best story i've ever experienced in a game. From the characters, to the plot, to the themes, to how the game uses its mechanics to tell the story. Just a genuine masterpiece, and my favorite game of all time. This mf had me reading AO3s my nigga it's gotta be a goat

Pretty fun gacha that reminds me of brave frontier. i'm enjoying it.

best progression system in any game ever. endlessly fun it surprises me more games aren't inspired by terraria, or maybe they are just they don't do what terraria does as well as terraria.

one of my favorite stories in gaming, precisely because of how it used its game mechanics to tell it. The game mechanics themselves are contextualized in the story so well that they make you seriously stop and think on your decisions. I spoiled myself on the game after getting the neutral ending and the game even called me out for it, causing a little existential crisis for a month. Also probably the greatest soundtrack in gaming history.

My roguelike first love. Played this for hours and hours and hours in high school, just don't play much anymore because I've become so completion focused in it and am only now realizing how frustrating the game is.

such a crazy amount of fun when I was a kid. Beat the story on every difficulty multiple times, at least a few hundred hours in forge, exhausted firefight for everything it was worth, and made some serious memories in both online and local multiplayer. Just an incredible AAA game on all fronts, with so much FUN content that it's insane by today's standards. They simply don't make em like this anymore.

My favorite AAA game of all time. What astounds me about Skyrim is ever since I played it in 2013, it has stuck in my mind ever since, and I play it even more nowadays than I did back then. As I've grown older, I've become much more critical of the game's flaws, but something about this game keeps me crawling back. Been into the modding scene for Skyrim for a few years now, and it's been some of the most fun I've had in gaming.

The most RAW fun I've ever had in a video game, outside of maybe Terraria. This game makes my neurons fire so powerfully in so many acute ways that no other game can. I got it on release and played so much that I gave myself some kind of strain injury for the first time in my life. If this shit existed when I was a kid it'd easily be my favorite game of all time, but now it sits as one of my current favorites as an endless source of fun

There was a two and a half year stretch when I would have told you that melee was my favorite game of all time. It seriously consumed my entire life, from practicing to competing to enjoying it as a spectator and even watching the podcast of my favorite commentators. I wrote my college essays on melee. I viewed my favorite players as idols, and my least favorites as the devil. Some of my favorite memories in high school are tied to melee. I don't even remember much of my junior year, which should have been the most stressful, because melee was such a big part of my life. I loved the scene so much that when I saw it changing in a direction i didn't like I couldn't bring myself to continue following it. I know I was being a baby, but it genuinely broke my heart to see leffen hbox armada be the best players in the world. I damn near quit melee cold turkey, and now I'm so far removed from the scene that I can't even re-enter it.

fun fighting game! What I'm realizing is that being into a fighting game casually is impossible nowadays, and that keeps me from playing this much.

My personal favorite and most nostalgic Pokemon game. At a time, my favorite game of all time as well. To this day I believe the Gen 3 hoenn games had the greatest sense of adventure and balance between player agency and handholding.

Probably the most well written story in gaming. Both Nier games have the ability to make me feel a very palpable despair that I have not experienced in media otherwise.

DESPAIR DESPAIR DESPAIR DESPAIR DESPAIR end ending E is probably the best ending to any video game ever?

Top to bottom a masterpiece. The BEST open world I've ever experienced, incredibly good looking, perfect amount of linearity, incredible bosses (for the most part) and one of the best first experiences I've ever had in a game. The first time experience is so incredible that it hinders second playthroughs imo, the exploration is just that damn good.

It's good so far. I think I tainted my first few hours in it by playing it on the hard difficulty, a difficulty setting not designed well enough to frustrate myself with playing. The story we're getting centered on family is a lot more well developed and powerful that I initially imagined it to be.