An enjoyable over-the-top open world game that doesn't take itself seriously. Playing this game as a teenager with my friend was a lot of fun. Me and that same friend played it again recently, and I think it holds up pretty well too.

When it came out, I feel like it got a lot of praise. Now though, it seems like people are projecting their hate for the newer games onto this one. I've also tried playing Saints Row 2, and while that game seems to have a better story, I found it less fun to play than 3.

I just think this game has gotten a bad reputation through no fault of its own.

It's very fun with friends. Zero build made solo pretty enjoyable too. Good game overall. I wish they would bring back 50v50 though. Also, item shop skins are way too expensive.

There were quite a few audio bugs during major cutscenes, and some pop-in. The level design is also pretty forgettable compared to BFBB and the Movie game.

It's still fun if you like the previous games, but it definitely feels like people trying to make a platformer from scratch for the first time at certain points. If I'm not mistaken, the developer hadn't really made their own game until this one. They just seem to be fans of BFBB that got to do Rehydrated.

If there's one thing I do love about this game though, it's the music. They really went all out in that respect.

My favorite game in the series. I'll admit the plot isn't great, but everything else makes up for it. The gameplay, humor, and your arsenal of weapons/gadgets make this the best overall package.

I feel like the pacing of the planets and the flow of gameplay are also the most rock-solid they've ever been and maybe ever will be.

I think the original's story is better, but the gameplay is much more fun in this remake. You can actually level up your guns, and some of the planets are changed to be less frustrating.

It's not the definivite version of the first game or anything, but it's a good enough time.

Minor framerate issues aside, this is an incredible remake. If you haven't played the original in over a decade like me, it feels like a completely new game. I don't even remember the og being that scary, but the atmosphere of this remake makes it downright terrifying at times.

The story is good overall. Ichiban's introduction and the whole first act are incredible. I do think it felt very slow and bloated in the middle though. It's honestly even a bit aimless at times until the third act kicks into high gear, but the ending is worth it.

I enjoy turn-based combat, so that change didn't really bother me. There is one part where the game is basically like "You'd better grind for a couple hours, or you'll be underleveled." I really didn't care for that. It felt like you had to do a bunch of random fights just to progress the main story. The dungeons are also pretty bad.

There's a lot here I love regardless. Ichiban and all of his party members are fantastic characters. The side content is great. The combat is also fun and a nice shake-up to the Yakuza formula.

I just don't know if I'd call it one of the best in the series. You can tell the developers were still trying to figure out how the new combat worked at times, as well as some of the plot. It's a good foundation for the future. It just needs a little polishing.

This game reminds me so much of Yakuza 3, both in terms of the setting and it's reputation. It's definitely not perfect. The plot is a bit messy, and you can tell they didn't fully optimize the dragon engine until Kiwami 2. I'm also not a huge fan of the ending.

But I still think it's pretty underrated. I'd at least put it above Yakuza 4 and Kiwami 1. There are some great characters, and Kiryu is very endearing.

An absolute masterpiece. One of the greatest stories in video games. Majima might be my favorite character of all time. If that's not enough, this game also has the best side content I've ever experienced.

This feels like the true sequel to Yakuza 0 in many ways. I think it mostly matches the quality of that game, unlike Kiwami. Both in terms of main story and side content.

But there are a few plot twists that I really didn't like. If there's one thing I know about most of this series, it's that the story will be a fun ride, but the destination can be a little messy.

It also might have the best final boss in the series.

This game looks amazing. It probably still holds the crown for best graphics, but since this came out, there's been a loud minority of purists that don't like the new enemy designs or the atmosphere. When I go back and look at screenshots of the original, it doesn't do it any favors though.

The enemies in the og just look like blobs, and the so-called atmosphere was just a bunch of fog. I honestly hope Bluepoint doesn't remake Bloodborne, because these purists would be insufferable about any small change. It's called a remake, and I think they remade the things that they should have.

The AI and level design is the same, but they change a few things to accomodate the better textures and everybody loses their minds.

The souls formula gets a lot more refined later on, but this is still worth playing. It's the best showcase of the PS5 so far.

One of the best main stories in the series. Many seem to dislike it just because it's different. It's the least fun combat wise though, because the enemies just block all the time.

Good, but the pacing is some of the worst since ARR. It shouldn't get a pass just because it's an MMO.

Not as consistent as Battle for Bikini Bottom. Some of the driving sections can be frustrating. Still a lot of fun overall though. I really enjoyed the traditional platforming levels and sliding levels. Fun bosses too.

Very addictive. Once I experienced my first good run, I was hooked for 40 hours. Definitely worth the small price of admission. I'll still play when there's updates, but the gameplay loop does eventually get a little stale.