Best writing in a video game, and I don't know if it'll ever be topped.

Best overall fighting game package ever released. Meaty story mode, rollback, and crossplay. Some fighting games have one or two of those, but never all three.

The Battle Hub is the best lobby system I've ever seen, bit you also don't even have to engage with it if you don't want to. You can just queue up for ranked and casual separately.

I prefer this kind of story mode to Mortal Kombat because it lasts over 20 hours instead of 5, teaches you each character, and lets you customize your avatar for fun online fights.

There's even arcade, great tutorials and combo trials, and a training mode with tons of options.

This game honestly has so much, it's hard to mention it all. Not something you can say for almost any other fighting game out there.

It has the time management elements of Persona, and minigames reminiscent of Yakuza. It reminds me of Terraria and Stardew Valley as well, but with an actual focused cast of characters and a plot.

There's a lot of freedom in that you can dive as much as you want as long as you keep refilling your oxygen. But it also keeps things interesting by throwing in story bits consistently.

Every time you think you have all the mechanics down, it throws something new at you.

The ps2 version is the worst game I've ever played. It looks worse than a ps1 game. The lowest effort possible, even for a movie tie-in game.

This review contains spoilers

I remember hearing a lot of complaints about the first game having too many slow walking sections, climbing, squeezing through walls, and generally just taking control away from the player.

Personally, it didn't really bother me in 2018. This game just feels jam-packed with that stuff in comparison though. To the point that it actually started to annoy me.

Although, my biggest issue is the pacing. I feel like both new God of War games peak at the start. The Baldur Fight at the beginning of the first, and the Thor fight ealry on in Ragnarok. No other boss battles later on can compare, and it just makes the overall epic scale feel off. This game still has much worse pacing though.

Some missions just go on for way too long. Returning to Alfheim and the Atreus section with Angrboda's introduction being prime examples. Overall, the story just feels disjointed.

To illustrate my point, remember when you started going to Sindry's hideout and everyone sat down for dinner just to talk? I was hoping that would happen more. But then everyone starts going off on their own and not listening to each other.

Eventually there is a fair amount of payoff for every character, but I feel like it takes too long. The Tyr reveal felt like it happened way too late as well.

Good story. Well-directed cutscenes. Fun combat. Amazing boss battles.

The only problem is that you can feel the MMO DNA of XIV all over the quest design in this game. To the game's credit, even the fetch quests give great character depth and world building, but it doesn't change the fact that the missions themselves feel kinda boring.

You'll either be clearing out bandits or picking flowers for a fair amount of side quests. Even main quests have this problem at times. I also found myself reading npc dialogue ahead of their voices because they just don't stop talking. XIV has a similar issue, and I did that many times in that game.

You can't just skip the side quests either, or you'll miss out on some crucial character depth for quite literally everyone in the cast.

Don't get me wrong, when this game peaks, it PEAKS. But there are some lows that are pretty dull as well. It truly is a rollercoaster, but that's not always a good thing.

I think people overexaggerate when it comes to the supposed cringe dialogue. There was a specific character that actually did get on my nerves a bit though. If you know, you know. Still nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.

The gameplay is incredible though. It trims the fat of Doom and Doom Eternal and just gives you fast, unfiltered fun. Shorter levels are sometimes better than ones that overstay their welcome like in the Doom games. The speedrunning aspect is incredible too. Top tier. I just want more of it.