Oh Bethesda, now that you have made this gigantic game in "fuck you" size, can you just make stuff at most the size of skyrim from now on.

Couldn't really get into this because I was 2 hours in and fucking I saw no opportunity to explore anything cool looking really. I honestly do not care about flying ships or exploring planets.

I was so happy they added punching back as a real skill tree, too bad punching animations are still post-Skyrim gamebryo so they fucking suck and feel bad. I did get what I wanted in that I got to punch an alien animal and that was awesome.

I also hate crafting so much, I'm fearing that Besthesda will include that forever onwards.

trying to come up with the most fucked up review to get all the Mario fans pissed off at me

"Uh Mario is lame and a loser"

the crowd flies into rage as I'm drowned in my own blood, but the fellow Mario haters quietly nod their heads in approval

This game is an assault on my my senses. Ever since I saw the first trailer I thought this game was fake, even when playing it with my own hands, I felt like all my bodily senses were somehow transported to a different dimension. This surely could not be a game that is real, it seems real, and looks good, but it cannot have been made by people of this reality.

(I shouldn't really even rate this game, but my half stars are reserved to fake video games, and this takes the crown.)

Honestly the most awesome I've ever felt doing platforming. Actually felt like I was using mechanics given to "jank" myself around the maps. The movement felt tight as hell.

I kept comparing it to what I think Mario games are like (I dont play them) and I was like "Damn, I probably like thsi more than Mario." I think the main thing is the game is structured like a Metroidvania and not in levels with multiple goals. If this game had some time limit objectives or other quirky bullshit I would probably hate it, but it doesnt! Just fun platformer movement and Metroidvania brain addiction.

Definitely wish there was a map of some sort because the areas don't super stick in my head (and I think i;m pretty good at that type of memory). There was some shit I knew I missed cause I just couldn't remember where shit was.

Anyways, dope as hell game.

Fallout: New Vegas is....... good! I can see the strengths and weaknesses comparing this to 3. Fallout 3, I think, has probably better area design, I can see that clear as day in Honest Hearts and Old World Blues. Like those areas are great set dressing, i will not deny, but I think Bethesda does a better job at the gameplay loop in this style of game. However, Obsidian does beat them out on dialogue, hard.

Besthesda NPC's kind of feel like they are there to serve you, the player. They give you the quest, maybe have lore stuff, but its all there to empower and enlighten the player. Obsidian decides to make the NPC's people. If you actually decide to talk to 90% of the named characters in this game, they will have dialogue how their thoughts of current affairs, or just give you their story that has nothing to do with the plot at all. On your journeys you will be able to get to know the people of this land, and what they think should happen, how they feel about this struggle thats beyond them. When they talk, they talk true, these are real beings alive in my computer. Possibly the most real i've felt with dialogue. Just borderline mundane dialogue with random people, accruing more worldly knowledge. Through your connections with the lands and its inhabitants all really help you decide what you want to do. Do you think these people would benefit from the cold, uncaring touch of a foreign nation who just want to control them, but give them protection? Will you find that these people don't deserve anything, and should be put under the boot of strength? Maybe the luxury of the high life will tempt you, kicking out all outer forces so that you may life it up while a man past his prime runs everything. You could find that the corruption runs deep in both major parties, better to just nuke them both and wipe the slate clean, maybe someone else will build a nation that doesn't repeat the same tired tropes of the old world. Maybe, fuck it, you think this whole land is squalid and should be wiped out under a genocidal cloud. Point is, the flavours of the interactions and the tangibility are really fucking good.

(Gonna spew some shit from my mind; sorry if its kind of Doomer-y)

An Audio/Visual masterpiece. I want to get sucked into this realm; a forever realm of lost 90's vibes. Yeah, what the fuck ever I'm one of those "yearning for a time I never even experienced" knowing full damn and well it probably wasn't any better than My Now. This is my beautiful utopia escapism. I want to walk in nature to these beautiful music. I want to feel the childlike joy of Hot Wheel tracks filling my home. I want that imagined feeling of being a Mallrat.

I might be going boomer because I am rapidly thinking more and more that today is just getting worse. I am legit thinking corporations are just sucking the soul out of us all. I kind of refuse to believe that corp market research has found that the most boring minimalist UI and shit is what people want. Who wants fucking modern Xbox UI compared to the first Xbox or Blades? Websites keep updating to look worse AND be insanely worse at providing you the information you need.

Anyways theres my little rant about shit.

They didnt add Male on Male sex to this remake

The genius behind this game shows almost all the time. It is a true sandbox where you can build anything to solve the missions thrown at you, and the building is easy to grasp. There is a mission where you must guard a statue, so instead of doing a route where I fought the enemies, I instead built a heavy ass piece of armor to cover it completely and just sat on it to protect it.

There are a shit ton of missions too, which is kind of crazy to me. That kind of leads into the only problem I really have with this game is that it actually sent me back into child rage mode. Some of these missions are just bullshit. Some force you to use premade vehicles and they are the worst thing you could EVER build, or some want you to race in areas that are not designed for anything to race on. Those are only a few and I don't think they really besmirch the whole idea behind the game too much.

The music is great, the game is pretty to look at, overall, this is just a top notch puzzle-esque game.

The actual gameplay is pretty satisfying, getting into that rhythm zone and being surprised how you are hitting shit feels good. I do wish it had more visual clarity, but thats probably apart of the challenge. The music is stuff I would never listen to myself so idc about that, and I do not enjoy cute anime girl aesthetics at all. Now if this game had blaring butt rock and huge men with muscles, I would be on that shit.

and did they really need a loading screen comment going "How old are the girls? You are asking too many questions!" Literally no reason to bring that up at all and especially in that way, weird.

A fun cart racer, serviceable platforming, and absolutely abysmal bowling

but most importantly, a dedicated fart button

This game has mastered style, no other game will ascend to its level of artistry. This is the peak of what video games can strive for in visuals. And along with the ability to simulate seeing heaven, it also provides you with the soundtrack sung from God's breath.

trying to come up with the most awesomed up review to get all the Mario fans loved off at me

"Uh Mario is cool and a my friend!"

the crowd flies into happiness as I'm drowned in my own love, but the opponent Mario haters quietly nod their heads in disapproval