While there are many aspects of this game that I think are better than the first, overall I would say that this is a worse game than 2018. Mainly, the combat gets much more repetitive because of the fact that we already played the first game and this game is quite a bit longer. I didn't love the combat of the first game, but the campaign was brief enough that it didn't bother me a ton. While this game does have much more enemy variety, the core loop of the gameplay is still a little too simple and repetitive for me. I also think the climax of the game was extremely underdeveloped compared to the rest of this. I still overall really enjoyed the game though because of the incredible character writing and engaging story.

Had a blast playing through this. Can't wait for the sequel

An insane amount of content in this. Endless amount of enjoyment to be had

Played the hell out of this game for the first month it was out. Unfortunately, the late-game content in this is very bare and this doesn't do enough new things compared to new leaf for me to want to continually play it.

As a fan of both star wars and lego games, this was extremely disappointing. While the game takes a huge leap graphically from their other games, not much else feels that improved. The level design is extremely bland and the open areas, while very visually pleasing, are not that well designed either. The game is extremely ambitious but that ambition also leaves much of this feeling hollow.

Kind of cute for a little bit but nothing that special.

The fact that this was a real game was crazy to me when I was younger. Very fun single-player component to this game.

I've played probably 15-20 hours of this so far. As someone who has never played a souls game before, this is both frustrating and one of the most fulfilling experiences I've had with gaming. While I don't have the time right now to get through this, I will for sure be back to finish this one day.

I really wished they included this in the Mario Switch collection because I would have definitely replayed this.

Pretty much the same as 4 with a new location. I think playing horizon 4 kept me from getting fully interested in this.

Played a decent amount of this and the story just didn't really hook me at all. I'm sure if I finished this it would've been solid but I just didn't feel like it.

The first and probably the only time I will be extremely into a Forza game. Had a ton of fun with this while I played through it.

This review contains spoilers

One of my favorite games of all time. I remember playing this game right after it launched and while I enjoyed it, I didn't think it would be something that stuck with me for years and years. About a year later, I came back and decided to start casually speedrunning the game. I was never all that serious about it, but I enjoyed watching my time get lower and lower for the runs I attempted. Then another year or two later, I picked up the game again and decided to try a complete playthrough. At this point, I hadn't even played The Core or any post-game content at all. It took me a bit, but I finally beat all the B-sides, C-sides, and The Farewell. It was a feeling unlike anything I had ever experienced in a game. I still come back once or twice a year and just do a quick playthrough because I love it so much. As someone who never replays games, Celeste is truly something special to me.

I feel crazy for actually liking this game but I had fun with it when I played it. It's been over a decade and I don't know how well it will hold up, but this was fun.