Played while listening to nonagon infinity, that was neat.

I love typing games but this game kinda blows

I fucking hate this game with a passion that i have long forgotten the reason for.


The only time i played this i was lagging the hardest i have ever in any game. Wish i could play it again

i would play this if the camera wasnt so zoomed in

It was neat, had a lot more going on than i thought it would. The combat was alright but not as good feeling as i wanted. Some of the music sounded good.

Maybe if i was a kid who could dick around with games with no goal this could be playable, but even then, there are WAY better games to dick around in, this is basically a walking sim that can ragdoll.

i felt like i played it wrong the entire time, it was cool

this felt really cheap, like one of the random solitaire games on steam levels

it was nice but i didn't really get anything out of it