One of the best games ever played. The lore is so interesting, the gameplay is amazing, it got me excited to play Alan Wake and now I am just waiting for AW2

Great game. Played it on release, not as much glitches as everyone says. AWESOME AC, too bad it was the last one lol.

Great game, awesome ship battles. Awful AC though.

The best wanted system in the franchise. Everything else... Yeah...

Also borrowed from same friend. Great game, not as good as 2 though.

Borrowed from a friend. Great game.

Came with my ACR copy, great game, but the pacing and skills being unlocked were a chore.

First AC I ever played, came with my PS3.


I don't recall much besides the multiple jumps with wings and cars. But I remember really enjoying it.

Not as good as Adventure 1 but great