Baby's first Japanese Action RPG.

This is also going on my list of children's games with a absolutely malevolent design decision with the losing all items on death.

trying to come up with the most awesomed up review to get all the Mario fans loved off at me

"Uh Mario is cool and a my friend!"

the crowd flies into happiness as I'm drowned in my own love, but the opponent Mario haters quietly nod their heads in disapproval

Small Saga is about a mouse who wants to kill God (Human). Along his journey he will join up with a mole who doesn't quite like their royal upbringing, a squirrel desperate to see his ancestry, and another mouse also spurned by the Gods. These characters are pretty dope I think, a pretty quiet kind of "damn, i liked those characters." The dialogue in this game has a bunch of modern language quirks in it, but I found it to just be like real. Someone called someone else a "softboi" and i was like "yeah okay, that fits".

Every party member has their "LGTB Agenda" and I was loving it. Main character might be Ace, the mole doesn't won't to be refereed to as a girl anymore, the squirrel is gay as fuck with his bf, and the other mouse is bi. I think its dope, its kind of just casual about it, because it is casual! Its just how these people are! If you gotta problem you are weird!

There is a whole section about fighting fascists, that segment is kind of cool. You can just tell how pointed these depictions are in this game; one of them is even like "Bro, debating me would have been more noble than violence".

The combat is cool, its fun. It's very easy though so I don't feel like there is too much to like get in depth with, which is sad. The game is also quite a bit shorter than I thought it would be. I think it could have stand to have a couple more hours but its chill.

I also like the visual style, it really reminds me of a isometric Gameboy Advance game, or even like a Mobile game of the Flipphone era (like the mobile port of Oblivion).

Big ups for a game having FIVE Offspring songs in 2021

Another game going in my "Fake Video Game" half a star. This is not because it is a walking sim, I actually love walking sims. It is because (sorry cause this is extremely rude to the creators), but the story stuff just feels AI generated. The voice actor sounds exactly like one of the TikTok text to speech voices, and the dialogue feels like AI generated nonsense that is being spewed into my ears. It feels like the world's most boring baby sensory video.

Game looked good tho!

It's always interesting to go back into From's catalogue and just see they have always been iterating and never stopped. Evergrace is kind of like them transitioning their first person action titles into third person, with somewhat success(?). The game feels underdeveloped I guess?, or maybe it was design just the amount they wanted. Definitely feels like they just popped out a PS2 game and thats it.

However, it has cool ideas that don';t really get super extrapolated on. Weapons/Armour can have spells attached to them, and they all cost durability (much like DS1 weapons with special attacks). There is a pair of shoes that can hover slightly, but its literally only useful in one spot of the game.

I also really like the stamina system in this game. It is a power bar like Minecraft or From's older titles. Wait for it to be full to do 100% damage with your weapon. It is tied to your health however, so the lower your health is, the quicker it actually takes to recharge your bar. This doesnt affect weapon damage, just makes your swing rate higher basically. Trade off having low healthy, for fast recharging stamina dps.

The main problem this game has is the camera though. Fromsoft had not yet learned what to do with the right thumbstick and made it so that flicking it any direction swaps your weapons. I admit it is better than pressing Circle then Triangle really fast, but man, this game really needs Lock On or better camera control. The secret boss of The Shadow Tower (Oh yes, its also in the game) is in this fucking arena with zero depth perception (Hello 4 king) with this fucker who flies and if your camera gets fucked up, oh well! Most of the time the camera is fine but sometimes it is really really ass.

The story is whatever, not much to it I think. The music of course is wonderful and beautiful and other wordly and godlike. So over this game is kind of not a fully developed game I feel, but its still pretty cool for what it is.

In Dinosaur Adventure 3-D, a T-Rex has somehow found itself on this island that has 3 "biomes" on it that consist of the Triassic, Jurassic, and cretaceous periods. You are are tasked with finding 9 hidden eggs around the screens of the island, and play minigames to get 3 hatching crystals for each egg. Each screen is beautifully pre-rendered, and most Dinosaurs are, in fact, 3D. The baby dinosaurs, and the main 2 are not so they can give them fun animations.

The minigames consist of:
1.) Mahjong, but with eggs instead. Everytime you get a match, you get a picture of whatever dinosaur you matched and a little informational quip.
2.) A Crash Bandicoot-esque run towards the camera sequence in which you need to dodge obstacles while the T-Rex chases a stampeding hoard of whatever the fuck they are.
3.) A "Maze" in which you cannot see, because it is covered by a jungle canopy. It's turn based, and you have a limited amount of rocks that have numbers randomly tied to them. You are tasked with reaching the opposite corner to get to the lost dinosaur. There are predators hiding in there that move after you, and make sounds if you are near. Not very fun tbh.
4.) A jigsaw type game, but with dinosaur bones. There are 6 different dinosaurs to make. I love this one cause I love the dinosaur bone visuals.
5.) A frogger type game where you need to jump across a tar pit (twice) to save a baby dinosaur. Objects in the tar can sink for a bit, then come back up, so timing is important. On later difficulties there will be giant bugs you can ride.
6.) The last is a Pipe game (my favourite), but its framed as building a path to a dinosaur. Once you finish it, you can go to a mode where you set what the path looks like (quick sand, volcanoe, lake, frozen lake, etc). Then your dinosaur goes across them playing animations to make you go "woah". There are 2 different visuals per pipe variation, and 2 different animations per visual, so like 24 different little animations to see.

This game can be a little tedious because you need 27 hatching crystals, plus finding the 9 eggs before you can beat it. Luckily the pipe game is also very fast to beat, and you can just keep playing the same game.

The game ends with you leading the 9 newly born dinosaurs to trick the T-Rex into going on top of the volcano, then it blows up and blasts him away. He then gets stuck as a bridge until he dies.

I love the presentation and the CG and shit. Everytime you click on a dinosaur it does a "look into a magic crystal" animation and then it plays a little CG movie telling you a little factoid. If you fuck with dinosaurs, this is dope.


I was going to play my favourite game Memetyper but my oh so dear friend suggested I should look up porn typing games. I found this piece of lovely crap. If you really wanna get good at typing "boobies, hot, titties, viagra, BDSM, panties, vagina, penis, cock, servant, dick, handcuffs, cumshot, g-spot, infidelity, sheldon, fornication, ball, prostitute, hooker, liaison, fuck, fucker, mom, brother, sister, dildo, sixty-nine, anal, anus, corruption, gorgeous, bastard, virgin, teacher, pussy, clit, clitorus, latex, condom, gagging, slave, fetish, missionary, bitch, tattoo" then this game is for you! Also full of AI porn and its all disgusting, none of the maids know how to keep their mouth shut.

Also, I'm conflicted with the core because it is a typing game and it works, a little lacking on word variety, but its hard to fuck up typing games and its fun. But also, I am forced to looked at demonic images grown in a test tube made to look like wonderful big breasted babes, but have gone past that and end up hyper disgusting.

This game fucking sucks. I backed this game like 2 years ago because it was a "ratoidvania". I went "Ooo teehee I like rats and Metroidvanias, i will back it!" (This guy has no idea what he is doing).

It starts out alright (despite the fact the opening cinematic is in 480p for some reason), kind of cool to see 4 different characters with different skill trees. I only tried one of them, so I don't know how well made that part is but the one I played was fine. One of the earliest annoyances is this game damages you for walking into enemies. I guess its normal for the genre but it im still gonna babyrage about it.

It kind of just felt like a sauceless Metroidvania until the turning point. There were some dudes trapped in a cage guarded by a dog. I did some item fetching and got the keys from the dog. The dudes in the cage said they weren't pirates and I should free them. I did so, (of course they were pirates) and they fucking robbed me of ALL the money I had gained so far (2,100). As far as I know there is no way to get that back, it feels so fucking malicious and basically ruined my play through.

Fighting bosses can give you the normal genre power ups, double jumps, dashes, etc. Those two I listed are the only 2 I got. It's almost impossible to fuck up a double jump so it was what you expect. The dash however is the worst fucking dash ever. You would expect a dash to move you pretty far horizontally for exploration purposes. No, this thing barely moves you at all and seems more for combat??. You can attack out of the dash, and I did find out this can extend your time in the air, but still feels like shit. It also doesn't lead to any new paths to explore once you get it.

It also kind of just felt empty while exploring the map. Like im thinking about my favourite Metroidvania's, or even the ones I think are kind of mid, and they all swim circles around this game. I am simply just walking around a map and going room to room, why?, idk cause I guess thats what you do.

The point where I quit was when all the paths I couldn't go were literally locked doors I needed keys for. I couldn't see any treasure chests on my map that I missed and could collect at that moment. There is one fetch quest I think I could do that needed me to get wool for an old lady. A merchant at the beginning of the game sells wool for 100 gold and 1500 gold. I had 1,000 gold at that moment (AFTER GETTING ALL MY MONEY STOLEN), so I bought the 100 gold wool. This old lady fucking goes "This wool is shit, you should get your money back, get me better wool next time." I am effectively stuck unless I want to fucking grind pennies out of enemies, waste of fucking time. This game really just punched my gut then waited 20 minutes to come back and twist my nuts. Fuck you.

Yeah I gotta drop this shit I'm getting filtered too hard. I honestly hate parry gameplay because I don't wanna learn that shit! I want a damn greatshield and I want to 100% block everything. I still think the game is good (for the most part), it feels pretty damn good and I wish I never had to fight a elite enemy or boss ever! Elites and Bosses just have super fucking annoying moves always.

I'm just gonna start with some compliments cause this game does a lot of cool things! The weapon system is pretty fun. I didn't like the moveset of the starting greatsword too much (too much thrusting), but I found a police club with a moveset I liked (have a chargable overhead), but attack range was too small. I put the long greatsword blade on the handle and boom, it ruled. I do wish you could swap scaling on handles without needing unique materials (just use souls like elden ring), cause that means I don't get to experiment really. I liked the vibes and enviroments, wish i got to see more!

The smelter boss I think is actually just loaded with the most annoying moves imaginable. Both him and the electric boss set ground traps and like, I dont want that shit! Elite enemies are too spongy, might as well be bosses with less moves. The ganksquads in this game way more annoying than any other game i've experienced, and they don't have the buffer of me thinking Miyazaki is being a mischievous jokester. Stagger system needs a indicator/bar or something.

Side Note: I think games should start adding an option to increase the your parry window. I felt like I kept fucking up parries by like frames, so I think I would get the same enjoyment as anyone if I was allowed to make the window a little bigger for accessibility.

Side Note 2: While playing I thought about what if a parry based game just put up a Guitar Hero fret board when an animation started, and when the note reached the circle, thats when the attack would hit you (whether you are near the attack or not). I would probably fuck with parrying there because dev's love obfuscating attack animations to troll timing.

ADDENDUM: I also am getting sick of the item scarcity? item management? Whatever it is that keeps me from using consumable items. I think everything should just be recharged at bonfires. Get like a couple throwable items that get recharged. Things that remove debuffs get recharged. Also the souls system they took from Hollow Knight thats tied to the weapon arts is fucking annoying because that also doesn't recharge at bonfires, you have to grind them back up slowly. It makes me not want to use them during boss fights because what if I die, then i have to fucking GRIND them. Dark Souls 3 Cinder mod/Sekiro easy mod just like opened my eye to how much fun a souls-like could be if it was way more lax on the item/mana limitations; you have a fun movekit, i wanna use it!

Got filtered at the first boss, which is a very "Learn mechanics of the game or suck shit" boss. That's fine, I'm at peace with it. I did like the reflecting, possibly the closest to doable I've felt in a parry based game, maybe would like it in a more relaxed type game.

First time working with a Team Ninja character creator though, tried to make Pakunoda

Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole probably have got to be the best Licensed Games and Adaptations ever, at least in the top 10. I never really watched South Park like that, just saw some episodes sometimes, but yeah these games are just so explicitly what it is.

The gameplay in this one is pretty fun and making the build you think fucks everything up is dope. It drags a little bit towards the end cause I played this shit for almost 27 hours in 4 days (including DLC), but its not too bad and the ending rules.

Also the bit about picking what gender you are actually kind of touching to me, and the Craig/Tweak being gay, idk that shit rules genuinely.

Video games that feature hillary clinton: this one

The second Humongous Game. Still kind of barebones. Hate this fucking bear and his friends.

Also coming to a realization that all those clickable wacky stuff is scaring me as an adult, that shit is FUCKED up, none of that shit should be doing that. Look at this fucking cabbage , why are the eye choices so scary.

This is a Video Game™️. Level based campaign structure, variety in level locales, perk tree, money upgrades, collectables off the path in levels, story that doesnt matter to context the levels, its all there baby. I'm back in 2008.

The gameplay is fun, though I do find some enemies really fucking annoying (really the flying shield givers/tentacle wall clingers), but not too bad, it makes the fights tense. It feels good as fuck to punch and thats always a BIG plus for me.
I do feel like the dodge kind of sucks, but its fine enough.

Also, I really wonder if the dev's read Blaster Knuckle, cause the similarities are there. And if you haven't read Blaster Knuckle, you should read that shit, it rules.