Very simple game but a ton of fun with new things to find or do in practically every run you play.
Edit: Got a new phone and couldn't transfer my save so I restarted and actually ended up playing this even more than when I first play it. Insane how addicting this game is.

After playing sword and shield, I told myself that I was never playing a pokemon game again, then I immediately folded lol. Definitely my favorite Pokemon title since black and white though

I didn't love the campaign in this but it was alright. A couple of standout missions but overall pretty forgettable. Decent gunplay though

3d Mario games never really fail. If I ever replay this it might go up to a 5

Didn't really get super into this as I just felt like the core mechanics weren't hooking me. Love the art style of this though even if I won't ever finish the game

One of the first games I played that felt truly next-gen. A little bit forgettable in the grand scheme of things, but a really enjoyable game overall.