one of the worst games i've ever played, jfc

I waited all these years for this. Finally, a great Uncharted game...

Fantastic indie horror game. You can see the clear influences that other media have had on this game (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Neon Genesis Evangelion) and it embraces them with so much care. This is honestly one of the best horror games that I have played in years, and it makes me excited for what is to come next in the indie scene.

The Dead Space games are some of my favourite horror games as well as being some of the best games that I've ever played. When I heard that there would be a spiritual successor to the series from the original co-creator as well as a handful of devs that worked on the original game I was beyond hyped. Needless to say, while this is a relatively decent game, it is beyond disappointing in comparison to the perfection of the Dead Space games :-(

When playing this game, while there were some cool ideas regarding the melee combat and nicely produced aspects such as the sound design, it felt like I was playing an inferior version of dead space through it. It took most of the things that made dead space unique, and rather than expanding on those parts it went in the opposite direction by making them worse. Uninteresting creature designs and enemy variety, shallow combat that quickly gets repetitive, bad story/lore, uninteresting aesthetics, jankiness that ruins the flow of the game, and many other issues. Also, while I never found the dead space games to be scary (tbf i don't find a lot of horror games scary as I'm hard to scare), they handled the horror very well by keeping the player tense with various combat scenarios that threw these mutated monstrosities at you. The horror in this game can be laughably bad at times, there are some really bad jumpscares in here.

While I appreciate the effort put into this game, and I found my playthrough to be relatively enjoyable this was a game that unfortunately failed to meet my expectations. New AAA horror IPs are rare, so seeing one like this fail sucks. Hopefully if the devs end up making a sequel to this game, they end up taking the various criticisms seriously as this game had lots of untapped potential.


If you were to tell me a year ago that The Callisto Protocol would be a failure, and that Dead Space remake would have not only been better than the original but also helped revive the franchise I would have not believed you. This is a fantastic remake that is an improvement over the original in almost every way. Probably the best remake that I've played since Resident Evil 2.

This trilogy was fucking goated man, one of my favourite gaming experiences in a long time. THANK YOU COMMANDER SHEPARD!

This shit really might be the greatest game ever made.

Honestly, despite the limited budget/development time the team were working it (thanks Konami) they ended up making a very great followup to the first game. Art direction and horror in this are top notch!

As someone who found the first game to be alright (some cool ideas with eh execution), I'm shocked with how amazing this game turned out to be. Built upon the ideas of the first game in so many new fascinating ways in regard to the narrative and the gameplay; so happy about the shift to survival horror! I can't wait for AW3, this is a game I'll be thinking about for a long time.

I can't believe it took me this long to start the first game and I'm glad I finally got to it. Kojima did a great job here. I'm excited to try out the rest of the trilogy.

Kojima knocked it out of the park with this one man. Fucking fantastic, this game was way ahead of its time.

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She was a true patriot...

This is good... isn't it?