The gameplay is already good enough to keep me wanting more spiderman content, but this DLC feels kind of pointless. It's definitely fun enough to play through once, but it definitely feels like an afterthought in comparison to the base game.

Lays the groundwork for a potential sequel that could absolutely take what this did and improve on it. Would love to see more variety within the gameplay, and I also think that the web swinging could be improved to put more control back in the player's hand.

Really need to check out It Takes Two at some point. Played this back when it came out and had a blast with it. Of course, part of that just comes from playing through this with a friend, but overall it is not too long and has a lot of fun moments.

Probably enjoyed this DLC just as much as the base game. Can't believe how much I played this mode.

The first and probably the only time I will be extremely into a Forza game. Had a ton of fun with this while I played through it.

There are definitely some issues I have with this game, but ultimately I love it.

Played this both when it came out, but also with the Switch collection. Both experiences were fantastic and this game overall is just amazing. 3D Mario is truly just an unstoppable franchise.

Never actually beat The Master Trials but I really enjoyed what I played of it. Also loved the addition of Hero's Path

In terms of gameplay, this expansion absolutely rules. Wish I cared a bit more about the story of it all though, seems more like an excuse to introduce a ton of fun gameplay stuff

A fun mini-version of Celeste. Enjoyed this for sure

I think this one level took me 6 or 7 hours to beat lol. A beautifully crafted chapter that bookends one of the best games ever

Can't believe that this came out over a decade ago. Very important game for me growing up

This game constantly kept surprising me as I played through it. One of the few games which I've truly completed to 100%

The absolute best the Shovel Knight games have to offer. Never got to play the final campaign for this series, but Specter of Torment takes the best from base Shovel Knight and adds an incredible 2d movement system that makes the game so much fun to play.


This game probably almost slips into my top 5 of all time. Impeccable gameplay and tons of content to sink your teeth into for many many hours