This game is fucking awesome when it gets down to the battles. It's balanced perfectly. I grinded out for the harder difficulties because I was ready to sweat after the first couple levels. Firaxis knows how to make pulse pounding turn based action. They really are at their best here making compelling, fun systems and dynamic enough difficulty settings that are easy enough for every kind of person jump into -- but you can get your ass kicked, too if you really really want to.

You can make custom comic book photos of your squad after ever mission. There's a mini overworld with some minor distractions in there. It's aight, you gotta participate in it to get all the extra challenges and stuff.

I love this game. I think it was probably a great idea when it was pitched, but when it released people were DONE with Marvel shit. So a game that goes with that Kevin Feige approved dialogue will just remind you of that stagnation with the movies. To be real, this game does Captain Marvel the best. The Runaways get a fair amount of love. Every character is fun to play. It is just a shame that Disney penis'd Marvel and made everyone sick of Marvel. Midnight Suns was one of the biggest victims of the penising. Aw well, you can buy this bad boy for like 20 bucks and it's super worth it.


This game has it better dialed in on what makes these style of games fun: allowing the players to be neurodivergent and reward them for it.

This game is slop you throw in your slophole. As you contend in your head the sloppiness of it all, you continue eating the slop.

I think what helps Starfield is that we haven't had a game like this from Bethesda in awhile, but it is the SAME game. This one is in space. It's ok. I like the art direction.

Can't wait for the mods to make the game good!

Edit: Everyone talking about the beginning of this game being awful were right. If you were dumb enough to follow the main story path like me then you'll experience teeth-pulling levels of agonizing tedium. Too much dry dialogue and not enough shooting people in the face.

The bar of quality in the game industry goes up by the day, meanwhile Bethesda happily planted it's feet in 2015 and hasn't progressed forward in any real way since. It's frustrating. Then again I know they started this project when Zenimax still owned them and were forcing them to use the Creation engine to save money.

Still, it's mildly interesting, but I'm good on ever playing a game like Starfield ever again

A love story (thousands are dead).

Like what do you say about this that a white Youtuber didn't say in 2012.

It is an odyssey of transitioning from child to adult. It is a vibe machine. The combat sucks. The combat rules. The encounter rates are too high. The police brutality scene still sends shivers up my spine from context alone. The character name music nails how odd and bizarre your journey will be. You can dump all your money into a house just for the reveal that it is literally missing two walls. Poo feels his limbs and eyes torn out of his body to experience a spiritual deprivation of senses so he becomes a little stronger. Ness' dad is a near non-existent figure in his life, only calling him to have emotionally distant conversations and petty cash deposits while he presumably is fucking bitches and generally getting buck nasty in Reno.

There are hundreds of momentary scenes in the game that will have you delighted, intrigued, confused, and mortified. Those moments are what Earthbound is to me. The life of these kids trying to make it in this fucked up world.

Like, it's Earthbound. It's hype around the player experience is real. It's glazing is overglazed but it's worth biting in even if. You got people everywhere whose hearts and souls have been sucked out of their body from being cynical on Twitter for too long saying "this game is overrated" "an annoying Youtuber I don't like LOVES this game it must be trash" THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW THIS SHIT IS GOOD. How long can something be this relevant to conversation. How long can the experience be this shitted on by contrarians -- if it wasn't worth checking out? Objectively bad things die very quickly in the consciousness of the masses for one reason or another. There are reasons people talk about this game nearly 30 years later.

Don't buy into the hate or overglazing. This is a great, flawed video game with issues that are far surpassed by what you'll get out of it. Which is having the game make you feel every human emotion in sometimes very clever ways. It's only when you do a bunch of stuff and then get a moment to look back is when you'll realize: it's all about the journey itself.

btw There are modded versions of the game that lower the encounter rate and increase xp so you're not grinding like crazy to just make it past a bullshit miniboss.

This game is poverty but I mean it's there for free so 🤷🏻‍♂️

The Finals is slightly better but that game is also poverty ass shit and doesn't feel amazing to play either so 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

These were bundled with consoles for awhile. Casuals got to play their little race car game. Motherfuckers got to play some REAL shit.

I really enjoy the thought of a young baby child playing this after seeing the Pikmin 4 footage and becoming traumatized by the death and chaos from the desperate struggle to keep Olimar alive.

I can see how this is a five star game if you've never had sex before.

The next one will probably be pretty good.

Do you have children? Are you in your 40's looking down the last leg of life with an undying love of Sonic? Then Sonic Superstars is for you! This game sucks my dick and everything about it is stinky but IT IS very colorful and has LEGO DLC so that's about all the key jingling the fanbase really needs to irrationally defend this title -- and witnessing that discourse is going to be most entertainment you're going to get out of this game.

For the record, I wanted to like it. I want to like all Sonic games. The online is bad and I'm not playing a multiplayer focused game unless people are in the room with me. Being 30 and playing a 2D Sonic game with a mulitplayer focus & performance issues AND meh levels all by myself left me with the feeling like I went to go jerk off in an empty theater screening of the Paw Patrol movie. It's just not my scene and I'm not sure why I'm here and doing this.

"Why did you buy it" Because I went a box store to buy the new Spider-man and picked this up too because Sonic Mania was a good ass game. (You should go play that instead)

Wow, I got to say SOMETHING positive. Uh, I liked having options to deal with being underwater. I also liked when I was playing this game and saw that my PS5 finished downloading Spider-Man 2. It's the little things, right?

Nintendo really gonna charge us $120 for Metroid Prime Trilogy remastered

I'm obsessed with this game. I think everyone should play this game. That's not a joke. I want everyone to fire up an ISO of this on Duckstation and play it with your favorite controller. After you're all good and comfortable, get ready for the fight of your fucking life.

You may think you know what bad controls are for a video game. You've played games with bad button layouts, awful button delay, wonky sensitivity. When your input commands are not reciprocated, it feels like a fundamental disagreement between you and the software. Blasto takes this sentiment of disagreement and turns it into all out war.

The controls of this game are so bad, the levels are designed with it in mind. There's hardly any closed spaces in this game. Paths are wide as so to allow you to guide the vessel of sins, Blasto (R.I.P the goat Phil Hartman) across this virtual plane. I'm not going to even talk about platforming. All I can say is when you successfully grab onto a ledge, Blasto himself remarks it as an incredible achievement.

It is actually easier to kill somebody in real life and deal with the psychological ramifications of such than it is to land a shot on an enemy in this game. Most times, you have to stop moving, press L1 to aim and hope that your shots land (because sometimes they just don't) while tanking damage the entire time.

Beat two levels with this game. Just two. Then go back to your normal life and play your games with a renewed sense of appreciation for what is really good or bad controls -- akin to having a near-death experience and savoring every moment of life thereafter.

Remember, if you think you know bad controls, Blasto is coming for that ass bro.

In 2012, I accepted DD1 as an unfinished game with incredible potential to be developed upon in the future. I don't know if I have the heart to accept that DD2 to be in the exact same state. The combat so good but everything else is not done or just bad. I don't think waiting for potential patches or DLC is going to fix the game.

I like different, brutally difficult things. I just don't get enough out of this one to be up for the punishment. Is it incredible at times? Yes absolutely. Is it worth putting up with the bugs and balancing WORSE than the first game? No.

I think I need all the DLC to be out, subtle cheats, and some mods to get the most out of this game. It is a huge bummer to even feel like I got duped into waiting for another unfinished, unfocused, unpolished game because the ingredients are here to make one of the finest games to ever exist. It was just cooked wrong.

I don't understand the scores. It's not funner to kill enemies here than it is in CoD. Fuck this woke liberal video game.

0/10 Refunded & Gay.

AI is a topic that will make people poop and pee. To that I say capitalism is the problem and your worries that the powers that be will kill you for not being useful to them anymore as a lil drone suckin penis or whatever you do as a job. That's real.

As far as entertainment goes, AI games like this will be the wave that might catch on. Suck Up! is a great step in that direction as I had fun lying in front of an audience of people who watched me play. I essentially was doing stand-up routines to suck the blood of like 30 NPC's and doing a new schtick every single time. The AI is responsive enough to have clever retorts when it can make sense of what I'm saying no matter how unhinged I was getting. It's cool!

Anyway, if you like lying and being funny, this game is a stepping stone to something potentially great down the line. I love being a vocally antagonistic asshole. By being that, I stress-tested and saw the cracks in the AI almost right away. The meta is apparently offering them cookies but that's no fun. The joy of this game is creatively making total strangers comfortable enough to let you in their house to suck them.

More please.