Just a massive downgrade from Sun and Moon. It destroys the quality of the story (which was SM's best aspect). It especially ruins Lusamine's character by trying to make her into an antihero even though they keep most of her evil acts. It breaks the natural difficulty curve with Ultra Necrozma thrown in before the Elite 4. A way to fix this would've been to have Ultra Necrozma happen after you become the champion and for it to be the final boss instead of Hau. Rainbow Rocket is boring and commits character assassination against the evil leaders. They also didn't fix the overly linear routes. If you want to play an Alola game, avoid this one and go play Sun and Moon.

Overall, this game gets a 1/10

This is easily one of my least favorite games of all time. From an insanely boring campaign that treats war like it's fun and games to a dry multiplayer with horrible cosmetics to a zombies mode that only has 4 maps (3 of them being post launch maps) with them all being bad, this game is just awful and I would not recommend playing it.

I completed this game a couple weeks ago and OH MY GOD IT'S INCREDIBLE. This game is easily one of the best games I hace ever played. From fluid and fun combat to a gripping story to extremely fun characters, this game is just incredible. I highly recommend playing this or the 2005 original if you haven't played it yet.

This is easily one of the greatest first person shooters I have ever played, definitely up there with the likes of Doom Eternal, Halo 3, and Bioshock. The movement mechanics in this game are fucking incredible and so fun to be constantly moving in conbat as if you're a child who just discovered the existence of sugar. All of the weapons feel absolutely incredible. Titan combat also feel absolutely amazing and being in a literal gundam is cool as hell (Shinji, pilot the damn robot!). The visuals are absolutely gorgeous thanks to the incredible art direction this game has. The story while short, is absolutely beautiful and will leave you crying at the end, but I'll leave you to find out why you'll be left crying at the end. On the multiplayer side of things, I just wish that Respawn didn't abandon the game to make Apex Legends as it still has an insane amount of potential.

Overall, this game gets a 10/10.

It's a pretty fun Diablo clone, however, I wish the campaign was longer and that there was more complexities with the rpg elements, but the combat was pretty fun all things considered.

Overall, this game gets a 7.5/10

A Turnip Boy commits Tax Evasion, what more do you want?

Overall, this is an 8/10 game.

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The gameplay has definitely been improved from the first game with the additions of things like "Venom" and Invisibility. Plus they fixed the finishers to be tied to combo strings instead of being tied to the focus bar. However, the story really drags Miles Morales down from being a fantasic game to being just a good game, due to the fact that it's overall a pretty bad story. The story is severely hurt by the incredibly short run time and is incredibly disjointed. The Tinkerer is overall a pretty terrible villain with an idiotic plan who constantly puts down Miles for no reason while the game is trying to treat her as if she was a sympathetic and misunderstood character.

If the story were better, then this game would definitely be getting a higher score from me, but as it is right now, this game is a 6/10.

The gameplay is a nice evolution of the gameplay found in the first Last of Us game and it's pretty great. However, I cannot say very nice things about the story with how disjointed it is. This game would get a higher rating if it put gameplay at the forefront instead of story.

Overall, this game is a 6/10

This is a really satisfying game to play. If you want to sit down and have a chill and relaxing time, this is the perfect game to put on.

Overall, this game gets an 8/10.

This is a cute little platformer. I definitely enjoyed my time playing this charming and wonderful little game. It doesn't strive to be massive, but that imo isn't necessary. Not every video game needs to be a massive mind blowing experience, they just need to be fun, and Pikuniku succeeds at this pretty well.

Overall, this game is a 7/10.

This is easily the most boring Pokémon game I have ever played. The story is horribly written and nothing interesting even happens until after you beat all of the gyms (and even then, the stuff that happens makes no logical sense at all and is entirely idiotic). The gameplay isn't fun due to the lack of any slightly challenging fights, the hallway-like routes, the baren and empty wild areas, and the terrible online. The only reason the score I gave it isn't lower is because there are a lot of good new Pokémon designs.

Overall, this game gets a 2/10.

I have played Fortnite for a few years now, and I can definitely say that this game is an excellent example of a game that is never consistently good or consistently bad. The game's quality fluctuates so drastically that no season is able to stay good or stay bad, except for Chapter 2 Season 4 and Season X. C2S4 was consistently good and Season X was consistently awful. Hopefully Epic Games learns how to keep Fortnite consistently good, but that likely won't happen for a while.

Overall, this game gets a 5/10 due to it's massive lack of quality consistency.

Showdown Bandit is a massive disappointment especially because this game was made by the same studio who made both Bendy games, which are pretty good. So seeing that they made this boring slog is incredibly depressing. It's not one of the worst games I have ever played (as I have to really despise it to say that about it), more so I am apathetic towards this game, and as we learned from KOTOR, "Apathy is death."

Overall this game gets a 2/10.


The gunplay, enemy design, and level design in this game are all really good. While I prefer Doom's soundtrack to Quake's soundtrack, the music of Quake really helps amplify its foreboding atmosphere. Overall, this is a really good game.

This game gets an 8/10.

This is an immensely fun action rpg. I highly recommend checking this game out. The combat is insanely fluid and fun. The visuals are stunning, even by 2023's standards. The story is a beautiful story about a Kratos finally having a 2nd chance at being a father. My biggest complaints are the small enemy variety and the copy & paste bosses with not very many unique bosses like the greek trilogy had.

This game receives a 9.5/10. (Would be a 10/10 if it had more unique bosses and a bit larger enemy variety)