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Game good, what else can I say. Fromsoft continues their dynasty run.

Currently about 19hrs in as of june 22, A few bits of stuttering hear in there was kinda annoying, especially during the Rellana fight. Love the exploration and the legacy dungeons have been amazing thus far. As of date previously mentioned, have beaten Divine Beast Dancing Lion and Rellana so far, explored shadow keep and in that jungle area rn. Was afraid that I would just be using my build from the base game, but was really suprised by just the base weapons that they give you. Personal fave is the dry leaf arts and backhanded blades being my go to. Will add to this review once Im finished.

So far, Game GUD

I genuinely enjoyed this game. The freedom this game gives you is so insane. It feels like no punches are pulled in terms of what you can do. Things you do have an impact on the world. The way being sent to do a single task can wound up leading to other random tasks (e.g Novac questchain) really makes the world feel dynamic in a way other RPGs I have played don't seem to capture. This was my first ever playthrough of a fallout game and this game really blew my expectations away. Bugs and crashes were kept to a minimum thanks to the Viva New Vegas mod guide. Viva New Vegas overhauls so many issues/mechanics while not completely making the game feel "over-modded" and probably the best way to experience Fallout New Vegas for the first time. Had to initially work around bugs like the game not being compatible with the latest version of the amd drivers and having to switch to an older version of my graphics drivers. Aside from the technical aspects which were all worked around before I started. The game just really immerses you. Still sprinkles of jank, however its enjoyable like vintage clothing or old movies.

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Love the procedural dungeons especially Losom. Game ran kinda poopy tho.

Took away all the complexity that made OW1 so special, trash monetization with battle passes. Toxic online players. Just ass...

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Learning how to parry was fun and the difficulty spikes are insane. There is no better feeling than finally achieving that flow state and beating a hard boss. On one attempt you are getting smoked by the same move every time until you eventually lock in and start using 100 percent of your brain. If my brain was as tapped in when I studied as when I beat some of the harder skill check bosses in this game, id never get a single question wrong in school.

Only downside was the shallow skill progression. For the most point I felt no need to use any of the combat arts as the normal parry and normal attack sufficed for pretty much the entire game. Even the shinobi prosthetics I did not feel the need to spend a lot of time with. Unlike other fromsoftware titles you never reach a point where the game becomes like a super easy stomp and the games requires you to play by its rules the entire time. The game is pretty reflex heavy so if you don't focus you will die.

One of the best multiplayer co-op games in years. Played many helldive missions, even some solo at the peak of railgun, shield, eagle 500kg meta. Only downsides are the common tipple A monetary practices (premium edition and premium currency). Also some balance patches are sometimes understandable and othertime a bit over bearing.

The super citizen edition has the stratagem hero minigame which like cmon... You cant let the regular edition players have that in their ship?
That feels like something that was made for everyone but just stripped away than sold back to you for a premium version. Next thing you know we will be paying for the airbags on our cars. The same thing can be said for pretty much every premium warbond and the pieces of armour that require super credits to purchase (super credits can be farmed just by playing the game so your hands are not exactly tied behind your back to purchase them, so long as you play the game frequently). Cash flow is a necessary thing for most video games nowadays but still a bit disappointing to see. These monetary practices will likely cause the game to fall off.

Still a goated game with amazing political themes that does not take itself too seriously.

Praise democracy!!!

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Wrote on the fly, sorry for spelling/grammer issues

This game was my first ever roguelike. Got into it initially on ps4 in 2021 and despite the many bugs that the console version had its still a favourite of mine. Had to repurchase when I finally built the P.C

There are a handful of distinct classes whose abilities all sync really well with items which can create limitless power fantasy. Different items are more/less useful for different classes which creates alot of gameplay variety and interesting co-op dynamics. One item can make or break an entire run (or do basically nothing). This creates an atmosphere very similar to intensive gambling, gameplay elements such as the different shrines and lunar items provide varying levels of risk and reward and can significantly alter a run.

There is no better gambling addict feeling than losing a run with really good items only to be sent back to the menu to immediately start a new one. This is the Video Game equivalent of gambling away your house, only to immediately take out a second mortgage and put it on black. Combine this with mod support on P.C and you will likely never get bored of this game. Whenever I need to boot up a game for no reason I boot ror2. If casino's made a game similar to Risk of Rain 2 only using casino chips and money instead of the coins you gather from enemies, my life would be a mess and I'd become an alcoholic, gambling addicted degenerate.

Even with the game's randomized elements, there are still elements of control such as the printers and hidden item bazars and tri stations and other ways where you can choose between a set amount of items. Also every item is stackable on some sort of logarithmic scale which can lead to tremendous boosts in power to where enemies immediately spawn and die (the game's difficulty eventually catches up to you though). My favourite part about the items is how intuitively they synergize with eachother. One item's effect can trigger another item's effect, which triggers another item's effect and so on. Which again adds another dimension of gameplay variety.

In my opinion this game is best experienced with a friend or two so you can all go nuts at the wacky difficulty spikes, rare item drops and argue over who stole each other's items after the teleporter boss.

Only downside to the vanilla game is the final boss level is terrible. I hate everything leading up to the final boss. Mithrix is a pretty good/satisfying fight and can brutally end an entire run in a fun pathetic masochistic way with only a single hit, keeping you on your toes the whole fight which is the only fun thing about the stage. Some characters simply do not have enough mobility to traverse the unnecessarily long lanes of the final level and require copious amounts of mobility items which are naturally not guaranteed with the game's randomized nature. This is basically the only stage designed this way. I remember a glitch on console with the Lunar Chimera (Exploder) enemy dealt way too much damage with its aoe puddle attack thing to the point of it pretty much one shotting the player. Combine this bug with not knowing that you could make the teleporter loop on stage 4 and it made beating the game for the first time feel like hitting your head on a wall repeatedly. Still if you consider finding item's to compensate for a character's weak points and loop an extra time if necessary than it is indeed doable on every character.

Overall, a good time, hours of fun, inexpensive (not full price), and runs exceedingly well on most P.Cs

note: Most of the glitches I experienced on console I did not experience on P.C. The Console version i would rate 3-3.5 stars due to its many weird bugs that would effect longer runs such as fire enemies being way too strong and if a fire variant horde of a boss enemy spawned as the teleporter boss you would immediately melt. Not sure if those bugs have been patched yet but yea the P.C ver is waaayy better

Review of survivors of the void soon (maybe not). New account so im tryna bang out reviews to fill my profile.

(Just made my profile so I'm speed reviewing games rn) Worst part of this game was realizing I finished it.

Bought the game a second time once I built my p.c