im not a huge fan of this season aesthetically and gameplay wise because if you dont automatically get good luck in the first 5 minutes of the match youre fucked

that being said if you get good luck in those 5 minutes, it's the most fun chapter in years

Even a Devil May Cry when he loses a 3 Dante's Awakening - Special Edition

(Third Playthrough)
...April 30th?

Calling this work of art my favorite video game ever made doesn't do it justice. A lot of people say video games change their lives, but this game actually changed my life. This game isn't just my favorite video game ever, It's my favorite piece of art ever, It's my favorite piece of storytelling ever. It's been about 2 years since I played it for the first time and cemented it as my favorite. This game will always be the most personal piece of art ever created for me and I will continue to cherish this fantastic work of fiction for the rest of my life.

anyway im gonna go play as raiden in fortnite now

I didnt even think this game was like outwardly offensive or anything like i was epecting i was just kind of lost and bored the entire time. i got 5 missions in before giving up lol

Half way through fighting the last boss i fumbled my controller out of my hands and it landed directly on my laptop screen and broke it and i had to beat the rest of the boss on my external monitor

games good though LOL

this game kick ass. i should probably play the actual singleplayer at some point LOL

i have alot of thoughts on smash as a series and i think most of them can be summed up as "peak if you ignore everyone who takes it super seriously"

i think i appreciate the culture around this game and how it celebrates video games more than i actually like the video game

i was obsessed with it when i was like. 14 years old then I realized it kind of blows but I still like parts of it

it is genuinely the most insanely homophobic and transphobic game ive ever played still though LOL

I've played this game twice and despite the problems i have with the games writing especially how it handles Raiden (which in Rising's defense, it tries to salvage all the bullshit that MGS4 did to his character) I think this game is so perfectly made for me otherwise that I can't even complain about the parts I dislike.

It objectively kind of kicks ass

This review contains spoilers

For some back story to this review, when I was a young teenager in 2017-19, I was a big persona fan, but I only really played P4 and P5. I wanted to try P1, P2 and especially P3 but just never got around to it. As I entered my mid to late teens around 2020-2021 I realized the series was something I was not a big fan of. This is due to alot of reasons, mainly those being I wasn't a big fan of the way the 2 previously mentioned entries are written and the way they handle certain topics with a lot of insensitivity.

I partially kept up with Persona 3 Reload but after debating on whether or not to buy it since it was too close to FF7 Rebirth, I wasn't sure if I could finish it. I talked to a friend who said despite my opinions on the latter persona games, I would really enjoy this one. They were absolutely right. For the most part, Persona 3 Reload takes alot of the issues I have with P4 and P5 and makes them feel a little bit like dogshit even more so than I previously thought they were. The story, writing, characters, gameplay, artstyle and general vibe of this game feel like something very heavily leaned towards my personal taste. The themes of this game seep through every on so many levels, it feels like the writers had a purpose with what they were doing more than any other JRPG I've ever seen. For the past 3 weeks this game has been my life. I don't have the most time or energy to speed through a game in a short amount of time like some other people but with this one I just couldn't put it down. Any second I could I was playing Persona.

I've rambled enough, this game just hits home to me and I was thoroughly not expecting to like it as much as I did.

Junpei Iori just like me fr...

its so funny how i bought a ps5 around launch because i was so so excited for this game, I waited a week after launch and saved money to get it and I dont even bother finishing it because outside of the combat being fantastic it is probably the most boring game I've ever played

being able to see Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2 sing Buddy Holly by Weezer was a religious expierence for me

also game is great

Do you know how fucking insane it is that fortnite is like actually genuinely the best multiplayer game out right now. like they have fucking Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2, Naruto Uzumaki, Peter Griffin and Spider-Man i think any game with those 4 characters is automatically good

Literal life changing expierence I'm genuinely honored to live in the same era as this amazing piece of art like holy shit. the night I finished it I sat on my bed eating pizza rolls for the first time in probably 10 years bawling my eyes out